Resolution 009-1964RESOLUTION -NO. 9=196.4- SECONDARY - ROADS - WHEREAS, the Board of County Commis.s.ioners of Monroe County, Florida, has heretofore- authorized. the, beautification. of the rigtit- o.f-way on U. S.. Highway ##1 on .Stock Island, Monroe County, Florida, as a. secondary road project, and- desires. to have the State Road_ Department pay for thewater to be u.s.ed. in maintaining said project out of. Monroe Coun- ty, Floxida Secondary Road'Funds, ,and WHEREAS, said State Road Department desires that the attached agree.m.ent be entered into. by the Board of County -Commissioners. o4 Monroe County, Florida., the State Road Department, and. the FLorida. Keys Aqueduct Commission, now, therefore, BE_ IT RESOLVED .B.Y THE BOARD -OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY,: FL.ORIDA, that the Guairman and tree Clerk of said Buarcl be-,. and, they axe hereby authorized to execute, :on be -half of Monroe - County, Florida, the attached agreement. BE; IT FURTHFrR RESOLVED- BY SAID. BOARD_ that tlhe Clerk, of, said- Board be, and he is her -eby authorized'.to forward certified copies. of this Resolution to the State. Road Department for appropriate. action. Dated February 11th, 1964.