Resolution 007-1969• ' C.`..'P:tRT"[.7f? " I17^;i;,1ANCR OF PROJECT C0'15TINCrZD k'IT;i SIX01TANY OAS - TAX FUNDS HEI7RAI Ulf 0? Atilll h-MINT MIS AGRr"22, r.2de and ontorod into this 8th day of April 69* PLORIAi, o co:ponsnE y , r 19 by and botraan the STAsw ROAD DYYAHTP29P oY aaono of tiro Stato of Florida harcinattar called tho Dapartnont, and the COUnrY Or^ Monroe e called tho Cc'.3aV8 `, horginarter 11I TNEa� S E— TN: tTi^^A7, by Florida $tetuCea, 1965, 335.0111, the oxyonditurs of aaeondary road Nndo tar the eonatr•uction End r000nattvctlon of reads, blare:aye avid c:unicipal ocnuooCinlia4a theroof and city atrooto waa cutherisadl end tRD •3, the county hse deeleaated Job No, ' 90610-3608-Ke 1st and 2nd addition for ooustructloD (or raoonstruotion)frog —L expondin Cho Ceu:ty under the provisions of Floridn $taLutao, Section 205,tjll, goaolina tax funds accrulnZ to thj Dapartnont for FloridDI and .Article IX, Section 16, of the Conetitutlon of tho State of si Qnd an� , t'i=AMS, said wor4c has boon raquoatod by the County to. be oc"ploted by tho Dspar-wont under the Dopartmont'a suparviaion" in accordrnoo uith tho opooificationa of the Doprrtno:lt: and L4{Pi1;�3, the Count/ doelros, after Ch Gunioip0o eomplotlon of said road, highway, municlpal.eonnoeting link, or city atraot, that cold toad, 1 conzoctluS link, or city stroot be rataincd on tho State SomI dart' Road System and to gcinCainod by the DepartoanE. EOY, '".'e i"t70Cn+ Vila I+,1^ P11Rn UI:l(E3sETit aE in oonaidaration of•the presaisoe and oonvonanLa herainafCar aeL forth to Do kept and porforael by each of thr parties ho" to, it is horaby mutually convonantod and agrood as follows: 1. The DOpertsonE grill eaa----------------------- Job No. 90610 lst and 2nd addition to tho etrto aecondary road Ayatom and conetruct or rwoonstruct cold project charging nil coats of the project to gacolino teR tunds accruing to tho Dapartmant for use In Monroe nty under the a of rida atatutaa, SOctioa 203.V4, and Article IX of the Cenatitution of tho State of Florida and the conatruction orur000natruotion at vcoldnprojoctawill be in cenplianeo with roquiroz!onta of too Florida 3 atutaa and the Dapartnont Rsgulationa rolating to'oxpondituro of sac ,,dart' g000llrN tax hmda and construction of made on thi state aoeardery road ayaton, ' 2. Said worlr shall be porforwod under tho Daparkxontra suporvloion'in &ccordano6 with the apcalPicationa of the DopnrtrOoE. 3. Upon complot,ion and Acceptance by tho D:portwrant of acid road, highway, nunielpal eonnooting link, or -city atre0t, it to undorstood •and cgroad that the DspArtUOnt will rotain said road, highway, municipal connecting link or city street on thr eoaondory ayaton and porforn .nainten:aco !a cecord;.ueo with the usual atendardo for ncintonAnco of the Dapartnont and under the suporvlsion of the Doparts0ntla State Righway Erg in eo r. 4. 8hs CouuEy agraoo to the oxpaudituro of All funds nrooasary for tho ao!•ntonanco on a current bnale of Lho Grorc_,::ntionad project, acid ataa 'to bo.d0duotcd from the Covnty.+s nooaadary tea tax Accruals on a currant basis. 5. the County raroos to ind�anlfy, dofand, save and hold harmloas the Dapartnont'from any and all claiNs of any nature Ynat{,cover erielr cut of or bacauao of this Agroonont. Ill WITIM33 i re:.EOF, tha p:rtioo horoto have 0ausod thoaa presents to be executed, the day and your first ebova written. 11ITarSSE$: ... STATE ROAD DEPAR77IE11T OF FLORIDA BY: 'xocu voi3i'roe or A�:o l -e pa:.�`- g •_"..` � —._� ATPEST: �(S!'AL) Tub are ary v roe C ui IRIDA a ocn'y 'OI::A as oiiopa, e awn M 2roe County Clark o a`C rcu our as ox-o t%io der otCx1 e`Ta d) of County Commiasioners of. Monroe County, Florld.a .. RESOLUTION No. 7-1969- SEC ONDARY ROADS - . RESOLUTION ADOPTING EXECUTION OF HDIORANDUM OF AOREEtw.(T BET'T STATE ROAD DEPARTHENT, A COMPONENT AGENCY OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA AND COUNTY OF Monroe A POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF THE STATE OF FLORID MWFAS, the State Road Departmant has agreod to construct that certain road described a. Beach -Sirs. in Key Colony, 1st and 2n-d addition JobNo. 90610-3608- Key ('.n7ony d,., — and W'E'FAS+ ��LD11rOP. County desires that *said road be rotalnod,on the 'state secondary road aystom In accordance with the' Agroement modo and ontorod Into between the Dapartnont and 19_-_M nrnn county, daiod the • 8th day of Apri - ' •. Nor.(, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO}14I5$IOHER$ OF COUNTY, FLORIDA: 8 th—_'GRr9P Section 1, That certain Agreemont dated the day of � Apri �. ly 69 , by and. between the Stets Road Dspartacent of },,,;rda, a oomponont,agoney of the State of Florida And the County of _ Mon r op be axecutod by the Chat man of this hard and attested to by the Clark of the Circuit Count as Ex-officto Clerk of this Board. Section 2, That this Agroomant be and the same hereby is an obligation and covenant of the County of _ each And ovaMonroe ry respect and the liabilities thorein contained shall be the liabilities of the County of •29133�6.in . an s Dasis for the life of snpontinuingid Agreement, � -' - Section 3. That the Agrooment shall -be a part of•this Aoaolution in each and ovary respect and that a certified copy of this Roaoluilon shall ba submitted to the State Road Department of Florida end sholl accompany each executed copy of the Agreement dated this 8 th Ley of Apri 1_ 1969 STATE OF F'LO�R DA -- - CO Nj,y OF 1h_onroe - I HEREBY CERTIFI' that the foregoing is a truo and correct copy of Resolution passed by the Board of L'oynty Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, At mooting held the 8 th day of Apri 1 - , A.D. 19 69 , and recorded in ttie Cor.misslon minutes. IN WITNESS WHL'iEop, I hereunto sot my hand and official coal this 8th of Apr .i1 A.D.' 19 69 , (SEAL) e T E BisAllrTiSZ7iJF IYZ'b u37"? YSiI_ff..T - 7 Monroe - COUNTY, FLORIDA r�ti 9 FLORIDA, :S, I{ATL.E, y s R'OA D� r,Dt PART :',°E N T --`'` BOARD MEMBERS JAY W. BROWN �\� MICHAEL O.O`NEIL MIAMI CHAIRMAN COMMISSIONER WILLARD PEEBLES WILDWOOD VICE-CHAIRMAN TALLAHASSEE DONALD R.CRANE,JR. ST.PETERSBURG J.JuD CHALMERS JACKSONVILLE April 14, 1969 JAMES LEE CRESTVIEW Mr. Earl R. Adams Clerk of Circuit Court Monroe County Courthouse Key West; Florida Re: Job No. 90610-3608 - Typical Section Dear Mr. Adams: In accordance with a telephone conversation with Mr. Jim Glass, I am enclosing copy of the typical section for the above numbered job. Please accept my apology for this mixup. It would be appreciated if you would execute this document at your earliest convenience and return it to this office along with the maintenance agreement, for execution by the Department. Sincerely, Emmett L. Owens Engineer of Secondary Roads ELO:kt Encl. 1 I „..._ ____,i S�`a c/aro! C/carin,�l a/7d �rv66/n� C`SU/`y'r --�. OS� T . • • em ' >< --+r. C �l\ ' i f�� �/1 • . 6 •/ .• Gro��d asp •• C , • • a n C! /. i .,5//•'c C'i J� !/"/Q 7%0 G7 ' L2 S. 1 J- '/%O/ �O Sf/"c-e F:-4, ` , 73) S . y L.' Sdta»c/arc/ C/ea r/r?y a�7c/ 0 r.'v,�Z/ng ' . j 1 • . L,4 E;�.7 d 1:� �; I Varies. •./6 fo /. , -1,-. > , , . . .. ,...,...;‘, L, /,/ , • 6: G,- — .I./,CL- - ,/ 6. 1 : Ground it eo . Cora/ /ape (Covnr• y Road) . . A D T mot' ice•. _ • «� S.E-C1 T/O//� 19 GS AD T -3 0 0 COI)) • l979 AST = 560 L 0 . . • Construct enT/r�e /c,;`,/f/?'..07 ;rocccibe0�. YUI••71h rr,a/eria./ Sui/a6/e • •1 ) 89At)T = 700 ` for. ro. .c/4 base co frUC7`/on, r,fcarciry Rnci./'efli) s/).ronc�f id../ to ¢ K=13� D = �9 L �'�,� L a . . S✓p/A of 0 �/ r.. t U// >;c:/i•) o .o r0lon S c e;/ `,cc vc� -lent• '/—rii C anci ' 1.,s co/; i/'uc / o In.ovs svrXic6' rre4:1n2ent..,7" • 0 : COUNTY 'APPROVAL • COUNTY SECTION JOB FUND SYSTEM I ROAD NO. .Fit. I:;U;. mu! • I hereby certify that this typical section . • . _ and estimate of cost was approved by the / / Board of County Cimmissioners i a duly A,,,/o i ra e • 90 :/c) 3 Oa G,�� , . , assembled meetin on the _0• '�-" • day of (-' Z A.D. • such approval tieing incorporated in the TERMINI �� / / LE\C'AII LST. CC • • minutes of said meeting. �/ c01 o1 / B�cz cJ — ,.)IS, %/7 (SISAL) • In witness whereof, I have hereto :iffised 1? y r^ r v c��.. /�[� �} /�/ �L • / Q 1 my hand and official seal this e f/ �o/? J .� " /J c/U/;/ /Dr) �'u //,' • day of , A.D. •�f (CONS'[':?�C' APPROVED APPROVAL RECOMMENDED • r y Clerk of the Circuit Court G � ��A • �. ! • of County i STATEROAD DEPARTMENT DAT/E BUREAU OF PUBLIC ROi\DS r ):',"'