Resolution 105-1977 RESOLUTION NO.I05 -1977 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING DIRECTOR OF CETA ADMINISTRATION OFFICE TO CONTRACT FOR SERVICES IN CETA PROGRAMS WHEREAS, due to cancellation of scheduled meetings from June 8, 1977, to July 5, 1977, the Board of County Commissioners finds it exceedingly difficult to carryon CETA employment pro- grams, and WHEREAS, this resolution is a mechanism whereby during June 8, 1977, to July 5, 1977, CETA employee positions can be staffed on a contractual basis pending approval by the Board at the July 5, 1977, scheduled meeting, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COW1ISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That the Director of the CETA Administration Office is hereby authorized in the situation of vacant CETA employee positions to contract for services providing the following proce- dure is followed: a. That the contract for services be placed on the July 5, 1977, scheduled Board agenda for Board approval. b. That the individual so contracted with for CETA services agrees in writing that his employment is only temporary and is not a contract for labor and will only continue until the July 5, 1977, scheduled Board meeting and that his continued em- ployment beyond said July 5, 1977, Board meeting may not be approved by the Board and that if it is not approved by the Board, that his services will then cease except that he will be entitled to compensation for his services from date of contract to dis- approval at the existing rate of pay in effect for that position at the time of contracting except that no sick leave or annual leave shall accrue to him by virtue of his contract for services. c. The Clerk shall be notified of such contract for services and is authorized to make payment to said individual on the pay period of June 15, 1977, and/or June 30, 1977, for services performed. Page 1 of 2 Pages APPRovtO ON~. P. BOOK ,..~:. '},..f)d . ~" _. .,~, __ PAGE_11-L::t--,.-. 2. It is the intent of the Board that the provisions con- tained herein shall be only temporary and shall be used only during the period of June 8, 1977, to July 5, 1977. DONE at Key West, Monroe County, Florida, this 7th day of June, A.D. 1977. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE C~UN7' F~LOR?I~:. By p 1(~!::-z~ /~~~ ~ ~ayor an Chairman (Seal) Attes t :-----::> L~~/L7~ I HEREBY CERTIFY that this document has been reviewed for legal suffi. ciency and that the same meets with my approyal~, ~ County Attorney's Office Page 2 of 2 Pages