Resolution 033-1968,r.=,:,.wa,,.a ''�:...... �.v::.,�:e,+-+iw.>as.+;.�w.w,:=i+id.+...s..?.w.,d..w,aou�t»iwo�a--:�,w'....w,a.o-'taFaa�^�s.rMr''�':.d:e rr a.•ua2iLa r. s:.<,. •.w,.xi�.-�.v- Ile RHPARTHFHT MATn. ritANCE OP PROJECT ' C093THUCTED UITte sNcONDAHy OAS TAX FUNDS - - MEMORANDUM OF AIIUEMMNT THIS AORtD330@eT, made and entered Into this - 2Fth day or November 68 FLOflIDA, • component agency- -- , 19 .r by And between the STATE ROAD DFPA!1T'1l:!'r QP of the State of Florida, hareinarter called the Department, and rho OOTRilY OF Monroe Called the County, , he rg7 lint, r WLTNRS9�Tpe' '. +• WHEREAS, by Florida Statutes, 1965, 335.Dh1, the expenditure Of.Aeoondary rosd'funds,forithe construction and reconstruction of ran'7s, highways and municipal oonnecting,links thereof slid city street$ was outhcriaedt and WHEREAS, the County has designated Job No. 90560-3614 - Key• Vaca - Roads in Estates "" �— --• — e .«.. ti �, �— for construction for reconstruction) from gasoline tax funds accruing tommt!� r.: _ 2tCtutea, section 208. hit, and ArticleIX, Section 16, of the Conatituttoo of ah.+.-- ^:pc+•,:r.,r..r,t vwdnr tt,, Dep9rtresnt�a supervisipn in se cerdaRcer. chi County dAelrea, after the completion of Bald road, highway, municipal connecting link, or city street, that alit, r rn,' anloS.rC1 comrecting link, or olty street be retained on the State secondary Road system and be maintained by the Dopertmsnt, NOW' THEREFORE- THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETHI That in consideration of,the premleae and oonienants hereinafter act forth to b, h,<,•r; _.,., perforn•d by each of the parties hereto, it is hereby mutually convenantod and Agreed an follows: 1, The Department' will add Job No. 90560-3614 - KeV Vaca Roads in Flamin o Isles Estates to the ■Cite secondary road system and Construct or reconstruct said project charging ell casts: or the project to gasoline tax funds aaoruing to the Department for logo in Monroe, ' County under the provisions of Florida StetuWe, Section 20B.hJ♦, and Article IX. of the ConetiEuEIca or the State of Florida and the Conatruetlen or reconstruction of gold project will be in compliance with requirements of the Florida Statutes and the Department Regulations relating to'expenditure of secondary gasoline tax funds Slid Construction Of roads on the state secondary road system, 2. Said work shall be parformad under the Department,@ aupervieion in ■ccordeno® With the specificstlon■ of the Department. 3. Upon completion And Acceptsno* by the Department of said road, highway, municipal connecting link, or city street, it Is understood end agreed that the Department Will retain ■aid road, highway, -municipal connecting link or city street on the $ocondery syrtem and perform oaloteoanaa to Accordance With the usual standarda for maintenance of the Department and und ibgineer. sr.the supervision of the DepartmEotta state Highway 4• ThE,County agrees to the Expenditure or all funds necessary for the maintenance on ■ current basis of the aforrtuntiened pro'sat; sold scans to be deducted from the Countyin Secondary go tax aeoruals on a current basis, 5. ?he County agrees to indemnify, defend, save and hold harmleea the Department from my end all claim$ of any nature whatJe�var ■rlelut out of or because of this Agreement, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the p•rtims hereto have caused theme presents to be executed, the day and year first above wrlLten. WITM393 s STATE ROAD DEPARTMENT OF FLORIDA i BY: Executivk Director • • P•r en ATTESTt (SiAL) sere ry Monroe �— COUNTY, FLORIDA .. BY1 .r a rman, ■r o County Cron• as Caere, a cure y Monroe 1 , County ATTEST? (SEAL) Mrk or e Circul our as ex-o IcLoClerk o e srd of County Commiasionars of County, Florida --_- :. .._ 'Monroe;;';, - -. RESOLUTION NO. 33-1968 SECONDARY ROADS .' RESOLUTION ADOPTING EXECUTION OF MEMORANDUM OF AOREEMENT BETWEEN ' STATE ROAD DEPARTMENT, A COMPONENT AGENCY OF THE STATE OF-FLORIDA AND,COUNTY OF MOnroe A .POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF THE STATE OF FLORTDA I WMEAS, the Stets Road Department has agreed to construct th8t certain road described na:� Job •,NOS .:,9656b.—�614 K�'V VaCa. Roads in Flamingo Isles Estates WHF7eFr19, Monroe County desires that 'said road be retained on the state raeondaryrbad aymtsin !n eaeordeabe vlth eh• Agreement made and entered Into between the Department and Monroe !9 68 , County, dated the `.. day. or "November NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF Monroe 1' COUNTY, FLORIDAt section Thot certain Agreement dated the 26th day of November • 1Y 68 .'by antl between the Stets Woid DeperEmsntU Of Furaua, A Component agency or the state of Florida and the County of Monroe ''' `' -� li attested to by tas Clark of rho Circuit Court as, Ex-officio Clerk of this Board. be by;tese Chsi'rinan:af-'thla board end_" tYj section 2, That this Agreement be and the same hereby t! an obligiiion and aovenlnt df th County •of NiOnrd ��il'i` 3n ` such and every raspeot and the liebilitieu thirain'cobtatnad $hall be the liabilitiel of the County of MO roe ihi' r basis for the life of giid Agreement. T} 6n a pontlnulhg Aection , That the Agreement shall be a part of'thia He in each end evary,reapeot and ttSAt a oettlflAd co' li py:;of thta.Rseollu at' , shall be submitted to the Staid Road DopSrtmsnt' of Florida and shrill accompany esr.h exacutad co r 26'th November 19 68§ py of the Agreement dates Lhia day oC 9TATE�OF-FLORI :. ; � � t i r �i ( ,; � , colniTY OF Rbnroe - , • , ' . i ��' ,�'i�1 - v� I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is s Erve end cr)rrect copy of Resolution passed by the Board of l:ounty Cmumisstpnm,., �oflbe County, Plorids, at meeting he1d'the 26th day of No`Vember A,D; 1968 , and recorded to the Cor•mitasion mlfiut®a; i�i� IN NITHESS NifEREOF, I hereunto sa,t m,iiy Rind and official goal this 26th day of ,'November (SEAL) /sd/ Earl R. AdamsMK OF "Ir. BOARD OF MIMT �. iT'!ST 7A q+ , . - ,.. Monroe rOIrRT'Y, M'LU,+TPA 6. { VA Ll IL tQ gnn arras ek_aZL112q C/Wl 7(' C, Of roadbed Wilh I-L2-r1r,6(gsL- c' V, /0 of (5" 7` A P T 1979 AD-F= -38c� ����CDT goo %� �'P/C ..� -SEC T/O/i>l COUNTY APPROVAL I hereby certify that this typical section and estimate of cost was approved by the Board of County Cirnmissioners in a duly assembled meeting on the day of A.D. such approval being. incorporated in th� minutes of said meeting. (SEAL) In witness whereof, I have hereto affixed my hand and official seal this day of 'A.D. Clerk of the Circuit Court of Co A5- COUNTY SECTION —t(IB FUND SYSTEM —ROAD NO FA PROD. _N0. O M . - LNW015 90.560 02..4 1 TERMINI LENGTH EST. COST V 4 CA P01,JZ25 //V „ l 3/� %� 50 ZA"INGC) 1,56e5 Z,57,4 7z�:,5 000 APPROVED (CONSTRUCTION) APPROVAL RECOMMENDED STATE ROAD DEPARTMENT srDATE BUREAU OF PUBLIC ROADS DATE