Resolution 009-1970PROD F.CT SECOND-•R ivy."UJ S i"S= ,' OF AGREPI'TT- THIS ACRIEE`r"rNT, glade and entered into this 1Oth day of March , 19 70 , by and between the ST:CTE OF FLORIDA DEPART,'%IL•�T OF TiMANSPORTATIO'`, -a component agency of tile State of Florida, hereinafter called the Depart-i:ent, and the COUNT f OF MONROE , hereinafter called the County: IVITNESSETH: ti�TiE::E4S, by Florida Statutes, 1965, 335.0=11, the expenditure of secondary road funds for the. constla.ction and reconstruction of roads, highways, and municipal connecting links thereof and city streets was authorized: and jY-TRFaS, the CoL'r,ty has. Gesig hated Sombrer. o Blvd. `ro:: Sombrero Rd. to Clubhouse, Key Vaca, Monroe Coun-Ly, r la. (0. 6 mi. for construction (or reconstr-action) from gasollhe tax funds accruing to the Department for expenditure in the County under the provisions of Florida Statutes, Section 208.44, and Article IX, Section 16, of the Constitution of the State of Florida: and WV EPEES, said work has been requested by the County to be co,,,_ feted by the Department under the Department Is supervision in accordance with specifications of the Department. NOIV, THERrFOt�, THIS I\T)F�iuRE 1VIi`,LSSETH: :"hat in co: -side ration of the premises and the covenants herelnaftC-r Set forth to be kept ariCi per--o=ed by each of the parties hereto, it is hereby mutually covenanted a:id agreed as follows: 1. The Department will add the above described project to the state secondary road system and construct or reconstruct said nrojcct c'arging all costs of the proicct to gasoline tag funds accruing -to the Dopart:aent for use in Monroe County under the provisions of. Florida Statutes, Section 20S.44, and Article IX of the Constitution of t-rie State of Florida and the construction or 'reconstruction of said project J,i11 be in compliance with requirements of the Florida Statutes and Department Regulations relating to expenditure of secondary gasoline tax funds and construction of roads on the State secondai-i road system. 2. The County does hereby authorize the Department to pursue said project through the planning, preliminary engineering, right of way acquisition and construction phases in an orderly, uninterrupted sequence, according to the usual practices, standardE and specifications of the Department. The time schedule for project completion is to be established by the Department of Transportation after due consideration for the availability of money, manpower and time. All work will be performed under the Department's supervision and in accordance with the specifications of the Department. 3. The County agrees to fu_,.is'.h to the Department free, clear and unencumbered title to all land required for -rights of way, borrow pits and easements in connection with said project. icgUiSltlon of said rights of way, borrow pits and ease�ients shall be done under the supervision of the Department and in accordance i:i the Department's project schedule. 4. Upon completion and acceptance by the parties to this Agreement of said road, highway, municipal coiu,ecting link or city streets as described in No. 1, it is understood and agreed that the said road, highway, municipal connecting link or city street will become a part of the system and.will be maintained by the Department secondary 5. The County agrees to indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless the Department from any and all claims of any nature whatsoever arising out of or because of this Agreement. T• l .n � � • r 'I. ��7r n...�F +' w� 7 1�� C �� � e IN 1,1I T\__SS Lf` ! O 4t] p:. -r cs I �.t0 1a'vC' CLIl1 .C_. tiiCse jlre5 nts i to be executed, ti-le d�.y and year first above written. IVITNESSES : As to tho Dep artnient STATE- OF FLORIDA DEP RU-2l\ T OF TRI�SPORTAI IO. `. �llirector of Addrlinistration ATTEST : (SEAL) , Secretar/ MONRO-E COn, Y, FLORIDA B ha' ri -n, B _ of ounty Com ,, is oners Monroe County AT T EST: �.c� �� � (SEAL) Clerkk o th-e Circuit Court as ex- O-L-L o Clerk of the Board of County Co u, issioners of_, ;Monroe County, Florida _. RESOL"u _.C_\ .�0. 9 -1970 -SECONDARY ROADS. RESOLUJTION..<1DOP-1 TN G �:C=C� _ CN OF TIC S1.A�i v :n r -LORIJ.� C:' A COy`tPONE X AGENCY 07 _ STA! E Or FJA AND 1 Cuv `:_ _ Or ti1G�iROE A POLI _ =C;L SUBDI`T: ION 0 � r� STATE. Or FLO-:iDA Jv"rREAS, ti.e S Aim OF FLORID.A DEPi'�TZ1�'N7 OFtiSPC TATION has agreed to construct that certain road described as Sombrero Blvd. from Sombrero Rd. to Clubhouse (Priority i=b in Secondary Roac', Prorram, budget vear 1g70- 7 1) NOW; iI�UTO::F_, BE IT RESOL`rLD By if BO^t' GF CGU\i1' COyuiISSIO\ERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLOP%IDA: Section 1. That certain Agreement dated the 10 day of \larch 19 70 , by and between the STATE OF FLORIDA D.PAR-,ENT OF" 7,,A\S ORTATMN, a component agency of the State of Florida and tie County of Mo__ _•oe be executed by the Chairman of this Board and attested to by the Clerk of the Circuit Court as Ex-officio Clerk of this 3oard. Section 2. i%at this Agree;nent be and the same hereby is an obligation and covenant of the County of Monroe in each and every respect and the liabilities there. -in cortained, shall be the liabilities of the County of Monroe on a contil:uing basis for the life of said Agreem�•nt. Section '� Tnal,. tile, Agreement shall be a part Of thi R .esolution in each and every' respect and. that a Certiflc'd Copy Of this ResoiutlOn shall be submitted to the S'E �'I -- OF FLORIDA DLP. T'�' I\ i OI' _SFORTATIO`and shall accompaP.y' each executed copy of the Agreement dated -L. his day Ct _March ' 19 70 . STATE OF FLORIL)A COUNTY OF MONROE I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution passed by the Board of County Colfrnissioners of Monroe , County, Florida, at meeting held the 10th day of March A.D'. 19 70 , and recorded in the Cor-niission minutes. IN WITNESS 1,%T1REOF, I hereunto set •::y hi:and ar:d official seal this /.day of March A.D. 19 C1�tL� Ol Tr �.'�l,`�t!] OF COu11 ' C��P,115v1��ii OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA 0