Resolution 010-1970PROj r_l T
�i11C?i ^G��UN OF AGRi:17.11TiNIT
TEIS AGRF:E`HL.`T, made and entered into this 10th day of March ,
19 70 , by and 0ctw0cn the ST:VE OF FLORIDA DLPAiti-�EN"I OF TU SPORTATIION) 'a
component agency of the, State of Florida, hereinafter called the Depart:r,,-ent,
and tiie CO'J\t f OF MONROE , hereinafter called the County:
WIT-EZEAS, by Florida Statutes, 190S, 33S.041, the expenditure of .
secondary road funds for the construction and reconstruction of roads, hianways,
and municipal connecting links thereof and city streets was authorized: and
WHEREAS, the County has, desig;Iated Road to Bay Keys, Stock Island.
Monroe County, Fla. (0. 5 mi. )
for construction ion} from gasoline tax
funds accruing to the Departile;it fO: :id �.-: OOP:�y ': der -he
Provisions of Florida Statutes, Sce.-cio..L 208."=4 and ArtlCie i \; : tioil 16,
of the Constitution of t;:e of . 0 da:
Wr R S, Sald r:vr-� ..a5 beer. r 1UC5 `G : fire Co=ty to be CU Dieted
by the Department unCie _ l in
-- 3ep-"Fenn.r�.,,�.:�� s sine:�'�s-�on accordance
specificati-ons of
NOW)1riLtiYO:� l:li5 I�llir\;UctL 11'`1_�LSs is lfiat i:: �O::S1G : �i0ii Of
the premises and the covenants herein ..ter Se Corti. to be and
by each of the parties hereto, It iS CiCr Gy ailV COtiellxntti7 as
i. the Dep rt:,ent will aUd tide above described project
LO the State SeCOiii« ^� roal: system, and consz uct of
iCCOn;; rll� i S ,lU 1�:O;CCt Cil:i.�li]j ali C05t5 OT the PrOjCct i0 o.SGi 1i1C iaX
funds aCCrLiiilg't0 file 1 Ci)art^Cnt for LIso i11 Monroe
CGLL t)' UI1tiCr file i 50rtlCle i
rOV,SO01Ciif 1l, l,d1
Of the Constltt1tion of tC,o State Of Florida and the constiUctiOn Or
TCconstIllcti0n of s:ilc'i project Will be in compliance with requirements of the
Flori6a Statutes and Dcparti:icnt Roglilations relating t0 ex ondltUre of secondary
gasoline tax funds amid COn5tractlOn Oi roads on the State Secondaiy road system..
The County does hereby autilorIzo the Department t0 pursue Said
project tiiTOUgh the pI,-,nJllil` , pTClinlnary' Ci,g1nCCT1I]g, i fight OL Way acgUlslt101V
and construction phases in an orderly, uninterrupted sequence, according to the
usual practices, standards amid Specifications Of the Depart-minent. the time
schedulo 10r project ccFmp*'etiOn is t0 he Cstablis";Cci by the Department Of
Transportation after dLle conslderat-on 10r the ava-' _aL 1_1ty Oi I noi,e;'y p0'weT
and time. .U1 Work w11l bo periGIi�ic t,. Joi�art :C;:t f s 5'�perviSiOn and
in accordance Witil tie spot Cati0ns GL t ,C 1JCp?rt;:iCiit.
3. TiiC COLlnty agrCCs tG Cl .:.._ i] t0 _ -- ]U-rCG, Clear and
�� '✓ bGrrv'.ti _tS an
unenctLinber ed title to ail �" CqL:; : Ct v: _ _` Ia5 G-, p
easemorits in cOnectlon W:t`. s -� j =G�� jCCt_ l0ii O1 Sufi Oi 'hciy,
borrow pits anCi ease: �Ccnts 1-1 be t -:. Ld1C Cr t:'_ S :)C= ., Of the De7)artm—_nt
and in accordance project schedule.
`+. Upon U::' )il i0:'. Li,Ci QcCL•_)ta:,cC by =Litt', parties to
OT Said road, ills=,.., "' i l:IliC]i);,l CO; =Ceti flit.. 0_ C�tV streets as t;esCrlDeQ
in �O. 1, it 15 L,.Ct. StGvci i,C: ag:CCu Il ,t tP.0 s _It roc , .^.ib:,l�, , i i;;�c:pal
COn::eCtin i ir,n o: Clt;y' Stl oo t_ l" I OCCO: ;C a vi tn.�
system, and will bo ma Intai; ocI by tht: Leila 1 t:'r cnt _
S. e
C CG:.i;ty agrees t0 i:ldt :11 y, ,C%C; 7y S'VC and :i0ic. lar±n_oS5 %.:
Department r G . ,--id ai i clams 0: an-y natUrC ',%hatSOCVCr ,arising O•.it 0 G.
because O
• m •
IN 1'Ili.,t:SS ..�i�i'l.'i , tfiC t)7I'il-CS lleTClO ;1:iVC Cal1SCCi tl1CSC il'CSCittS
t0 bo �xCCLiICu , t I1C C: arul �'� %iT t 1 rSt o, vo v,� en.
-i,\i SSI:S: r - `T OI'• i 1�Jt"ViZ1t1110
STAZ% OF FLOiiiD;� 1) r"u.T J
B ;' .
director or nistration
AS t0 ti:C
tide County
Monroe County
t'ICT'K or the Circuit Court as ex-
Oi1C10 Clerx Gi theOaTC�i of C011iti)J
Cor .lissioners o, Monroe
Coi.;nty, i'tor iCla -
t.i-.SCLtJTIG`: :1 X1c TI�;G \r. ) : , i,,� n; � i:' e "...'- C " � '•� ' '�L —its"
, �•— `•�iJ ram._._. :l 1
II HE St:�ll, vI i 1.0i\1.)'1 _1.:.':�i\. 1 V.\.:�: it ti,
A C0.`a-UNi.\Y i' AGi:\�0: IVIO\?R,OE,
A ?GLITICAL SU35_V_ , -O 0:
ti1i�EiZ 1S, talc Si.=�=� u: ":...:ON has agreed
to construct tilat CCrz .... _._:. . 6 —Cr. ` �,,_s Road to Bav Keys (Prior izy '='7 in
Secondary Road Pro<_:_ an:, budget year '1970-71
NOW,it 1:.: i,:�.,, 1 i rWJ� L`. .:i narL ) 0 l VrJr G `O.c Oi
C0U1;-11" , : LC)iZ:5'-' :
Cer-Lai; „'�e;',cilt ...acU :e 10 '. day o 'larch
19 70 , by an : „C 'C:. t.'1C' S AT._ V:
Component 0-
Mo?.--- Oe
De executeu -.. Ct1,:ii.T�iai1 0 �:+iS i�0 , i' i ar:Ci IO .. %eS �t C �y fire '.�crt� OL u.0
Circuit u0ur.: ...L' .--.-G%-iC1G C1Cr.; G;. -L..15
SCC 1G% l:tat tt115 .a�T �' .0 .� DC .: a 'Ell sa;no hl-rebv 1S a —,I oDii"o�10
anc't G, t : CGu:iti O1 M c)rir0t. In Cach an" t\Cif' it'JJt�Ct u
the 1.1D L , t Le; io: t iil -i:l` ..:1C' 1 Si. ill Cie tale lia )" 11t1es o too Cou,"lty G�
Monroe On a conthium- basis fGr the lire of Said Agrecm.cnt.
Sectl J, i%at uic' Aoroe r i:t shall Oe a part of t1.iS P.Csoiution in
each t
and every respect and that a cerltled copy Of tP.i•S Resolution shall be
Subi,,dtted to the S A"i c, 0 rLO %i liA 17L i.'.I�;�il � l U:' 71�. N'STOPJAi I0.,' and S;,al l
accoTii7�ai:y- each executed copy of the Agrocment dated this loth day of March ,
19 70 ,
I HEREBY lERTI17Y t;lat the foregoing is a true and correct copy of
Resolution passed by the Board of Comity CGi;missionerS OL Monroe , county,
Florida, at meeting held the 10thday 017 Marc1-, A.D. 19 70
and recorded in r.e Cor; i .ssiGn L .
1\ 1'iTi\13SJ .; i�_Oi', 1 h,'rc' Set ,";:j ..anQ and Giflci.� Sea" this
'day of March 70