Resolution 005-1971 _ _ .1>,",- . " .. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY RESOLtJrION ON USE of 80% OF SEVENTH CENf GASOLINE TAX .and QlHER SE{.'()NDA1ff JroAT{ FUNDS RESOLUTION NO. 5-l97l-SECONDARY ROADS YEAR 1971 .. 1976 COUNI'Y Monroe wtffiREAS, under the provisions of Section 206.60 Florida Statutes and Section 9, Article XII Constitution of the State of Florida, the Florida Departrrlent of Trar~portation will receive 80% of this county's pro-rata share of sevellth cent gasoline tax and a portion of the surplus of this county's pro-rata share of the 5th and 6th cent gasoline tax to be used within this county; and ~HEREAS, under the provisions of Section 339.08 mld Section 339.081 Florida Statutes, the expenditure of such funds' shall be as prescribed by regulations of the Department and pursuant to a July adopted resolution by this Board or CotKlty COHunissioIlers; mId -i "HEREAS, under the provisions of Section 334.21 Florida Statutes the county is required to subrni t to the Department of Transportation a plai'l. or work for the construction and maintenance of roads and streets within its jurisdiction for the five-year period beginning July 1, 1971. NOW TIffiREFORE BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLONS: 1. That the Florida Department of Transportation IS hereby requested to use the aforesaid funds for the purposes and projects listed in EXHIBIT "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof and that the Department consider the listed items In accordance with priorities sho,~~ and to the extent of available funds in the preparation of its annual progra~ of 'vork for the above-lisLed fiscal year with the remaining requests constituting a continuing program to be scheduled in accordance \\rith estimated available funds during the succeeding four years. 2. That the actual scheduling of Kork by the Th::partment on the reql.:8steo. projects be in the order OL priorities listed insofGr as is practicable, but not to Mailed 3 Certified Copies to: Arnold Ramos,Ft.Lauderdale 3 Copies to: James Glass 1 copy to each Commissioner. - .'( , ,: the extent of retarding the whole program or precluding the grouping of similar type projects in one construction contract. 3. That allocations and expenditures of funds by the Department shall not be restricted by any estimate of cost shown herein, and that this board concurs in the use by the Department of any available funds necessary and incidental to making those road projects listed in EXHIBIT "A" fully operating facilities within the termini described in said exhibit, and as shmin on the accompanying map. 4. That' if at anytime this county's secondary funds programmed allocations become over or under programmed in the amount of 10%, the Department will adjust the Secondary program wlth the approval and recommendations of this board to bring said program into balance. 5. That the methods and standards employed by the Department for the determination of major improvement features, including specific alignment, types and width of pavement, types o~ materials, and the Department's standard c:-,.....,,,,r-; +; ,.....,+..; ........,....r- .c"........ _.......T'"\r-+-v-.l,...+~ _'t"\. ..,......._ __,.,.-..........................~ ...:....... ",,__...J ,..___,.,............l t...... .....1...: __ n........_2 -r----------..- ___.r.. --..~-....------... ........- '--"-......--.......--- ~"'6. '-'L.I..&....... ......t".t'.......w_- '""J ...................., ...,.............\".4. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Monroe I, Earl R. Adams , Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Monroe County, Florida, and Ex-officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, in regular meeting assembled on the 13th day of April , A.D., 19~, and that the same has been duly incorporated in the minutes of said meeting. IN WITNESS HEr~OF, I llave hereto affixed my hand and official seal this 14th day of April A.D., 1971 . Clerk of the Circuit Court Ml~ .:: 1"" ::saq 0.D" CD IT 0.1 o O'Ml '< k 0'1ll 0'< ::s 0.00 1"" C/) ~ C/) . .:: CD z Ill. 0 :g Vl "'l " ~, f;;' CD :>I" ~CD 0" 00 '< .:: "'l-d CD' "'l ~ ~' C'CD IT IT b' 0 ::s t-i o III Ml~ IT 8 D" 1"" CD CD 00 o .:: rt ;; 0 '< 0' . III ,...- '; - " ~ '-' " 0. '-' ~ 1"" aq D" IT o Ml CD 0 ~o 1"" .:: aq ::s I""IT 0''< ~ CD tx:l ::s Mlaq o 1"" "'l ::s CD "'l CD CD "'l 1"" . 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