Resolution 116-1977 RESOLUTION NO. 116 -1977 WHEREAS, it is necessary to increase items under the General Revenue Fund of the Monroe County Budget for the year 1976-77, to account for unanticipated funds received from other governmental agencies and local sources, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1, That th~ General Revenue Fund of the Monroe County Budget for the year 1976-77, be and the same is hereby increased by the sum of $22,484,00 as follows: (1) There is hereby created under "Revenue" in the General Revenue Fund of the Monroe County Budget for the year 1976-77, items to be known as Item #1192.33 RSVP (Federal) - $20,984.00 and Item #1423.02 RSVP United '.Jay - $1,500.00, which said items shall contain the sum of $,22,484.00, (2) The following increase is hereby authorized under "Expenditures" in the General Revenue Fund of the Monroe County Budget for the year 1976-77, Item #5347.03.102 Salari,es $ 13,000.00 '" Item #5347.03.105 Matching Costs $ 1,133,00 Item #5347.03.106 Group Insurance $ 552.00 Item #5347,03,205 Office Supplies $ 300,00 Item #5347.03.326 Food and Dietary $ 2,055.00 Item #5347.03,328 Travel $ 4,280,00 Item #5347.03.335 Communications $ 700,00 Item #5347,03.341 Contractual Services $ 239.00 Item #5347,03.402 Capital Outlay Equipment $ 225.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be, and that upon receipt of the above unanticipated Page 1 of 2 Pages APPROVED ON~ ,.. 5 . '1 , ~ PAGE~ ~ BOOK funds, he is hereby authorized and directed to place said funds in said items, as set forth above, DATED July 5, 1977, Attest: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA , /. By Ma~~'i~a/~~~-- (Seal) / (. ) ~ ~f" /--- t-?"'''~ ~"<:t;i: ~/ ~~"4t / ,..., .. /" C er I HEREBY CERTIFY that this document has been reviewed for legal suffi- ciency and that the same meets with my approval. By County Attorney's Office Page 2 of 2 Pages