Resolution 109-1977 RESOLUTION NO. 109 - 1977 RESOLUTION REQUESTING PUBLICATION OF CERTAIN REPORTS COMPILED BY THE MARINE RESOURCE INVENTORY TEAM. WHEREAS, the Marine Resource Inventory Team of the Monroe County Sea grant Marine Advisory Program, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, has recently compiled, after extensive research, two reports of regional significance and will by October I, 1977 have completed six more reports which will also have regional significance, and WHEREAS, said reports, in addition to having regional sig- nificance, also have great importance to the citizens of Monroe County, Florida, and WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA have heretofore designated the Commercial Fishing Industry in Monroe County as the number one industry in Monroe County in importance and long term to Monroe County so that the Board in all of its endeavors will recognize and foster all contributions and activities which will enhance and protect said industry, and WHEREAS, the publication of and wide distribution of the eight reports so compiled, not only in Monroe County but throughout the Southeastern States will insure that said reports will provide the maximum benefit to all persons, and WHEREAS, through the Florida Sea Grant Program's regular publication series, said reports would receive the regional distri- bution that would render them useful to the maximum extent possible, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that DR. HUGH POPENOE, Director of the Florida Sea Grant Program, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida be and he is hereby requested by the Board to review, edit as required and publish the following reports within the Florida -2- Sea Grant Program's Regular Publication Series, to-wit: 1. The Mackerel Resources of Monroe County and adjacent areas. 2. The Commercial Sponge Fishing of Florida - I. Biology and Utilization of the Commercial Sponges; II. Sponge Culture Potential in Monroe County. 3. An Analysis of the Stone Crab, Menippe Mercenaria (Say), Industry In Monroe County, Florida. 4. An Analysis of the Aquarium Fish Collecting Industry in Monroe County, Florida; Part II. Exploitation and Management. 5. Monroe County Deepwater Fishing and Resource Potentials and Gear Needs. 6. The Inshore Snapper/Grouper Fishing of Monroe County; Biology and Exploitation. 7. A Review of the Tarpon (Megalops Atlantica Valenciennes). 8. Marine Inshore Invertibrates of Monroe County; Exp1oita- tion and Management Needs. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board extend its sincere appreciation to the Marine Resource Inventory Team of the Monroe County Marine Advisory Program of the Florida Cooperative Extension Service for their work in compiling the reports and for their service to the Citizens of Monroe County, Florida. RESOLVED in Regular Meeting at Key West, Monroe County, Florida this 7.th day of June, A.D. 1977. P"~i V. n ~ ~ 1 " \. ;; . _.,.... ""/ Attest:. I\tu. p ~ ~\'Mb~ ~ Ill: o Clerk J BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MO~OE ~T~IUDA . ......~'""'1! '~ _ tco-'c;;~::1,~~ '''," ,.~ --r-t" -'t-L~k" ____ ,\t.\U y: ~ ----- ...,... .. Ma'yor /Cha irman ' ~ ., .." ., I HmE3Y cann that t~is t!o~m.ment hat been reviewed for h:r,a! S;.;f~i~Itt1r.X end content and that tba :;ame AGts Whn my approvaL ~~CH~lp.D G~'t A .~ ,.....',,,/'.. 1l,'1' 1;''''\::1''1 ~s... \U.\li"'1..d:>t., .tl \.....,