Resolution 003-1968YEAR 1968 RESOLUTABNO.9-1968 - SO DARY ROADM STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY RESOLUTION ON USE of 80% SEVLNTH CENT GAS TAX and OTHER SECONDARY ROAD FU;:'DS RESOLUTION NO. S-1968 - SECONDARY ROADS NO. 3- 19 8 COUNTY Monroe WHEREAS, under Section 208.44 Florida Statutes, ]mown as the "Secondary Road Assistance Act of 1949 and Section 339.08 Florida Statutes, the State Road Department will receive 60`6 of the proceeds of this county°s pro-rata share of the Seventh Cent gasoline tax, to be used as prescribed by regulations of the said Department within this County, as requested by resolu- tion of this Board of County Commissioners and approved by the Department for one or more of the following purposes: Construction, reconstruction; main- tenance and repair of State roads and bridges, the lease or purchase of bridges connecting State roads, the acquisition of rights of way for State roads, and the reduction of road and bridge indebtedness; and i-IHEREAS, The.State Road Department has requested this County Board to recommend the purpose for which, and the roads on which, this County's 80`0 surplus gas tax and Federal Aid Secondary allocations should be spent for construction and improvement; and [WHEREAS, the State Road Department requires this information so that it may -be considered in the preparation of the Annual Budget of the State Road Department; and WHERLAS, this Board conferred with the State Road Department con- cerning the projects to be selected and the specifications with respect thereto, NOW TI ERI FORti . i E IT RESOLVED THAT the State Road Department is hereby requested to use such funds for construction (including rights of wa;T acquisitior. surveys, plans maintenance, etc.) of the following roads: r ® r DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR USE OF SECONDARY ROAD FUNDS FOR 196 8 PRIORITY NUIv7EER 1 2 3 II 5 0 7 N. 0 Location DESCRIPTION Stock Island Road from U. S. 1 to Junior College Key Largo 5-905 Lake Surprise to Old Card Sound Road Key Largo 5-905 Old Card Sound Road to Ocean Reef Club Stock Island Rebuilding, including drainage and sidewalks, Key Haven Blvd., Ala- manda Ave., Amorilla Dr., Ala- manda Terr. , Arbutus Dr., Azalea Dr., Aster Terr. , and Key Haven Terr. , all in Key Haven (P. B. 4, pgs. 46, 65, 93, 115 & 152) Key West A 50 ft. street, being the extension of Northside Dr., from Kennedy Dr. Westerly between Parcels 9 & 14 and Northerly on Westerly side of Parcel 9 (12th St. ) said street be- ing shown as a proposed road on Plat recorded in P. B. 3j pg. 35 Key Largo Atlantic Ave., Bahama Ave., Marina Ave. & Caribbean Dr., Port Largo (P. B. 5, pg. 3) Sugarloaf Roads in Indian Mound Est. (P. B. 4, pg. 132) Seminole, Caloosa & Tequesta Sts. Key Largo Road in NW 1 /4 of Sec. 31, T 60 S R 40 E (P. B. 5, pg. 11) Big Coppitt Rebuild F Ave. from 4th St. to Barcelona Dr. ,' incl. Barcelona. Resurface Puerto Dr. in Coppitt Sub. (P. B. 4, pg. 50) and Gulf - rest Park (P. B. 4, pgs. 119 & 157) Coppitt Road a Length Miles 0.72 3. 0 0. 26 1.5 0. 73 0. 5 0. 95 ®• r • • • DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR USE OF SECONDARY ROAD FUNDS FOR 196 8 (Cont'd. ) PRIORITY Location DESCRIPTIONd Length NUM Miles 10 Key West Resurface Riviera Dr. in Riviera Shores (P. B. 3, pg. 48). Cons. (incl. sidewalks) Trinidad Dr. & Airport Blvd. in Riviera- Shores, 1st Add. (P. B. 5, pg. 85) George St. (Flagler Ave. to Atlantic Blvd. ) Resurface Roosevelt Dr. in Sun- shine Sub. (P. B. 2, pg. 169); Re- surface 2nd & 3rd Sts. from Roose- velt to Seidenberg 1.53 11 Big Pine Key County Road (U.S. 1 to Don's Court) in Pine Hammock (P. B. 3, pg. 163) 0.27 12 Stock Island Extend Cross St. from 9th Ave. to 12th Ave. 2nd St. (2nd Ave. to 4th Ave. ) 13 Big Pine Key Pine Way (Ave. B Easterly to Beach) in Palm Villa (P. B. 1, pg. 89) 0.10 14 Key Largo Ocean View Drive (Transylvania Ave. to Shoreland Dr. , excluding canal) in Anglers' Park Shores (P. B. I, pg. 148) 0. 30 15 Key Colony Beach 4th, 5th, 6th Sts. in Amended Plat of Key Colony Beach - 1st Add. (P. B. 4, pg. 11) and Key Colony Beach - 2nd Add. (P. B. 4, pg. 94) County Road in Key Colony Botel Sub. (P. B. 4, pg. 82) 1. 76 16 Raccoon Key Preliminary Engineering only - Roads in Key Haven 7th & 8th Add'ns. (P. B. 5, pgs. 53 & 61) Cypress Ave. , Cactus Dr. , Coco- nut Dr., Cypress Terr. , cul-de- sacs off Key Haven Road (including sidewalks) s, r • • DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR USE OF SECONDARY ROAD FUNDS FOR 196 8 • (Cont'd. ) PRIORITY Location DESCRIPTIOI.1 Length NUI�IDER Miles 17 Raccoon Key Preliminary Engineering only - in Key Haven loth Add. including Key Haven Road, Evergreen Ave., Evergreen Court, Evergreen Lane, Evergreen Terr. , Driftwood Dr. , and Floral Ave. 18 Key West Road North of Parcel 34 lying be- tween and adj. to Parcels 34, 35, 36 & 38 and road on Southerly 60' of Parcel 34, as shown on Plat of Survey of lands on the Island of Key West, Monroe Co., Fla. (P. B. 3, pg. 35) 0.64 19 Summerland Key Katherine St. from W. Shore Dr. to 45th St. in Summerland Est. (P. B. 3, pg. 158 & P. B. 4, pg. 2) 0.57 20 Key Vaca Flamingo Island Est. (P. B. 5, pg. 121) 1. 29 21 Plantation Key Coral Road in Coral Shores (P. B. 3, pg. 2) 0.25 22 Big Coppitt Key Porpoise Blvd., Dolphin Rd., Flipper Rd., Dondi Rd. Resurface SR-S941 from U.S. 1 to Dondi Rd. all in Porpoise Pt. Sec. II (P. B. 5, pg. 111) 0.72 23Key Largo Bridge over Key Largo Waterway at St. Rd. #5, North -bound lane 24 County -wide Reimbursement for County En- gineer's Salary. *Note- This project is to be deleted in the event that the four-laning of State Road No. 5 from Lake Surprise to Tavernier is not included in the 1968-69 Primary Budget for Monroe County. i DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT :OR USE OF SECONDARY ROAD FUNDS FOR 196 8 (Contd. ) PRIORITY Location DESCRIPTION' Length NUMBER Miles 25 County -wide Flasher -type School Zone speed limit signs. 26 Key Largo Roads in.Gulfstream Shores (P. B. 3, pg. 61) 0.30 27 Plantation Key Giardino Dr., Milano Dr., Severino Dr., Vilabella Dr. and Venetian Blvd. in Venetian Shores Plat No. 3 (P. B. 5, pg. 48) 1.28 to BE IT FURTlitR PESOLVED That the methods and standards employed by the State Road Department for determination of major improvement features, including the specific alignment, the types and widths'of pavement; and the Department's standard specifications for construction are concurred in and approved by this Board. It is requested: That the Department will consider the projects in the order listed above insofar as practicable, but not to the extent of retarding the whole program: that the termini of the projects as described in the resolution and shown on the accompanying map, rather than any estimate of funds therefor, shall control the Department's allocation of funds.., that this resolution shall remain in effect throughout the year: and that after the current year the recommendations of this resolution shall con- stitute a continuing improvement program for the County, unless changed by a subsequent annual resolution. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE I y EARL R. ADAMS , Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Monroe County, Florida., and ex officio Clerk of. the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, certify hereby A=� that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, in regular meeting assembled on the 27th day of Feb. , A.D., 19 68 , and that the same has been duly incorporated in the minutes of said meeting. this IN WIT:vESS WHLREOF, I have hereto affixed my hand and official seal day of February y A.D., 19 68 (Seal) Clerk of Circuit Court