Resolution 226-1976 RESOLUTION NO. ? ?f'\-l976 WHEREAS, the Veterans Council of Monroe County has re- quested the Board of County Commissioners to approve the attached resolution, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that it hereby approves the attached resolution and directs the Clerk to forward certified copies of same to the officials named in said resolution. DATED December 28, 1976. Y COMMISSIONERS TY, FLORIDA - By (Seal) Attest: / 0ucb~P=- 7 ler . I HEREBY CERTIfY th1t t!i:s ~I)r.ume~t has been rc-vicwt;~\ 'i(n IC'Gu, ~::fi~,~;ency r.nd ::::::~andJ!:~ i: ;'~r;? ~ PAUL E. s~wlft CountJ Attorney Rf.s.QJ...!.!.IIQfi 1t1. lli SUPPORT QE ESTABLIStl.llID. A ELO.Rl.DA STATE VETERANS tlQ'1E. lli SOLITHEAST FLORIDA MiEREAS) there has already been a bill pre-filed in the 1977 Florida Stat:e Legislature designating the TIorida Panhal"ldle and the Tampa Bay area for the establishment of state veterans home, and WHEREAS) there exists a need for a state veterans home in the Southeast TIorida area due to Jrore than 400,000 veterans residing in the region, ~JHEREAS) t-bnroe County is a geograhpical part of Southeast Florida with a significa~t veteran population of 14,000 THEREFORE) be it resolved that the Florida State Legislature incorporate in the aforementioned bill designating Southeast Florida for the establis:-l.'":"!2.l'Lt of a state veterans home, and THEREFORE) be it further resolved that copies of this resolution be passed on The Honorable Joseph B Allen, Jr., Member of the 120th District, Floric.a.. State Legislattwe (Monroe Connty), The Honorable Bill l.Dckward, Chairm3n 1 of the Veterans Ca-:mi ttee, Florida State legislature, the Honorable Paul E Esquinaldo, member of Governor's Veterans Advisory Conncil, and to such other interested members of the Florida State Senate and Florida State Legislature. Approved by the Executive Board of the Veterans Conncil of Monroe Cotmty on this /.2 of/'day of "D.e.~eMbe'l1971 upon the recommendation ~~~e Advocate Judge Paul ~~_~~_ , Executive Board ~ Exe v Secretar The above resolution was passed on the floor by the delegates of the Veterans Conncll of Monroe County this /2.T#day of ~197 iL. ,...c.-- k:#d~LAh? U. r, VeTerans Conncil Jtdio{tl~