Resolution 009-1963RESOLUTION NO. '9 -1963
WHEREAS., the Board of County Commissioners. of Monroe County,
Florida, at a meeting held February 12, 1963, adopted Resolution No. 4-
1963, .S.econdary Roads, authorizing the State Road Department to have made
a. photogrammetric planimetric map of portions. of Monroe County, Florida
as. shown on sketches .attached to said Resolution, a.s a. Secondary Road. pro-
ject, copies of which Resolution were forwarded to said. State Road De-
partment, and
WHEREAS, said Board desires to rescind the action taken in said
Resolution, and to adopt another Resolution concerning said map, and
WHEREAS,. during the year 195.9 the.State Road. Department prepared.
maps of Monroe County,. Florida under the project known. as. "Monroe Coun-
ty Mapping .Job #90000-1601.11, by aerial stereo. methods, by the photogram
metric division of the Florida State Road Department,. m.anus_cript scale
1." - 4001, said, photographs being designated Sheets 1.-1.6, 1&-21, 27-30.
and 37-41, and
WHEREAS, said Board desires, to complete the mapping project
throughout Monroe County, Florida on the same scale of 1" - 4001, .and deems
the making of such. map an emergency measure, inasmuch as. said. Board has,
been advised. that the airplane used, by the State Road. Department for making
such photographs will be available within the next 60 days, and said Board,
desires to pay for- the cost of said project out of Monroe County, Florida.
Secondary Road Funds, now, therefore,
OF .MONR.OE COUNTY, FLORIDA, a.s follows.;
1. That Res.olution No. 4-1963, Secondary Roads, adopted by the
Board. of. County Commissioners on February 12, 1963, be, and. the same is.
hereby rescinded..
2. That the .State Road Department of Florida. be, and. it is hereby
authorized, as. an emergency measure, to make photogrammetric plani-
metric maps, of those portions. of Monroe County, Florida, at a scale of
I" 4.001, the exact area and the sequence in which said areas. are to be
photographed. to be determined. jointly by the County Engineer of .Monroe
County, Florida and the ,State Road Department,. said maps to be a. contin-
uation of the- existing maps known a.s..Sheets 1-16, 18-21, 27-30 and. 37-41,
"Monro:e .County Mapping Job #90000-1601", and. to cover areas not pr.e-
s.ently covered, by said_ existing maps.
3. That. said State Road Department be, and it is_.hereb.y authorized
to. pay for the cost of said project out of Monroe. County, Florida ,Secondary
Road Funds.
4. Be it further resolved by said. Board that the Clerk of said Board.
be, .and, he is. hereby authorized to. forward certified copies. of this. Res.o-
lotion to- the State Road Department for -appr.opriate .action.
Dated April 9th, 1963.