Resolution 113-1977 113 RESOLUTION NO. -1977 WHEREAS, the Monroe County Council of the Aging, Inc., is desirous of transferring the title to the 1976 Ford van, I.D. #E23HHA04343, Title #10882063, being used by said Council in their Nutrition Program to Monroe County, Florida, for the purpose of continuing transportation services to the elderly, and WHEREAS, Monroe County, Florida, is desirous of accepting said transfer of title to said 1976 Ford van for use in said Nutrition Program, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the title to the 1976 Ford van, I.D. #E23HHA04343, Title #10882063, in the name of the Monroe County Council of the Aging, Inc., is herebj accepted with the stipulation that so long as the title to the van remains in the name of Monroe County, Florida, that the County will continue to furnish not less than the same level of transportation services preset1y being provided by the County, and that at any time the transportati0n services shall be discontinued by the County, then the title to said 1976 Ford van shall revert back to the grantor, the Monroe County Council of the Aging, Inc. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Mayor and Chairman and the Clerk of said Board are hereby authorized to execute the necessary documents to effect the transfer of said title. DATED July 5, 1977. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLQRIDA By (Seal) ---~--........ Attest: // ) / ,/ Z;;,>-~ ( ~~ U/)/i'. c~. ~ . er I HERE3Y . C~nTin thgt til:~ i;Jni::;i::H\ ;lflS been revlcwed for I~gcj !-:J':i'L::1~r::,;, ~::,1 content and that the sam" m0~t; wi'~~ lr:l approval. ~---eu~ ~ f{. . ' . RICHARD G. r-A~ As.... C""T"" ,1,,-,., '. " . It).L. v'~~~~:' .-;:.,-t'Jj,'L~>; BOOK t\~ 5.'"'\'"' P PAGE~ \ \ AP'PROVrD ON