Resolution 082-1977 RESOLUTION NO. 82 -1977 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CHAIR}~N OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH SOUTHERN RADIO- PHONE, INC. FOR THE MONROE COUNTY SOCIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT FOR THE MONROE COUNTY HOME MANAGER. WHEREAS, the Manager for the Monroe County Home should be in contact with said home at all times, and WHEREAS, the Commission desires to assure that the Manager can be contacted at all times via T/V Pager, now, there- fore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Mayor and Chairman be authorized to execute a Contract by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, and Southern Radio-Phone, Inc., a copy of same being attached hereto, for providing a T/V Pager for the Monroe County Home Manager under the Monroe County Social Services Department. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 17th day of May, 1977. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA /- , By " " ',.,,'- .' ,. c;"~( /"dL '" <(~/~ (J/,~<-, C e '-( ~7 <- *1~"",~ - _.____., _._ Mayor a dha~rman Attest: _"_-_'" ~) ~' / .. /' c', L- . t. reX' /<-~ -----e- (Seal) I HEREBY CERTIFY that this document has been review~d for legal suffi- ciency and that same meets with my approval. S _l'-''1 P _~_ ~ \-$l. MICHAEL H. CATES County Attorney APPROVED O~ BOOK .... ""-l'i~~, a ~~ \... TELEPHONES Homestead 245.4511 Key West thru Big Pine Key 745.3512 Key Largo and Islamorada 852.5113 SOUTHERN RADIO-PHONE, INC. 455 North Flagler Avenue Homestead, Florida 33030 SUBSCRIBER'S ORDER FOR SERVICE Monroe Connty Board of Connty Conrnissioners DATE May 4, 1977 Company Add ress P. O. Box l680 Key West, Florida 33040 Telephone 294-4966 ~ Carrier owned equipment Name and title of person to contact Miss Gwen Carr o Subscriber owned equipment Unit No, Type of Service Monthly Rate Make Model No. Serial No. Net Value 2405 T/V Paqer 25.00 .M:>toro1a A03EAC2468m R63R7J 275.00 . Total Basic Monthly Rate 25.00 1. Monthly charges are payable in advance each month. If any monthly charges are not pa id within seven (7) days from the due date, the carrier may, at his option, terminate service to the sub, scriber, and the subscriber shall forthwith return all above de- scribed equipment to the carrier. Failure of the subscriber to so reo turn shall subject subscriber to all costs, fees, and expenses, civil and or criminal, incurred by the carrier in retaking said equip- ment. and or effectuating collection of any indebtedness due. 2. The subscriber is responsible for the loss of or damage to equip- ment, used by the subscriber, caused by fire, theft, collision, or ,similar causes. as well as loss or damage caused by subscriber's agents or employees. 3, Upon termination of service, the subscriber, at his expense, shall return the equipment in good repair, by delivering it to such place as'me Carrier may specify, Charges will conti rue until equip. ment is returned, 4. It is understood by the subscriber that the radio equipment is now and shall remain the property of the Carrier, unless a lessor, party. or the subscriber is named above under make of equipment. 5. Service to the equipment, or installation and removal of radio equipment in vehicles, will be done only by Service Shops and at locati~ns specified by the Carrier. It shall be the responsibility of the subscriber to deliver, at his expense, the equipment or the vehicle to the specified location. Replacement or repair of primary sour~es of power, including batteries, shall be charged to the sub- scriber if required, Carrier: Southern Radio.Phone, Inc. Shop & Location specified in 3 and-or'S above: paqing operator 745-35l2 Total Net Value 275.00 Basic monthly rate. . .$ 25.00 Tax State Fed Security deposit Installation N/A Other 25.00 Total, payable in advance 6. The subscriber shall indemnify the Carrier against, and hold the Carrier harmless from, any and all claims, actions, proceedings, expenses, damages and liabilities, including attorneys' fees, aris. ing in connection with the equipment,. including without limitation, its manufacture, selection, purchase, delivery, possession, use, operation or return and the recovery of claims under insurance policies thereon, 7. The above items numbered 2,3, and 4, shall not apply if the Sub- scriber owns the equipment. 8. This contract is subject to the carrier's tariff provisions and all rules and regulations of the Public Service Commission applicable thereto, all of which are made a part of this agreement by refer, ence, and the originilJ of which or a copy thereof are available for inspection at the carrier's office any time during normal business hours. Subscriber: '"-\''' By Title ---- -/--- "-~~