Resolution 020-1970 .,. Pi\OJ EeT ,\GPJT:- IT :;;T SECO\U,\l\Y ROt'J) SYSTDi ~[E\:OR:\.\:,"U\l OF :-\CRED!L\T TIllS AGRl:2;L~I, m.J.Je .J.nc1 entered into this ..!..Q!E. day of March 19 .!.2-, by and oct\\'een the STATE OF FLORIDA D[PART;\LE~T OF TRA.\SrORTATIO:~,a component .:1gency of the StG.te of Florida, hereinafter called the Departi'.ent, and the Cotf.\.IY OF MONROE , hereinafter called the County: WIT N E SSE T H: \\1il~;ZE:\S, by FloridG. St.'ltutes, 1965,335.041, the expenditure of secondary rO':lll funlls for the construction and reconstruction of roads, highways, and munic ira 1 connect i ng links thereof :md city streets was authori zed: and WHERF..AS, the County has desi;0ated Roads in Flamingo Island Est. (PB 5, pg. 121), Key Vaca, Monroe Countv. Fla. ( I, 29 mi. ) for constrt..cl~')~; (0'[ rcco.~st:-Jctio"l) :::ro~. gasoline tax fW1cLs accruing to the Dep.'lrt~.\.'~~t [0:- ('x=-,(';,,~ i Le,;C in the Cow,ty u::.de:- the provisions of F10rid.'l St:i tl~te:-" Sect iG~~ 20S. 44, and Article IX, Section 16, of the Constitution of th.,t.:-,t\. 0: ......... ., ~-.o .!orl~a: <:..nc \\1-IT:Rf:AS, S:, ;c. ....G:-.:', ;,.:15 '~('e;,. :-cc.uestcc. 'Jy the COw,t\' to 2e c07:l?leted by the Dep.J.rt;:-,ef,t ....u.. t;~c Depa rtj.,Cflt 's su?erv:..s lon .. ~ . , In aCCO~G~~ce ~lt~ specifications 0: .')C;;~Tt:i-:cnt . :\0\\, ~:: ; i\jlZE, TIllS I \8 ;:..\ l,.iR;: ',\'I~::SSr:~~ : I.nat lr'l . . ~O;"'.I.S ~~C:".:i:' :.0;"'4 of the premiscs :lJ,G. t;~,. CG\"cndJ,ts :-~c:tL' : rl~_~ ftc ~ set. rort.11 to be ~e?~ 3.nd. - . ?c~o~.ec by each of the partics hcreto, it is hereby ~dtu.:1::y coven~,ted anc a~:-eed as follows: , .I. . 7ne Dcpa rt::-Icr. t . ., ~ \\' '!. 1. 1. Z1J~ the above described proiect to the statc secon.lary roadsYsterrr-and-construc.t.oI reconstruct s;1io project ch~Hging all costs of the project to gasoline tax funds accruing'to the ncpartr.lcnt for use in Monroe COLUlty unoer 'the provisions of Florioa Statutes, Section 208.44, and Article IX of the Constitution of the State of Florida and the construction or TeconstnlCtion of said project will be in compliance with requirements of the Florida Statutes anel Department Regulations relating to expenditure of secondary gasoline tax funds and construction of roads on the State secondary road system. 2. The County does hereby authorize the Department to pursue said project through the planning, preliminary engineering, tight of way acquisition ffild construction phases in an orderly, uninterrupted sequence, according to the usual practices, standard~ and specifications of the Department. The time schedule for project completion is to he established by the Department of ,/" Transportation after due consideration for the availability of money, manpower and time. All \\ork will be performed under the Department's supervision and 1n accordal1Cc \~'ith the specifications of the Dc~arU-;lent. 3. The County agrees to furnish to tile ;)cpartment free, clear a'1d unencumbered title to all land re~ujrcd for rights of way, borrow pits and easeml2nts in connection with said project. Acquisition of said rights of 'liay, borrow pits and ease,:;cnts sha: 1 be done ,-mJer the supervision of the ;)epartment and in accordance \\'j tL the Dcpartmc"t' s project schedule. 4. Upon cOl.1~)lction aoJ ~cccpt ~1r.ce 'oy the parties to this Agreement of said road, },igh\":lYt munici;j:,.l co;;ncctin.; linK or city streets as described 1n :\'0. 1, it is urH.lcrstov": ar,d agreed tilat tht:, :;J.iJ Toad, high\~ay, ;r,l.4:',ici~al connecting 1 ij',~: or ....,' ..." ......1.1..,.., street will bcc0~e a ~J.rt vi the secondary system and i.;ill be ~'l;,ilr.taineci by ~hc Department s. The County agrees to jndc~ify, defend, save and hold har.mless the DeparUicnt froJ;'1 aT;]' ami all claims of any nature whatsoever arising out of or because of this Agrcc~c~t. ." \ \....'-' ~ 'I',l' l):ll'tJ: C'" ',r''''l,,-.to J1,","" c::ll....cil t'I',e.~c :"'l'c.<;,cntr.;. 1.,... ';l'C";:.~.~ ;,:,~',,~,'\"i:, ~ -' ..>.......... y.... ~ -. ~ ... .~ ~' . -~ to be CXCCl.tCJ, tiie ~:;'.)' ~i;-,J Y":Llr first above \~Tittcn. \\I.'.\LSSES: STAlE Or: FLOi\Ii)'\ lJl:PiUG7'JXr Of TR.\.\SPORTA7iO:: BY: 01rcctor 01 A~~lnlstratlon I': :1 A1.fEST: (SEAL) As to tiie J";tl~1 rL.,il...;..t Secret.:.!)' ., . ~1 , ~ i -:.7 Monroe ATIEST:br& /l---rt;~ L!crr; 01 tile Lircu..t I...ourt as officio C~erk of the Board 01 COr7;;:1issioncrs of Monroe Comity, Florilia COiJ....ity ( Sr.\1- ) ex. COU,j1ty i~:S0:,u;'! G\ \0, 20-1970 SECONDARY ROAD R1:SJ:Alri';\-',~~ :\~. ,:Y;I~::~ ~~\;~\-l;:'~';~\ ''--'1-= ~::'.\:' ~'~\.\.\~"~:'l 0:: t~~~{;::-:\:;-~'T 3L7.'.r:c..\ ~ii~-, S'L\~'~. C~: :::'\~"":IJ:\ :'I';\'\~\.~~<:~\':~ C,io: "~.rz..\\S;,~~<~~,'.\"~':CJ~~, A CO~;l\);.,iS;' ..\C: ....,~.. ,';. .. ,. S';'.\;;: ,~;. ;:;,O;,I:'\ ,\\-:1 'j"; :', C\~/,~,,';:' Or: MONROE, ..\ i\)~~:':'~L..\:, S,;,~':I:\.;S:\~,\ ~)i; -~~~ S'~'/\~~: Or t::~,;':~}..\ ! I I j I I , I ,! ,I I I J I I hi ;i:;C:\S , ~) j .. \ l . . :'JJI.).\.. i. \ L}::l").:~\ ~~.:: ..\;.""' C',? ~:\...\..\S?;.=,~\.~-.L~--:~O:\ ;las Obreed to cor.s t r,~c:: oil-- ,. 6. L, It..1 L ct....:,,;;. ~-\~.,,; ,:C>C:';.<,; :.:) Roads in Flamingo Island Est. (Priority #5 in Secondary Road Program: budget year 1971-72) :\C/,\', ~ilJ,,\j"" ,\", ',~.'.'i .:j :~y ~~~:' ~ '".~~j J? C\)~~7': C\.-~\~.::SS:O~ci'5 ,..- v. MONROE ,,:lj\;.\~:'Y ~::..~~:~::~:\: Sc',': :-" \.. ~ & '-" j ',' "::::_...:'~ :':-,,-' 10th ~.-.V 0: March :0 70 , ':Jy ;~:-.\.o - ' ,,: .. \ j I I' \. ,,/. , . \..\ a \- ..::-:..\. \:-;~;. -: .:.::-: ,~\, a cor;~~.}G;-,C;~ ~ :.~.~t_': .,: ,l',' . .....) .' :1.;'l\." '"... I... / \..'6. Monroe C(; (;XCClA::C~ , ~ ,. ..! , " . \../& . ~.- , . . . J I... d.:.\....1 d ~ ~L'::~ ~L'\"": ::0 JV t~-:c C:cr~ vi _)oo<.=., \,...,..... c:...~c~..~t ro' LCJ', ~ ;<.. ) ~ .. . ',- ~', \..' .. .....' ;- r~ :... ~ OJ', l ~ l .. \.4 . . " '..It...., .~ . , ~ :--. . ,,; ;l..'L';',,\...';'l: 11,- \.1;~\.4 tr_c Sf.j;~;C , , t~C:"CJY is ~n v~li&~ticn :i:-.1..4 CO'\I'(::,:...:.: ',i I.a, I ~ >" \) ~ Monroe' ~. . . d ~lYC-3'Ci~'-aTltl--~Vc.:y-.r~~2~.:~__~~_.. _ .' the liabilities t.hcrcin contetincd 511.111 be theliflbilities-of--thCnCoontyoL Monroe on a continuing basis for the life of said Agreement. Section 3. Th.1t the Agreement shall be a p.1rt of this Resolution in each and every respect and that a certified copy of this Resolution shall be submi tted to the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPAKIl'-1L\'T OF TRASSrORTATIO;~ and shall accompany each executed copy of the Agreement dated this 10th day of March , 191L. STATE OF FLORIDA COu:--.1Y OF MONROE I HERI::BY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution passed by the Board of COW1ty Corl1lnissioners of Monroe, County, Florida, at meeting held the 10th day of March , A.D. 19 IL, and recorded in the CO~",1ission minutes. I!\ WIDocSS \'.1 i:EREOF , /~~y of , I h~reu;'1to set my hand and official seal this March , A.D. 19 70 . (SEAL) ~/l ~C. t"'~".. o~~~7 CQ'''llSS-OS' L~ V. ,lu.- W l, U, 1 .10 1.. t~ OF MONRCE CO~1Y, FLORIDA ,/