Resolution 011-1970PROJECT AGRIEDT\T SECONDARY RX0 S i STE'l ILL-\n1VMDbN OF AGREFTMEN7 THIS AGREL i` NT,' made and entered into this 10th day of March , 19 70 by and between the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARDI EN ' OF TRA,'vSPORTATION) 'a component agency of. the. State of Florida, hereinafter called the Department, and the COU\Ti OF MONTROE , hereinafter called the County: W1TNESSETH: wl=F LS, by Florida Statutes, 1965, 335.041, the expenditure of secondary road funds for the construction and reconstr ction of roads, highways, and municipal connecting links thereof aind ci .y s-Lreets was authorized: and cl Wi REAS the County has, desijnazed 'Roads in Sugarloaf Shores Sec. C Y APB 3, pg 53), Sugarloaf Key, Monroe County, Fla. (1. 1 mi.) for construction (or reconstraction) from gasoline tax funds accruing to the Department for expenditure in the County under the provisions or Florida Statutes, Section 208.44, and Article iX, Section 16, of the Constitution of the State of Florida: and WHEREAS, said -�,ork has beer -requested by the County to be completed by the Department under the Department's supervision in accordance with specifications of the Department. NOV, 7,-dRFFOR_E it-IIS INTJrNiLaE NIT\ SSETH: Feat in consideratior1 of Y the premises and the covenants ereinafter set north to be kept and perfo ed it is ereby mutually covenanted a:,d agreed as by each of the parties hereto, follows: 1. The Depart e;.t will acid the above described project ., to the state secondary road system and consLlact or r all CGSi.S Of LiiC p? O� CCt t0 b:iSG 1 ii]e tax' ru;,is 3CC17LiinJ to tilc I1e,.;rt:;]ent for use in Monroe County under the provisions of i-loricia Statutes, Section 20S.44, and Article iX Of the Constitution of -10 State or Florida and the Construction or 'roconSt111Ct1Oil 01 siild project Wlil hC lit compliancewithrequirements Oi tiie e ? - i n^ S Clatlile to expcnditure of secondary I'lOr il,a �tatUtes a:,t, n01.,:, u�i�:i'it ���iulati0,: T gasOilnC tax funds aild CGilstiiiCt'o l of roads Oil the State seco, al ,' rGad SySte l.` 2. "Ihe COLtiltV c10es hereby authorl-_7e tiho DCpartlilent to pursue said project t1rouLlh tie p lanninrr, p relii-,dnary Cingincering, riont of Way acquisition and cons tTlictIon phases in an Orderly, uninterrupted sequence, according to the usual practices, stan6arc s avid specifications of the DeDaTti,.Cnt. Tile tiioie schedule for project CO ipiCtiOn is t0 he established: by the Depart,T.ei;t 0f Transportation after dLle Cons160r3tion for the availability Of money, manpo:v,er and tll ie. All WOrh will be perfommed under the DCpartP.ent 's supe-r1�1Grh and In accorda,,CC With the spCCi 1C 1t10nS Oi file Departr]ent. f • ? fir' -•a:: ...,.. ..,a r .i J. Tine County ,7recs t0 u=,`Lsh to tiei0e, Clear am, L'unenc=ilberod title to all lana rcd.L;l :'0._ 1Gr r ;:.t` G l y, i)OrTOK -D1tS a 1G easements in COnneCtlOii Witt: Said �,:u�0 t. -ECG l5iti0:, 0 saja r17., Oi way, borro,.v pits and c',aso�',cnzs 5;.i1 . J0 0:.0 L:it e. ti]e Stipp 1 is1On 0� ;ic' Department and In accordance L: i til s pro j CC . sc� ei -'uie . 4. t p Oil CGi,1p�2t10n a^:d CCcpt �:tCc D tI1C aa: moles i0 tii:ti _a-rG'r:T:t'iat OL Said road, ill�.'il::V� L::.1Cli):.1. CGi.ilCCtin in.. Or CitL" streets as �' scribea in No. i, It 15 lli:Cic'. j:v0 a;id agrcc i`iilt t,le s:.1�1 rOau, �:11vaV, ;.; .. C pal connecting Tin; or �_ street L�'iil r,0=0 a l,lrt of file system, and Dill �c ::,u iltained by file Dcparttnent secondary S. Eae coli cy a rocs h.0 l,id emiii iy, ltC it ,lU, �a1 C' min I i1Giu ,.ali:ii eJJ the Depart:,ertt frGi'1 ai1V and ail claimis Oi any natLlro ,N,iiatsoover Out Oi Or because Of tris :\-'roc-me nt. 0 IN 1iITNTSS S.I?Ei:,:OF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed, the day and year first above written. WITNESSES: STATE OF FLORIDA DEPART2,�iN,f OF TRANSPORTATIO'' BY: Director of ATTinistration _ ATTEST: (SEAL) As tote Department Secretary __.M0NR0E COU'�1Y, FLORIW irman, Boar-af=o`unty Concni�i's Monroe County ATTEST: (SEAL) Clerk or the Circuit Court as ex- officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida ; RESOLUTION NO. 11-1970-SECONDART ROADS RESOLUTION' ADOPTI`:G EXECUTION OF �1�i0tA\i)U�1 Or AGRE��T BE' LEN TIE S-IATE OF FLORIDA DLP:�i<iti�T OPT L\SPO. TATION,, _ A COKPONi�NT AGENCY OF Tii-G, STATE OF FLORIDA AND T„i; CO�J, ,Y OF M-ONROE, A POLITIQU SUBDIVISION OF Ti STATE OF FLORIDA WIEREAS, the STAT-E, OF FLORIDA DEPART��Vi" OF TRANSPORTATION has agreed to construct that certain road described as Roads in Sugarloaf Shores Sec. C (Priority #8 in Secondary Road Program, budget year 1970-71) NO�d, THE,'; :F02:;, BE IT RESOWED BY Sri:. BOARD OF C --1Y Cia%.1ISSI0' OF MONROE COU ,-,Y, FLORIDA: Section 1. That certain Agreement dated the 10th Uav o- March 19 70 , by and bet--.:een the STATE OF FLORIDA uEP•aR�� \1 OF iR�NS'GRTy !ON, a component agency cf the State of Florida and the County of Monroe be executed by t}1e Chairrian of this Board and attested to by the Clerk of the Circuit Court as Ex-off.icio Clerk of this Board. Section 2. That this Agreement be and the sane hereby is an obligation. and covenant of the County of Monroe in each and every respect and e • m 0 the liabilities tIhc rein contained shall be the liabilities of the County of Monroe on a continuing basis for the life of said Agreement. Section 3. That the Agreement shall be a part of this Resolution in each and every respect and that a certified copy of this Resolution shall be submitted to the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARI%iMNT OF TRANSPORTATION' and shall accompany each executed copy of the Agreement dated this 10th day of March , 19 70 . STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is,a true and correct copy of Resolution passed by the Board of County CoTmiissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at meeting held the 10th day of March , A.D'. 19 70 , and recorded in the Comission minutes. IN 111IT:NI.SS MFt ZEOF, I hereunto set my hand and official seal this 1A gL`day .of March y A.D. 19 70 (SEAL) X8 CLE]"'K OF THE c,OA.t:D OF COLT\-Iy CO,%'1NIISSIO ;: S OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA