Resolution 001-1974STATE, OF FLORIDA COUNTY RESOLUTION ON USE OF SECONDARY ROAD FUNDS RESOLUTION NO. 1-1974 - SECONDARY ROADS YEAR 1974-75 COUNTY MONROE WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 206.47, Florida Statutes and Section 9, Article XII Constitution of the State of Florida, the Florida Department of Transportation will receive a portion of the sur- plus of this County's pro-rata share of the 5th and 6th cent gasoline tax to be used *,within this County; and WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 339.08 and Section 339.081, Florida Statutes, the expenditure of such funds shall be as prescribed by regulations of the Department and pursuant to an adopted resolution by this Board of County Commissioners; and WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 334.21, Florida Statutes, the County is required to submit to the Department of Transportation a plan of work for the construction and maintenance of roads and streets within its jurisdiction for the five-year period beginning 1974 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Florida Department of Transportation is hereby re- quested to use the aforesaid funds for the purposes and projects listed in EXHIBIT "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof and that the Depart- ment consider the listed items in accordance with priorities shown and to the extent of available funds in the preparation of its annual program of work for the above -listed fiscal year with the remaining requests con- stituting a continuing program to be scheduled in accordance with esti- mated available funds during the succeeding four years. 2. That the actual scheduling of work by the Department on the re- quested projects be in the order of priorities listed insofar as is practicable, but not to the extent of retarding the whole program or pre- cluding the grouping of similar type projects in one construction contract. 3. That allocations and expenditures of funds by the Department shall not be restricted by an estimate of cost shown herein, and that this Board concurs in the'use by the Department of any available funds necessary incidental to making those road projects listed in Exhibit "A" -fully operating facilities .within the termini described in said Exhibit, and as shown on the accompanying map,. 4. That if, at any time, this County's secondary funds programmed allocations become over or under -programmed in the amount of 10%, the Department will adjust the Secondary program 3aith the approval and recom- mendations of this Board.to bring said program into balance. 5. That the methods and standards employed by the Department for the determination of major improvement features, including specific alignment, types and width of pavement, types of materials, and the Department's standard specifications for construction are concurred in and approved by this Board. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED IN OPEN SESSION A'PRTT 2 lg74 BOARD OF COUNTY COiyMISSIONERS OF MONROE County, Florida BY Mayor and airman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County-; Florida PGET ITEM UPi13ER 416629 4J.6636 416653 1116655 41.6657 rl1G65$ 416663 MOINROE COUiNTY'S FIVE YEAR 11ORK PROGRPOI FOR PRIMARY ROADS TYPE OF DESCRIPTION LENGTH �'40RK - US 1 (SR 5) MARATHON FROM HALLS LANE 5,4 (HOG KEY) TO N. KEY COLONY BCH, CSVJY, US 1 (SR 5) FROM S, SNAKE CREEK BRIDGE 1-0 5,6 MI, N. TAVERNIER CREEK BRIDGE US 1 (SR 5) FROM LAKE SURPRISE TO DADE 6,3 Mr, COUNTY LINE US 1 (SR 5) (I SLAMA-RADA) FROM ,TEATABLE KEY 5`, 0 M I , TO S, OF SNAKE CREEK US 1 (SR 5) FROM TAVERNIER To LAKE SURPRISE US 1 (SR 5) ON MARATHON FROM KNIGHT KEY CHANNEL 1,2 MI, TO HALLS LANE ON HOG KEY US 1 (STAGE 2) FROM N, OF TAVERNIER CREEK 13,5 mi . TO LAKE SURPRISE 1{-L 4-L LJ-L LANDSCAPING 4-L CONSJ,RUCTI otq I' I SCAL_ i�Ul��� _ l0 S T----- -- t� E A R S T; u C s.1' $ 3,500,000 75-77 Rill $ 4, 500, 000 78-79 RA 3,800,000 76-77 RNA $ 3, 000, 000 77-78 R11,� $ 80,000 73-74 RA $ 800,000 76-77 RA $ 1501000 73-74 RA JBUI)GET ITEM 1'IUNBER 416629 416636 L116653 LJ16655 416657 1I16658 . 416663 MONROE COUNTY'S FIVE YEAR WORK PROGRAM FOR PRIMARY ROADS DESCRIPTION LENGTH TYPE WORKOF CONS RUCTION FIsui- FUND LOST PEAR STRUCTURIc, US 1 (SR 5) MARATHON FROM HALLS LANE 5,8 MI, $ 31600,000 76-77 (HOG KEY) TO N, KEY COLONY Bu, Cswy, US 1 (SR 5) FROM S. SNAKE CREEK BRIDGE To 5,6 MI, 1+-L $ 1I,500,000 78-79 N. TAVERNIER CREEP: BRIDGE - US 1 (SR 5) FROM LAKE SURPRISE TO DADE 6.3 MI, 4--L $ 3;800,000 76-77 COUNTY LINE US 1 (SR 5) (I SLAMA-RADA) FROM ,TEATABLE KEY .5,, 9 M I , 4-L $ 3, OOO, OOO 77-78 TO S. OF SNAKE CREEK US 1 (SR 5) FROM TAVERNIER TO LAKE SURPRISE LANDSCAPING $ 80,000 .73-74 US 1 (SR 5) ON MARATHON FROM KNIGHT KEY CHANNEL 1,2 MI, 4-L $ 8OO,000 76-77 TO HALLS LANE ON HOG KEY US I (STAGE 2) FRoM N, OF TAVERNIER CREEK MI, $ 150J000 73-71r TO LAKE SURPRISE MONROE COUNTY'S RECOMMENDED FIVE YEAR BRIDGE REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE BUDGET. ITEM BRIDGE CONS RUCTION. FISCAL FUND PRIORITY NUMBER . DESCRIPTION NO, LENGTH LOST YEAR STRUCTUFI%F: 1 416686 VACA CUT 20-A 200' $ 403,000 75-76 ? .2 416693 INDIAN KEY 27 2,004' $ 3,699,000 75-76 ?RA 3- LE16692 LIGNUM VITAE 26 790$ IJ158J000 75-76 ?R 4 LEj.66911 TEA TABLE KEY CHANNEL 28 6141 $ 900, 000 75-76 ?f-H 5 416695 WHALE HARBOR 30 616' $ 903,000 75-76 ?RA 6 L116659 SEVEN MILE BRIDGE (MOSER CHANNEL) 20 35,716' $57,607,000 76-77 ?RA 7 416699 LONG KEY CHANNEL 23 11,960' $17,537,000 75-76 ?Rl- 8 416664- COW KEY CHANNEL NB 2-R 360' $ 639,000 7.7-78 ? � 9 LE16682 SPANISH HARBOR15 3,311' 5,874,000 77-78 ? 10 416683 OHIo BAHIA HONDA 17 1,005' $ 1,783,000 77-78 ?RA 4 J.1 41668LI 01-1 I0 M I SSOUR I CHANNEL 18 1, 394' $ 2,473,000 77-78 ?RA 12 U.6685. MISSOURI LITTLE DUCI< 19 800.' $ 1,419,000 77-78 ?RA BUDGE�f ITEM Pr, IORITY NUMBER MONROE COUNTY'S RECOMMENDED FIVE YEAR BRIDGE REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE .DESCRIPTION BRIDGE CONS RUCTION FISCAL NO. LENGTH MT YEAR 13 416687 Toms HARBOR 21 1,395' $ 2,475,000 77-78 14 416688 Toms HARBOR CUT 22 1,209' 2,145,000 77-78 15 416690 CHANNEL No, 5 24 4,516' $ 9,230,000 77-78 16 416691 CHANNEL NO, 2 25 1,720' $ 3,357,000 78-79 17 416696 SNAKE CREEK CANAL 31-A 192' $ 375,000 78-79 18 416697 TAVERN I ER CREEK „32_-A 133 $ 260,000 78-79 19 416681 . NORTH PINE CHANNEL 14-A 620' $ 1,210,000 78-79 20 LJ16680 SOUTH PINE; CHANNEL, 13-B 806' $ 1,573,OOO 78-79 21 416679 TORCH CHANNEL 13-A 779' $ 1,520,000 78-79 22 416678 TORCH RAMROD CHANNEL 12-A 615' $ l,200,000 78-79 23 416660 NILES CHANNEL 11--A 4,433' $ 8,603,000 78-79 2L� 416677 KEMP CHANNEL 10-A 992' $ 1,936,000 78-79 FUND STRUCTURE=. ? Rp ?RA RAC - - ?RA, ?RA ?RA ?RA ? R ?RA ?RA ?RA BUDGET ITEM iRIORITY NUMBER MOIN ROE COUNTY 'S RECOMMENDED FIVE YEAR BRIDGE REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE DESCRIPTION BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION FISCAL FUND NO. LENGTH COST, YEAR STRUCT 25 L116676 Bow CHANNEL 9-A 1,302' 26 1116675 PARK CHANNEL 8-A 779' 2/ L1166711 NORTH HARRIS CHANNEL 7-E 390' 28 L116673 HARRIS GAP CHANNEL 7-D 100' 29 416672 f-IARRIS CHANNEL 7-C 390' 30 416671 LOWER SUGA-RLOAF CHANNEL ."7-B 1,210' 31 4.16670 .' SADDLEBUNCH. No, 2 7-A 5511' 32 416669 SADDLEBUNCH No, 3 6-C 656' 33. 41.6668 SADDLEBUNCH No. 4 6-B 800' 34 1116667 SADDLEBUNCH No, 5 6-A 800' 416666 SHARK CHANNEL. 5-A 1.,989' 2,541,000 78-79 ?RA , $ 1,672,000 79-80 ?RA__ _ 837,000 79-80 ?RA $ 215,000 79-80 ?RA 837,000 79-80 ?RA 2,598,000 79-80 ?RA $ 1,189,000 79-80 .?RA 1,408,000 79-80 ?RA $. 1,717,000 79-80 ?RA `G 1., 717, OOO 79-30 ?RA 4,270,000 79-80 ?RA BUDGET ITEM PRIORITY NumBER 36 i MONROE COUNTY'S RECOMMENDED FIVE YEAR BRIDGE REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE DESCRIPTION BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION FISCAL FUND NO, LENGTH COST YEAR STRUCTURE. 416665 RoCi<LAND CHANNEL 4-A 1,959' 2,641,000 79-80 ?f 416630 BOCA CH I CA 3-A 2, 573' $ 5,524,000 79-80 ?RA A , MONROE COUNTY'S •z', BRIDGE REHABILITATION PROGRAM (1974-1975) IMMEDIATE BRIDGE REPAIR FUND PRIORITY DESCRIPTION NO. LENGTH COST STRUCTUR- 1. THRU 37 BRIDGES. DUE FOR REPLACEMENT (1975 - 1980) $ 7,995,095 BRP 38 JEWFISH CREEK 32-B 223' $ 2,000 BRP 39 ROOSEVELT BOULEVARD 1-A 180$ 40,880 BRP 110 COW KEY CHANNEL 2-L .360' $ 40, OOO BRP 1E1 TEA TABLE RELIEF 29-A 226' $ 59.1008 BRP L12 BoCA CH I CA ROADWAY 33-L 120' $ 1,560 BRP L13 BOCA CHICA ROADWAY 33-R 120' $ 1,860 BRP LE4 KEY LARGO WATERWAY 34 120' $ 640 BRP TOTAL IMMEDIATE REPAIR COST ESTIMATE - $ '8,141,OLi3