Resolution 092-1977 RESOLUTION NO. 92- 1977 RESOLUTION EXPRESSING NON- INTEREST IN PARTICIPATING IN COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY PROGRAM IN MONROE COUNTY WHEREAS the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, after due consideration, have determined that it is not interested in participating in the Community Action Agency Program at this time, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that the Board go on record as expressing its desire not to participate in a Community Action Agency Program at this time and the Clerk is authorized to forward a copy of this reso- lution to Mr. Issac Withers, Dade County Community Action Agency, 395 NW lst Street, Miami, Florida. RESOLVED in regular meeting at Plantation Key, Monroe County, Florida this 24th day of May, AD 1977. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: /' 7 ./ /~ " //". ~,/ /.", , ,. t( 11/7/);- /, LY____ Mayor/Chairman ~/".. I HmE~Y CERTt~Y that this l~?\':moot ~Aa5 been re~iewQd for legal sUif\~lellc1. "rod tent and \Ilat tbe same me,* Wltil my con ~~\ ~ . (j.~ approvaL RICHARD ~: PA\r~E Asd. Covr.ty flUert:&y s- .~ 'J '"l ~Ott P \,u PAGE.__ -'- BOOK - - --