Resolution 033-1969U'.':iS., fit -T ,,,I 7IT:i. '• Is OF ,,[,2ti;7.;iN.', mad_• and enteral into thisllz da of'-�/CC�U ` '` c r >•• �� y 19 / by and tx!twocn the 'lr\.E cIF ru)TuRl D'cl.rv:.:u:a' n cam:on5n".. a,tency of the State of Florida, hur_inatter called tin^ i)epartcc;nt, and tie cww OF Monroe hereinafter caUed tho County: W1 T NESSETH: F�isT_%S, by Florida Statutes, 1965, 335.041, the expenditure of secondary road furxis for the construction and reconstruction of roads, hiclrays and sa rucioal connecting links thereof and city streets was authorized: and tvrMAS,'the County has designated, job NQ. 90 04-1109,Streets on Plantation Key in Venetian Shore- Mi1arroUr.,-O=V ,.rra�r. - ------- Venetian Blvd. ,Giardino Dr., for construction (or reconstruction) fran gasoline tax fund- accruing to the Departamnt for err_nditure i.•'t tde Ccx.-ity under the provisions of Florida Statutes, Section 208.44, and Article IX, Section 16, of the Constitution of the State of Florida: and MIEMAS, said work los been requested by ':}x: County to be completod by the Department undor the Department's supervision in acconiance with flue specifications of the Departnrnt; vttl 1-411-10RS, the County desires, after the canpletion of said road, highay, nnnn.icipnl caonnecti.nl link, or city street, that said road, municipal aoiwctinl link, or city street be retainal on the State Secondary =laid Systom and x ;rinta.inecl by the Der,or.urwnt. NUJ, TIIEMU-10RL•', THIS INDIMURE WI'IT, _.SLIrII. That in consideration of the prendces and covenants hereinafter set forth to be kept and L.erfoircA bl •each of the parties hereto, it is hereby trutually covenantal and agreed as follomm: 1. The, Dcpartnvnt will add Jo n 6qg Q� �l An a ; op�P3T 1n Venetian Shore -La r., everino Dr. -' Venetian Blvd. ,Giardino Dr., to the state secondary road system and construct or reconstruct said project charging all costs of the praJect to gasoline tax funis accruing to the DepartmenL- for use in Monroe County under the provisions of Florid., Statutes, S—icsa.20S.44, and Article 1X of the Constitution of the State of Florida and the construction or reconstruction of said project will be in compliance with requirements of the Florida Statutes and the Departm--->t Regulations relating to expenditure of secondary gasoline tali funds and construction of roads on the state secondary road system. 2. Said work shall be performed under the Department's supervision in accordance with the specifications or the Department. 3. Upon ompletion are acceptance by the Department of said road, highway, municipal connecting link, or city street, it is understood and aT7e d that the Departrrent will retain said mad, highway, municipal connecting link or city street on the secondary system and perform rrairte:ance irL accordance with the usual standards for maintenance of the Department and under the supervision of the Department's State Highway Engineer. 4. The County agree to the expenditure of all funds necessary for the maintenance on a current basis of the afor mentioned project, said suns to be deducted from the County's secondary gas tax accruals on a current basis. 5. The County agrees to indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless the Department from any and all claims of any nature whatsoever arising out of or because of this Agent. IN VUTZ%= Lm'fIEF F, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed, the day and year first above written.. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTNI Z,T OF TRkNSPORTAT1aN BY: Director of Administration As to the Department . Secretary Ca,-,,-,Y, F1Iq • � Cha an, o s s Monroe gun ty As; do Vie -County (SLAT,) Clerk of the Circuit Court as ex-offrcio Clerk of the -3ard Of County Camussioners of _��%f < — County, Florida RsoLvrlox.no• 33-1969-SECONDARY ROADS . RESOLLTION ADOPTd1'G EXL.CUTICN OF t•^l•140RANDUP1 OF AGREPP'i[SVP B TIVIUV TIE STATE OF FLOIL DA DEPARR 1.r OF TRAhS•PORTIATION, A CUITM= AG&XY OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA AND THE CDa%rY OF Monroe A POISTICAL SUBDIWSIQV OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA - • z=.5, the ,ITS' Or FWPIDA DE?ARTW:'T Ov TRAN.SPORTATIQY has agreed to construct that certain road described as Job NO. 905Q4- 3609, Streets on Plantation.Key in Venetian Shore -Venetian Blvd.,.Giardino Dr.,. arO Milano Dr., Severino Dr. I*EEPEAS, Monroe Cormty desires that said mad be retained on the state secondary road system in accordance with the. Agreement rade and entered into between the Departent and Monroe County, dated the % u: 4kday of ��1PVZ+.-0</(s 19 %9W, %rZ:REFoPF., B]F. IT RESOLVED BY THE BOAM OF CO(LINTO.rY CISSI0i'am OF /' Monroe _ CCUITY,-rWRIDrA: Section 1. That certain Agreement dated the ja " clay of �;>y-� p(,rir , 19 by and between the s-A_F G rwaiDA OF TPINSPORTATION, a component agency of the State of Florida and the County of Monroe be executed by the Chairman of this P:ard and attested to by the Clerk of the Circuit Court as lit-officio Clerk of this Board. Section 2. That this Agreement be and the same hereby is an obligation and covenant of the County of Monroe in each znd every respect and the liabilities therein contained shall be the liabilities of the County of Monroe on a continuing ix-s:n for the life of said : grooment. Section 3. T•nat• the Agreement shall be a part of this Resolution in each and. every respect and that a certified copy of this Resolution shall N submitted to the STATE OF FIARTDA D!72TR 'AT OF TRXL SAICIIIATION and shall hcL-aP.=y each executed copy of the A.preemart datee this%��day zv �L 41,12 f G . ��/�If� �� • `f / per/ � � I/ . � �� �/i�%%f� i'TLt�%� �!%�/tl��S C I rs��.��%V��✓ �7��7 ////Cy// SC/.C,/Fj�,�l� COUNTY APPROVAL I hereby certify ..that 'this typical section COUNTY SECTION ' JOB FUND SYSTEM. ROAD NO. FA and estimate of cost was.•approved by the Board of County Cimmissioners in a duly • .. wlcQ� .. assembled 'meeting on the day of A-.D. such approval being incorporated, in the - . minutes of said meeting.. TERMINI %r%�1 �/r✓tr'/���/�/%,r��ifff: ff%��/�'4G/U%�rl° LENGTH (SEAT) In witness whf, I hheretffixed ereohave o a ==? f ; .°�" _ �� r / . ,r �•? r , r rr`.'::'_�" /�f`,V•r'��*+,�cf�. �'�s-"���r�i%/!�%�Di.� 2 A/ �J/`��L�J my hand and official seal this COt'1 day .of - A.D. APPROVED APPROVAL REC04NIMENDED Clerk of .the Circuit Court" �.iY�-„� 'i r..cs�..i•..:�n�-�co:'•3o�x_f ."_ _ � '`„t ', d=rYF`-��IiL•'y�':' �,-' �a . � �� - __ Comity I -- — STATE. RCi:11).t.)�:Prtl? I \l.1sN1' „? DA1. - --BUREAU OF I'U111,1C ROADS