Resolution 111-1977 RESOLurION NO. III -1977 WHEREAS, the South Florida CETA Consortium has received funds for the operation of Public Service Einployrrent Programs under Title VI of the Canpre- hensive Einployrrent and Training Act of 1973, and WHEREAS, said South Florida CETA Consortium has allocated certain funds to be spent in M::mroe County, Florida, for the operation of a Public Service Einployrrent Program beginning June 15., 1977, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Comnissioners of Monroe County, Florida has allocated the folla,ving sums: Board of Public Instruction of Monroe County, Florida City of Key West $106,000.00 $ 62,400.00 now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COM-ITSSIONERS OF MJNROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the South Florida CETA Consortium allocate the above funds to these bodies, and that the Board of Public Instruction of Monroe County, Florida; and City of Key West be authorized to contract directly with the South Florida CETA Consortium to irrplerrent their individual program, BE IT FURl'HER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD, that the Clerk of said board be, and he is hereby authorized to forward certified copies of this resolution to the South Florida CETA Consortium. DATED: June 7, 1977. BOARD OF COUNTY CCM-ITSSIONERS OF IDNROE ~' FIDI3IDA // ~/ ~ ~/~ .I ~., By: . ,~ , or and ainnan ...- '.. ----- At~t'4ftUc~ '--' erk ~ee.ROVED ON P BOOK _ ' to .~ -,7 PAGE ,c:2. () ~ ----"'.. '"