Resolution 018-1970 PROJECT ,\GRJ:I)!L\1" SECO:\DARY RO,'J) SYSTDl (\VDR'\.\T\li\! OF ...\CRED1E\T TIlIS AGRLE.':1...\'I, rode and entered into this ~ day of 19 !..!!.-, by and bct\\een the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARnrr.:;...! OF Tf\A.'\SPORTATIO:~, a March component agency of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the Deparm,ent, and the COtf.\.T{ OF MONROE , hereinafter called the County: WIT N E SSE T H: ./ wl!E/{E.\S, by Florida Statutes, 1965,335.041, the expenditure of secondary rOJ.d funds for the constnlction a..'1d reconstruction of roads, high\\ays, and municipal connecting links thereof and city streets was authorized: and WHEREAS, the COllnty has designated Roads in Porpoise Pt. Sec. II (PB 5, pg. Ill), Big Coppitt Key, Monroe County, Fla. (0.72 mi. ) for constrJc,ior. Cor reconstruction) fro~ gasoline tax fWlC.15 accnlir.g to the Jc;)art;;,c;".t lor C'x;-l..:'nJ i : c."\..' ~n the COw'1ty u:1der- the provisions of Florida St:l,utes, Section 20S.44, anJ Article IX, Section 16, of the Constitutio:l of t;;..:; S,:-!tc of ?loriJ::L ::mc \\}{[REAS, ,<;,:,~ ..\ori-: h:ls been rcc.ucstcd by the COllI',t:: tc Je cOITI?leted by the Derart~C;"lt ;~:;~;," the ;)crartr.,cnt's sU'I)crvision in accC)rJ:;;'lce \\it;, specifications 0: :':,(: JCi':lrt;;lcnt. :\O\\', 111E;::JTCJlZ;., lIlIS I \TIiSru:c: \\:I~-=SS~TIi : Tna t 11. , . ' ~O~SlCC~~::o~ 0: the premises :l;",J the- co\'er.:l."1t..:: hC[(::"dIte:- set forth to he ke?t anc ?crfor.:led by each of the rarties hereto, it: s hereby iT.utt.4:l11y coven~"1ted and ac;r-eed as follows: 1. The DeIi:1 ;-:;:,C.,t \\i 11 dW.: the above described project to the state SCCOl'lC:'lI)' roaG system and constI1..lCt or reconstruct s:1id project c)l:uging all costs of the project to gasoline tax' funds accruing to the ncr:1Ttr.'1ent for use in Monroe County under 'the provisions of Florida Statutes, Section 208.44, and Article IX of the Constitution of the State of Florida and the construction or -reconstruction of said project will be in compliance with requirements of the Florida Statutes and Department Regulations relating to expenditure of secondary gasoline tax funds and construction of roads on the State secondary road system. 2. The County does hereby authorize the Department to pursue said project through the planning, preliminary engineeririg, right of way acquisition rold construction phases in an orderly, uninterrupted sequence, according to the usual practices, standard~ and specifications of the Department. The time schedule for project completion is to he established by the Department of Transportation after due consideration for the availability of money, manpower and time. All ~ork will be performed under the Department's supervision and In accorda.lcc with the specifications of the Dc;xlrtJ'7lent. 3. The County agrees to fllrnish to the Department free, clear a..1d unencumbered title to all ld.nd rec\ui rcd for rights of ""ay, borrow pits and easements in connection with said project. Acquisition of said rights of ',;ay, borrow pits and ease,:;cnts shall be done under the supervision of the Jepartment and in accordance \';1 th tr,e Dep.:lftment IS ;>roj ect schedule. 4. Upon cO:-:1pletion and acceptance oy the parties to this Agreement of said road, high\\'ay, ffiLmicip.11 corJ,cct.ng :1n~ or city streets as described in :-':0. 1, it is u,-,dcrstooJ ar,C; agrcc-'; that the said road, hig!,-,\.;av, ~l4..-.icipal connecting lir.~: or ci ty str..:~ct \\'i 1: bccor..(: a pan: or. the secondary system and \-"i11 be ~1a;r,taincd oy :hc Department s. The County agrees to . ~ . - 1 ;"IGC~.rL 1 ty ) defend, save and hold harmless the Departr.1Cnt fro~. any and all clairns of any nature whatsoever arising out of or because of this Agrcc~cnt. r:-: \':rT:-'l:SS \',; ~:.:~ror, tile po rties hereto have cJllsed these presents to be executed) the d;:1)' anJ year first above \Hitten. WIT:-'-CSSES: STATE OF FLORIDA D[PARnu::'\'T OF TR..\.\SPORTATIO:: BY: Director or Auministratlon ATIEST: (SEAL) As to the Dcp;ntfilcnt Secretary B Monroe ATIEST~~ h-;!"L~ Clerk ot the Clrcuit Court as ex- officio Clerk of the Board of Cowlty Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida Cat,mty (SEAL) / RESOLlff 10:\ :\0. 18 -1970 SECONDARY ROAD RESOLlllIO:\ A;X:JPTr::G r:X[GTTTC:\ \~;: \~~\i ',:~'\.\~\0: :;:: ..\:...~:2,:l~ BET....EE.\ TIn.: S'~':\Ti: OF i-L03.LJ:\ :,;;':\;C\;;-:,';' ,~:: ':K:\.\S?':;;,-"A'~:O\, A CO~!ll():-'l~\T ,\G1:\C:Y Of 1Ii:: S;-X;'r~ ();: ?:,Oi~:;"\ ."~\-:') ;-~::, CC~;\-:;. Of MONROE, A POLITICAL S(;3:):\';S:,'\ Oi: ';~::: .:::;::;..72 Of r::"C;{::lA hHEiEAS, the S'i'A-:1 I);: ;-:;'();,:.\ J;2:\lC<i:~\T Of :t{...\.\S?C:c..-:..'..;-IJ:-' has agreed to construct that ccrt;,;.. YO;,,: 0c'~cri>'\.: :,s Roads in Porpoise Pt. Sec. II (Priority # 3 in Secondary Road Program', budget year 1971- 72) ;.;O',~, iliLi<..: .'\ " , ,)c: I'l' K.LS\)~'.l:J 3Y -;!ii~ IXlARJ Or: CG~J\7Y CO~:;::SSIO:-.t:RS OF MONROE COu':-.iY, FLO:~:;I.\: Sect :C,:-, 7na t certa i;: ;\~ rec~~e;i:: \~;~ ~c~ ~,,-.. l.....L 10th '::iV of March 19 .1.Q-., by <Lid ;-,c t',. (;cr. t:,c S'I'.\7;: OF ;::.,~;{Ii),\ J;:?..\i\.".:):;S';" OF ''I'K..'...\S?Ji\.'I'..:..::''IO\, a compOf.ent .:l6C.,C.' ,j: the State of F:or:,::i Jr,": tl'.e CoW',ty of Monroe be executed by t;~c Ch.:llIliI:i.... of this Bo:,n,;. Q.f,d <.ttested to by the Cler~ of the Circuit Court ~s ~'{-oEfi.cio Clerk 0:- Lr,is B03.rG.. Scctio~ 2. Tnat this Agrcc~cnt oe and the S~~e hereby is an obligation and cover.CJ.t of t:;c COJ"ty of Monroe in each and every respect and , . th~ liabilities ~hcrL'in contJ.incd shall be the liabilities of the County of Monroe on a continuing basis fo.r the life of said Agreement. Section 3. That the Agreement shall be a part of this Resolution in each ~~d evcry" respect and that a certified copy of this Resolution shall be submi tted to the STATE OF FLORIDA DEFAKnv1L\'T OF TRA.~SrORTATIO~~ and shall accompany each executed copy of the Agreement dated this 10th day of March 19 70 . STATE OF FLO;UDA COu:..TY OF MONROE I HERIBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution passed by the Roanl of COW1ty Commissioners of Florida, at meeting held the 10th day of Monroe, County, March , A.D. 19 12-, and recorded in the CO:-:7ilission r.1inutes. 10: WIThESS 1,';1 lE REO c: , I hereur,to set r,.}" harld al1d official seal this 1r2~y of March . A.D. 19 70 . (SEAL) A!:tF-- It~~ CLf..Ki 0;' ':'rS: .b.JA:{J Of C:Ou)..-:Y CO:-;:-'lISSIO:-;2~ OF MONRCE COU~!Y, FLORIDA