Resolution 004-1968"DEFARTMENT MAIPPMV.:WE OF PROJECT CONSTRUCTED Willi 61-XONDARY GAS TAX FUHUS MEMORANDUM OF AGHH'dMI:NT - THIS AGRMUIT, made and entered Into this 27th day or February, , 1968 ; by and botwoao the SPATE ROAD CEPAkI';LaPP OF FLORIDA, a component agency of the State of Florida, harainaftur called the Dopartment, and the COUNTY OF MON ROE , herolr,nrtur Called the County:. WITNESS ETH: WHEREAS, by Florida Statutes, 1965, 335.0111, the expenditure of secondary road funds for tlra constrrlCtLon and rerenstrvction or roads, highways and municipal connecting links thereof gnd city streets wan authorized; and - WHEREAS, the County has dastEnated _State Job No. 90505-3611, streets on Key Largo as shown on Exhibit "A" for constrrltlon (or recor,strvctlon) from gasolina tax funds accruLng to ttw Dapartrant for expenditure in the County under the provisions of Florida Ststutas, Section 208.1111, and Article IX, Section 16, of the Constitution of tlra Stata of Florida; and - WHEREAS, said work has-babn requested by the County to be completed by the Dayartiasnt under the Dui�rtmant'a supervision In accordance with the _specific at ions cf the Dapartmant; and WHEREAS, tha County desires, after the completion of said road, highway, municipal connecting link, or city street, that said road, municipal connecting Ilrk, or city street be retained on the State Saccnda:-J Fu=3 Syctsm sad be maintained by Cho Capartnre r,t. NOW, THEREFORE, THIS INDENTURE WITNLSSET'it: That in consideration of the premt3ea and convanants hereinafter set forth to be kapt ant perfoimed by each of t;w parties hereto, it is hereby mutuaLly convenanted and awraed as follows: 1, The Department will add qtatp Job Nn..Q$rap r,n Kerr T.3rgn ,aC C rr _on Exhibit "Air to the state secondary road system and const:vet o:• recess Cruet said project charging all coats of tha*project to gasoline tat; funds accruing to the Department for"us& in bTnn rn County under the provisions of Florida Statutes, Section 208.41,, and Article IX of the Conatitution.of the State of Florida and the construction or reconstruction of said project will be in compliance with requirements of the Florida Statutes and the Department Regulations relating to expenditure of secondary gasoline tax funds and construction of roads on the state secondary road system. 2. Said work shall be performed under the Deportment's supervision In accordance with the specificatlons of the Dapartmant. 3• Upon completion and acceptance by the ➢apartment of said road, highway, municipal connecting link, or city street, it is understood and agreed that, the Department will retain said road, highway, municipal connecting link or city street on the secondary system and perform maintenance In aceordsnc-a with the usual standards for maintenance of the Department and under the supervision of the Department`s State Highway 4, The County agrees to the expenditure of all funds necessary for the maintenance on a currant basis or the aforan;ontionad project, said auras to ba deducted from the County's secondary gas tax accruals on a currant basis. _ - 5. The County Rgraea to indemnify, defend,, save and hold harmless the Dapartmant teem any and all claims of any nature whatsoever arising out of or because of this Agreement. - - IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed, tha day and year first above written. WITNESSES: -" STATE ROAD DEPARTMENT OF FLORIDA BY-_ .. Executive Director ATTEST: (SEAL) IsT to the Dapartmant SecFetary Mnnrc) COUNTY, FLORIDA s F.sn, Board aV County Commis.liopors, s o e County Mnnrne County - ATTEST: (SEAL) Clark of the Circuit Couvt as x-uCVLc o Clark at t a Board of County Cammisstooars of County, Florida ' - RESULUTf JtI N0. -1958-SECONDARY ROAD nree RESOLUTION ADOPTING EYECUT'CON OF ME.MORANDUH OF AUREEEh;I'P BEfWEEtI - STATE ROAD DEPARTCENT, A COMPONELT A,;["C'C OF TRc SPATE OF FLORIDA A- , COUNTY OF—MnIll^ne - A POLITICAL SUBL;f;',jION OF THE STATT OF FLORIDA WHEREAS, the State Read Dapartmant has agreed to construct Lhsc ca tatn read dascribe•1 as State Job No. 90505-3611e streets on Key 'Lao o as shown On Exhibit "A" and WHEREAS, Mnn rn p , County da3lres th;.t'aald road be vetaina.1 on the strata sacundsry rosd systam in arcurdanca with the Agrsenant trade "a.nd antsrod into bat —an the Daparmmnt and MOnrOe County, date) the 27th day or February L9 68 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CCI8lIS3I0NEG3 OF . Mnjlr-Qe? _ COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1.- That certain A_reement dat'ad tha 27th day of February 19 68, by and batwaan the Scata Ro Rd Capartu,ant of Florida, .a eomponaot agency of the State of Florida and the County of _ Monroe. be executed by the Chal—an or this Boned su.1 attested to by the Clark of the Circuit Court as Fx-o0fic Lo Clark of tLis Board. Section 2. That this Agraar•.ant be and tha aama hereby La an and saver.ynt of et., ':oun ty or —McLnr e In each and sysry raspaec and the liablltttes therein contained shall to the 11 sbiL iti-1s of Cho •)..:n c; ur Monroe. do a eonttnutng basis for the life of said Agraamant, - Section 3. That the Agraamar.t shall be a part of tuts Ra3olutlon in each snJ"ovary respect and that a carttrLel cups 7 ff ithls Rasolutl, n ahsll ba submitted to the State Road Dapartmant of Florida and shell accompany each exouu tr,d copy of cne Agraor.,ant Jatad thls G �L 11 day of _February .19 68. STATE OF FLORIDA - c0U1PPY OF Monroe - I HEREBY CERTIFY that tha foragoing is n true and eoeract copy of Recolutton pa3sad by the Roarl or County Cps:miss toners pt[�n �` County, Florida, at meeting held the 27th Jay of February A.D. 19 68, and rarurdad Sn tl,e ton.mtnutas, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto sat my hand and official seat ehls 5 th day or Mar Ch-.A.D. iv 68. (SEAL) �,.. • CUJ:I'i'Y, l•'Lr aIICL•A. UQnroe_--- ; - Wl S TA TY j MOO • -------- -- STREETS ON KEY LARGO'. PARK AVE (PART I" II SECOND ST (PART NO 21 /�,% URIBDE^otw OO` C LACE DR WART NO 31 '\O//( tt• �/ SEASIDE AVE (PART NO 61 DOvE CREEK LIST (PART NO 7) E4t'14` E(PART NO U AR AVE (PART N0. 5) NE COCONUT DR IPART NO 0) �1 '06 \ GROUPER LA. (PARNO T 9) at BONITO LA (PART NO 1 �CLCBS T[R LA (PART NOO I12 SNAPPER LA. (PART N0. 12) / BUTTONWOOD SOUND t \ \� _ •� l JOIL�(AOO ER DR.1 \`\ / •\� �i - \I \\ C� • %I \ ' ` •-�J�--- DOVE RD. (PART N0, IJl (PA�f"' fOGG♦ CY / CPCS3� // L /♦♦rr��++HERON RD. (PART NO. 14) �.e �. -, // •'/ MOCKINGBIRD RD (PART Mq/ISj \ 1 -sue ,' _ p�, / •/ UNNAMED ROAD IN \ BLACKWAT£R 1` I cL• �ck•R 'PANT PLEASANT s S UND [PAR T NO. 23) X Q\\ _ _ SNAvv[R AVE 3.'\'�►'Arf .•• l ■ft . fK N BOR _ ,f'A y!._ / ' (PART M0. 111I\' E. SEA CN R RTIle IS NO • / \ .\ _ %�r� \ ) _�\/JJ —� _—.. Y- — - = t ADDRIQUES •l � ARr•O sA/W � !'uCIF,•\ c COW C JENNY LA. (KART NO. IS) — _ — AkE LAT•A%T-C IPAo-4: LOO I FIRST AST IPART NO 2L U ►ALDMA OR. IPART N0. 241 P�l� f�_` �'• '\ /A\�. s.a,.An ATLANTIC ZLVO IPARTNO-lN \ LLOUAT OR, {/ART 110. 1!) LENGTH OF PROJECT —BRIDGES LIHC AR lCCT MILES 5343 63.00 2027E 7j OON 3.333 0.012 p j{ NEi LENGTH OF PROJECT EXCEPTIONS 64.00 2fl3J9.7j GRUSS_LEHGTN OF PROJEC