Resolution 008-1968CO-Ti\TTY CO UVIISSIONERS RESOLUTION NO. 8 - 1968 -SECONDARY ROADS On motion of Commissioner Harris , seconded by Commissioner Osterhoudt the following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, the State Road Department of Florid._ ra^ authorized and re- quested Monroe County to furnish the necessary ri,I.i•s of wa•T, borrow pits and easements for that portion of Section 90505, including parts of Streets on Key Largo, which has been surveyed and located by the State Road Department as shown_ by a map on file in the bfficp OP ih6 Hdr'k df the Circuit Court of said County, and in the office of the i3gid Department at Tall'ah6ssee, and. WHEREAS, the said Department will not begin construction of said portion of said Section in said County until title to all land necessary for said portion of said Section has been conveyed to or vested in said State by said County, and said lands are physically cleared of al occupants, tenants, fences, buildings and/or other structures and improvements upon or encroach- ing within the limits of the land required for said portion of said Secti.o:; and WHEREAS, the said County is financial) u_na.Loic at this time to provide the necessary fords to acquire said rights of way, borrow pits and easements.; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the State Road Department of Florida be and it is hereby requested to pay .for the rights of way, borrow pits and easements for said road, including the removal of buildings, fences and other structures and improvements thereon, and for other expenses of acquiring title to said rights of way, borrow pits and easements by purchase or condemnation, from proceeds of Florida'State Development Commission bonds or secondary gasoline tax funds (Section 16, Article IX, of the Florida Constitution, Chapter 26321, Laws of Florida, Extraordinary Session, 1949), whichever is availab-le,under conditions set forth in the contract, of which this resolution forms a party and be it further RESOLVED, that said CourtT., through its Board of County Commissioners, comply with the request of saic Department and procure., convey or vest in said uu State the free, clear and unenc,�bered titla to all lands necessary for said portion of said Section, and deliver to the Mate Roadsaid lands physically clear of all occupai..ts, tonarits, fences, buildings an1/or other structures and improvements situate upon or encroaching within the limits of the lands required for sail portion of said Section and that the Chairman and the Clerk of this Board be ar.:• they are ',?ereby authorized a -id directed to execute and deliver on behalf of saiu. County to said Department the Contract in the form hereto attached; and be iu further RESOLVED, that the attorney for this Board be, and he,.is hereby authorized and directed to proceed to to.-e the necessary steps for the County to acquire in the name of said County by donation, parch4,:e, or condemnation said rights of way, borrow pits and easements for said portion of said Section, and to prepare in the name of said County by its Count;- Commi£ Tio'ners all condeurnaticn papers, affidavits and pleadings, and prosecute n all condemnation proceedings to judgment; and furnish to the Department the abstract search provided for in said Contract. STA?21E OF FLORIDA ) COUTdTY OF MOTNROE ) I I-EREBY CERTIFY that the faregoing is a true and correct copy or resolu- tion passed by the Board of Coant�r Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at meeting held the 30thday of April , :-.. D. 19 68, and recorded in ;ne CoIrmi Gsioners minutes. PT WIPITS'S -T%MMEOF, I hereunto set my hand aiiJ_ official seal this 2ndday of May , A. D. 19 68. (SEAL) t CLERK OF TIE BOARD OF COTTTY cor�.�Issloj;u :s OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA