Resolution 006-1974Section 90505-2622 <<v. 81 72 ::<"SECONDARY ROAD CQUNTY COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION #6-1974 • ()n mot ion of Commissioner Freeman seconded J)y Commissioner Parker the following resolution was adopted: WITEREAS, the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION has authorized and r.eauested Monroe County to furnish the necessary rights of way, borrow pits and easements for tha` portion of Section 90505-2622 - including parts of North Blackwater Lane, North Dri.ve,.Stillwrig.ht Way and Center Lane on Key Largo which has been surveyed and located by the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPART- MENT OF TRANSPORTATION as shown by a map on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of said County, and in the office of the said Department at Tallahassee, and WHEREAS, the said Department will not begin construction of said portion of said Section in said Countv until title to all land necessary for said portion of said Section has been conveyed to or vested in said State by said County, and said lands are physically cleared of all occupants, tenants, fences, buildings, and/or other structures and improvements upon or encroaching within the limits of the land required for said portion of said Section; and WHEREAS, the said County is financially unable at this time to provide the necessary funds to acquire said rights of way, borrow pits and easements; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANS- PORTATION be and it is hereby requested to pay for the rights of way, borrow pits and easements for said road, including the removal of buildings, fences and other structures and improvements thereon, utility relocations and for other expenses of acquiring title to sai(; ria hts of way, borrow pits and easements by purchase or condem- nation, from procoeds of State of Florida Department of General Ser\,i.ces bonds or si,condary gasoline tax funds (Article XII, Section 9(4), of the Fiori::.i Constitution, and Section 335.041, Florida Statutes, as amended), whichever is available, under conditions set. orth in the contract, of which this resolution forms a. .;part; and be it further T -1- RESOLVED, that said County through its Board of County Commissioners, comply with the request of said Department and pro- cure, convey or vest in said State the free, clear and unencumbered title to all lands necessary for said portion of said Section, and deliver to the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION said lands physically clear of all occupants tenants, fences, buildings rand/or other structures and improvements situate upon or encroaching within the limits of the lands required for said portion of said Section and that the Chairman and the Clerk of the Board be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver on behalf of said County to said Department the Contract in the form hereto attached; STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF MONROE ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of resolution passed by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a meeting held the 22 day of October ,A. D., 19 '74 , and recorded in the Commissioners minutes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and official seal this 24 day of October ,A. D. 19 74 (SLAL) _. Cl rk of the Board of County C mmissioners of Monroe County -2- 13/1 9 (Rev. 12-1-72) COUNTY DEED PARCEL N0. lei} . 1 0-505--2622 SECTION PORT10F OF vrY LARGO STATE ROAD COUNTY OF FAP NO. --- - --- — THIS DEED, made this 22 day of October , A. D. 19 74, by the COUNTY OF i."{e_ NRi"Jl , State of Florida, party of the first part, and the STATE OF FLORIDA for use and benefit of the STATE OF PWRIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, party of the second part. WITNESSETH: That the said party of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of $1.00 dollars to it in hand paid by the party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the party of the second part, its successors, and assigns forever, the following described land, to -wit: VARC.LL NO. 100 SECTION 90505-2622 All the rights and interests oil Honroe County, Florida into the dedicated and user's streets as described as follows: North Blackwater Lacy_ from Sexton tray to South Derive. stillwrU. ht WAY, from North Blackwater Lane to North Drive, all of North Drive and Center Lane, according to tine Plats of St.il1wrilght Point Hat No. 1 as recorded in flat Iock 4 at Page, 117 and Stillwrig'lt Point Plat 1-1o. 2 as recorded in Plat Book 4 at Paf:e 154 in. the Public Records of ',onroe County, Florida, said streets as now exists, lying? Within the !Light of Way as shown on the Rigiit of Way Map for ;3cction 90505-2622, Fort -on of .:ey Largo, Florida. THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY AATEQ " P + �8 1974 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA DESCRIPTION APPROVED E X H I 13 I T "A" • RCSOlntl.On on use of £300' Seventh Cent Gaso]..ine `[' IX and other Secondary Road Fun(Is adopted Fe.b. 1.901 ,19(i9 .for FISCAL YEAR 1969-1970 COUNTY OF MONIM I ECTION I. The Board of County Commissioners concurs in the use of aforesaid funds for the following purposes and projects, and their inclusion in the Florida State Road Department's annual budget and program of work for the above listed fiscal year. • 1 Description . is - { a) - - Rent i ae-maixtenanee- e€-reads - a ew-.tea ; - or- wh ie13-may- be -added- t e ; -the- State- Seeoadary- load- _system� - - - - -{b)--Prelim}sar_y;-Eng-ineering-(Eeunty-wide)-fer-prejeets-13sted-in-t]3is- ES_ May- he-neeessary-to-.Pr4Q - .de- ------ antl- t5r4er4y- adva-fleeffient- ef- the- pregramj - btit- subi eet-te- any- -1-iffi-itatie-hs-,show-m- -fet­ the- -{e)--Right-ef-?day-{C-ednty-wide)-fer-profeets-listed-in-this-exhibit,-as-ma r-be-Beeessary-to-pre-vide-aed-orde_yly- ------advaaeement-of-the-pregPam3-but-subseet-te-any-limitations-Ghewa-fe-P-thQ-aediWmidual-Prodeets---------------- - d)--Tpa£fie-Sagnals-.(County=wi.de)-for-P.PQjefts_listed-aza- this- eXxhib it- On- Which-�O�ld � 3cin-comme �s_�i�ning--- ---=-th: S-fa6Eal-yeas',-3Ad-s9p-lOEatieps- on- th'2- Secondary- ROad-cyst'em-Which-a-re--P-rQ-V--dQd-f4?l:'-lxi- (e) County Engineers salary reimbursement if this county.is, or becomes, eligible for reimbursement. - � f� - - 'eeiodae- I�iaa teaaaEa- (res u faeang�_ for- the- folloWi_-lg- }��o� meets- eu�re�ltly- oa- tile- state- SeEoal-dary_ Sy�&t-e4�.- kL X ' CI AN. -Roada- p raw i de{3- 4-4A - _i-n, { krr�� te- T ;reE netl t .- Estimated Cost 10,000.00 Page 2. of 4 EXHI BIT "A" SECTION II. This Board requests that the following listed items be considered this County's continuing program for the use of 80% Seventh Cent Gasoline Tax and other Secondary Road Funds. Limitations to the phases or type work to be performed during the above listed fiscal year are shown below._ Location Description Type Estimated Priority Length Work 7A*TIXXY Cost 1 Raccoon Key 1.46 mi. Rebuilding, including drainage and'sidewalks, Key Haven Blvd.,°Allamanda Ave., Amorilla Dr., Alla- manda Terr., Arbutus Dr., Azalea Dr., Aster Terr., and Key Haven Terr., all in Key Haven (P.B. 4, pgs. 46, 65,•93, 115 & 152) GPS $ 225,000.00 • 2 Key Largo 3.0 mi. S-905 Old Card Sound Road to Ocean Reef Club R/W & GPS 280,000.00 3 Raccoon Key 0.9 mi. Roads in Key Haven 7th & 8th Add'ns. (P.B. 5, pgs. 53 & 61) Cypress Ave., Cactus Dr., Coconut Dr., Cypress Terr., cul-de-sacs off Key Haven Rd. (including sidewalks) Construct embankment only. G only 100,000.00 4 • Stock Island 0.45 mi. Extend Cross Street from 9th Ave. to 12th Ave. { 2nd St. (2nd Ave. to 4th Ave.) GPS 115,000.00 5 Key Vaca 1.29 mi. Flamingo Island Est. (P.B. 5, pg. 121) GPS 50,000.00 6 Plantation Key 0.25 mi. Coral Road in Coral Shores (P.B. 3, pg. 2) GP 12,000.00 7 Big Coppitt Key 0.72 mi. Porpoise Blvd., Dolphin Rd., Flipper Rd., Dondi Rd., Resurface SR-S941 from U.S. l to Dondi Rd., all in Porpoise Pt. Sec. II (P.B. 5, pg. 111) GPS 41,307.64 8 Key Largo' 0.30 mi. Roads in Gulfstream Shores (P.B. 3, pg. 61) GP 10,000.00 9 Key Colony Beach 1.76 mi. 4th, 5th, 6th Sts. in Am. Plat of. Key Colony Beach - 1st add. (P.B. 4, pg. 11) and Key Colony Beach - 2nd add. (P.B. 4, pg. 94) County Road in Key Colony Botel Sub. (P.B. 4, pg. 82) GPS 100,000.00 •. (') Legend: None - No Specific limitations are requested PE Only - Project not to be advanced beyond design phase. PE & R/W - Project not to be advanced beyond design R/W Only- Primary Road project on which funds are to be expended and right of way acquisition phases. for right of way acquisition and its prerequisites. Page 3 of 4 E X H I B I T "A" SECTION II. (Continued) Location Priority �`cX�� YK Length Description Type XXXXKXxY,=M Work Estimated Cost 10 Plantation Key 1.28 mi. Giardino Dr., Milano Dr., Severino Dr., Vilabella Dr. and Venetian Blvd., in Venetian Shores Plat No. 3 (P.B. 5, pg. 48) GPS $ 60,000.00 11 Stock Island 0.5 mi. Road to Bay 1eys R/W & G 25,000.00 12 Big Coppitt Key 0.24 mi. Palmetto Dr., Similar Sound Subdivisijq Section A GP 12,000.00 13 .Sugarloaf Key 2.9 mi. Roads in Sugarloaf Shores, Sec. C (P.B. 3, pg. 53) Buttonwood Dr., Dolphin St., Pine Tree Lane, Cobia Court, La Brisa Lane, Keystone Road, Coral Court, Allamanda Dr.; Section D - Driftwood Lane, Venetian Way, Shore Dr., & Extension, Shore Lane and Exten- sion, Kingfish Lane West, Starfish Lane West, Green Turtle Lane West, Wahoo Lane, Flyingfish Lane & Amberjack Lane GPS 145,000.00 14 Key Largo 0.85 mi. Roads in Winston Waterways No. 2 (P.B. 5, pg. 29) ® { Tamarind Road and 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th Lanes GPS 50,000.00 15 Key Largo 2.76 mi. Resurface all roads in Key Largo Trailer Village (P.B. 5, pgs. 43 & 55) GP 60,000.00 16 Key Largo 0.57 mi. Roads in Key Largo Mobile Homesites Plat No. 1 (P.B. 5, pg. 103) GPS 35,000.00 17 Key Vaca 0.6 mi. Sombrero Blvd. from Sombrero Beach Rd. to Club* house; re -surface. GP. 20,000.00 18 County -Wide Four-laning State Road No. 5 ($250,000 per year beginning F.Y. 70-71) GPS 1,000,000.00 19 Key Largo 0.5 mi. Road in NW4 of Section 31, T 60 S, R 40 E (P.B. 5, pg. 11) GPS 453000.00 Page 4 of 4 SECTION II. (Continued) • Location Priority XWXXXXXX ,,vj4KKXXXXXXX= Length Description 20 Key West 0.64 mi. Road North of Parcel 34 lying between and adj. to Parcels 34, 35, 36 & 38 and road on Southerly 60' of Parcel 34, as shown on Plat of Survey of lands on the Island of Key West, Monroe Co., Fla. (P.B. 3, pg. 35) 21 Cross Key 1.0 mi. i Proposed road in Sec. 25D60-39 (T.I.I.F. Deed No. 22, 871) 22 Geiger Key 0.97 mi. Roads in Geiger Mobile Homes (P.B. 5, pg. 77) Vega, Sun, Sea, Boundary, Sirius and Star Lanes 23 Plantation Key 0.60 mi. Proposed road in SE4 of SW4 and in Gov't. Lot 3 in Section 13-63-37 d 0 1 Type KR'XXX'. XXXXKX Estimated Work U��A{ Cosa R/W & GPS $ 90,000.00 R/W & GPS 100,000.00 CPS 50,000.00 R/W & GPS 50,000.00 PARCEL NO. 100.1 21 (Rev. 12-1-72) SECTION 90505-2622 STATE ROAD PORTION of Y.EY LARGO COUNTY OF FAP NO. SECONDARY ROAD R E S O L U T I O N ON MOTION of Commissioner _1974Freeman seconded by Commissioner parker , the following Resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, the State of Florida Department of Transportation pro - PORTION 01' poses to construct and improve State Road KEY LARGO Section 90505-2622_ in 14ONROE County, Florida: and WHEREAS, it is necessary that certain lands now owned by t4oNROE County be acquired by the State of Florida for the use and benefit of the State of Florida Department of Transportation; and WHEREAS, said property is not needed for County purposes; and WHEREAS, the State of Florida Department of Transportation having made application to said County to execute and deliver to the State of Florida Department of Transportation a deed or deeds in favor of the State of Florida, conveying all rights, title and interest that said County has in and to said lands required for right of way for said State Road, and said request having been duly considered. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of tXXI OE County that the application of the State of Florida Department of Transportation for a deed or deeds is for right of way purposes which is in the public or community interest and for public welfare and the land needed for right of way and other road purposes is not needed for County purposes; that a deed or deeds in favor of the State of Florida conveying all right, title and interest of unFRM, County in and to said lands required for right of way and other road purposes should be drawn and executed by this Board of County Commissioners. Consideration shall be $ 1.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this Resolution be forwarded forthwith to the State of Florida Department of Transportation at Tallahassee, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MOHROE I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true copy of a Resolution adopted MONROE by the Board of County Commissioners of County, Florida at ing held on the 22 day of October , A. D. 19 74 7.A*ft.,,P -.z 4 Aerof a Board of County Commissioners of MONROE County, Florida FORM 179-05 8-7 1 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TIPANSPORTj%TION RIGHT OF WAY RESOLUTION ` SECONDARY ROAD RESOLUTION #k6-1974 WHEREAS, pursuant to due authorization, the State Highway Engineer has had a part of State Road No. un; nup,,bereciin a =+err car. County located and surveyed and has designated same as Section � U 5 0 5 " L w : • , and has prepared a Map of Survey and Location of that portion of said Section 1:_r ::; e ? -- z 3 u : i r.= > - � a r't at o f- s .car ic2 :a 'r.citiy! ai�?ZiG , (7Xt:1 9rivr% , fi t: i llwriotit !ray :3r . Court c' i .ane can NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION that it .hereby approves the location and survey of said portion of said Section as shown on said map and directs that a copy of said map, certified by the Director of Administration, attested by the Executive Secretary, be filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of said County; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that it is the judgment of the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPART- MENT OF TRANSPORTATION that the construction of said portion of said Section is necessary, practical and to the best interest of the State, and that it is necessary that the right of way for the roadbed and borrow pits for said portion of said Section be acquired in fee simple and a perpetual easement shall be acquired for Drainage Ditches; and the Department is authorized to acquire the same by gift, purchase or condemnation; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Department that said County be, and it is hereby requested and authorized, to secure by gift, purchase or condemnation the lands necessary for the right of way for the roadbed for said portion of said Section as shown on the official right of way map of said Section, together with any and all construction easements, borrow pits and easements for drainage ditches that may hereafter be found and determined necessary in the construction and maintenance of said portion of said Section, said land to be free of legal and physical encumbrances; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in the event the County agrees to secure the right of way for the roadbed, ditches and borrow pits for said portion of said Section, that the Director of Ad- ministration of the Department is hereby authorized to execute for the Department the usual Right of Way Contract with the County. STATP OF FLORIDA DEP RTMENT O TRANSPO A DATED: -"--- y BY: Secretary of Transportation (SEAL) ATTEST: E:ec ve Secretary