Resolution 036-1964
36 -1964
WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of the Board of County
Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, that certain improvements con-
templated in the original planning of the Garrison Bight Causeway as sug-
gested by the Monroe County Inland Waterway Commission on July 2, 1960,
have not been included in the final plans as disclosed by State Job No.
90500-3604-02-44, Monroe County Garrison Bight Causeway, namely, pro-
vision for boat ramps and off-street parking area in the charter boat area,
and public restrooms, and
WHEREAS, said Board desires that these improvements be included
while the said Garrison Bight Causeway is now being constructed, now, there-
OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the State Road Department be, and
it is hereby requested to modify State Job No. 90500-3604-02-44, Monroe
County Garrison Bight Causeway, to include the following improvements
at this time:
1. Construct ramps for the handling of small boats on trailers
through the section of bulkhead proposed for construction and shown as ex-
. 0
tendmg N. 17 3!f 53" W. from the northerly right-of-way line of Roose-
velt Boulevard 27 +-24.49 as extended from the centerline of the proposed
roadway and shown on sheets 10 and 11 of the plans of proposed State High-
way, State Job No. 90500-3604-02-44, Monroe County, Garrison Bight
2. Construct adequate public restroom facilities to accommodate
the general public who presently and in the future will avail themselves of
the facilities to be created in this area for public use, not only for their
welfare and comfort, but to preclude the possibility of pollution of these in-
land waters as recommended by the State Board of Health to the Governor
of the State of Florida Interagency Committee to study pollution of the inland
waters of the State of Florida; provided that the City of Key West will enter
into an agreement for the maintenance of said restroom facilities construct-
ed by the State Road Department.
3. Construct an additional off-street parking area approximately 100
feet wide parallelling the northerly right-of-way line of Roosevelt Boule-
vard and extending along this right-of -way line in a westerly direction to a
line parallelling the pierhead line lying easterly off and parallelling Eisen-
hower Drive and 100 feet easterly of the said pierhead line, said parking
area commencing at the intersection of the northerly right-of-way line of
Roosevelt Boulevard and the westerly right-of-way line of State Job No.
Board be, and he is hereby authorized to forward certified copies of this
Resolution to the State Road Department for appropriate action.
Dated July 14th, 1964.
.3!:~, 16.
k' 17.
."'1'04 - 014 .. a.... aad Pav..
Ct&4Joe .. .... to No:rtb.. Rai.., Oracle aad .....
Stock retaml .. 014 ....A .. Pave.
ItMIt leI'" .. 4th Ayeraue, 5th A...... Stb....... ......1. A..... ..
'" 19. Palm Drive, ...cb. llc'l.. aa4 lla'amock .DI'i... Ea.,a..klaftd Key..
.... aM Pa...
I., .la. 8i, Coppitt.. Coppitt Iload. lad. 3rll! aft. "tla St1'e.".Sho:re A..mae ..
G.ade &ad.
Z 1. Sqa:rloaf No.1.. Date Palm Dl'iv... Ora" aft4I .....
Z2. SU4lebaacb.. Road ift ....l.1NDcla Ao.... aawtri... .. Grad. aad Pav..
- l3. Sadell..nen.. Bay Poial "Wlneioa .. ...1.... Dri.. .. "'cle aM Pave.
/r; 24. Summ.rt.rul - Saua HarMI' ..Wlvt.l.. .. Caat.1' &tn... Ho:race, Mortbe'.. Ib!l.. .. Grade.... Pa...
-:1"' 25. Pi.etatlo... Su aema. L..ei aftel Val.acta Dl't..., "_tatio" 8lvd. ..
G..ado aad Pave.
,50 26. Plaalation.. Woal'oe, Key Hetak&. Drift. RIlla Pot....., a.Ut.. HUI.
Drive. lulu :WOtan. Tl'aU. Seml:r.tOle at.... Ir....i. alvd. ..
Orade _d P....
J.,~. 1.7. PI..tation.. Gardeal. Stre.t. Royal Poinei.._ IU", Coco".t Palm ..
GI'... ... P....
ll. Itey Lal"o .. Taveraier .. COCoDat Bow. T....rnt... Dd... Lineoln
Ave"... Je Searl DJoive. Hal'bol" Vi.... Drh'. .. .... &ad Pave.
r. Z9. Key Lal'lo .. Hibi~\I. l.ane 11'l HUriocua P...... .. ~ and Pave.
,,~ 30. Key Larlo - Lal". 80und 'Park SubdJviaion. Bo." ..._e. .....ll.
Av.n... KlaaS.. - a....... Pave.
/.5 'I. Key Larlo .. Twla Lab. ..Wtvaat.. .. Ell.. "lve. ....1 It....t ..
.... ... Pav..
:;0 3l. Key La..,_ .. Bo..... AdeI. to alYle..a Vllt... .. ..... ~ Bay Drive..
Na..Un Av.... - 0........ P....
. ,,'
,- -
/:~ )3. Uppe.. Key-La..,... KI1owlaon Coloay .Wi'ri...... 01_'" .11-
.tl'''' Drift .. O...acI. ..4 Pave.
~i,.... U. Ke, La..... .. -,....-meata to "'&boaaa, .Dl'iv. fl''' "'05 to La
Paloma in plat 01 Villa. Plat ....., Pa,. 125,
Win.toA Watenray. Amnded, Plat Book 4. .... :114 an' bra,.......
mema t. La Paloma Iload from MabOJa.., Drift .. )fewport Bay
ia plat .1 ........ W.,......,.. Mo. 2, Plat.... J. .... 19,
Public of I.Ionroe County. ,norida.
11. Ke.,""o .. to SoaU, .Drive III plat" _awri.llt Poiu.
Plat No. Z, Plat Book'" - 154. P..bUc 01 Mo...o. Count,..
". C..... x.y .. FI1tm U. S. 1. at. poiat appl'Oatmat.'" 1'" ft. aortb
of Jewfla'" C...1l Briel,., Qor-tb approximatel, 51a-. in acc...daac.
witb. ma, to b. farllt.".4 'tty eo..,. 1:.........
37. Vaca (Na.atb") Bay, 2ZllfI. 26th. 21th. 21th an. 19th .....t. .. OI'ade
and Pav..
)1 38. V.c. (WaratRon) Eutward Ho. We.twarc! Mo, Do..,... Den. Spoonbill
La... 61e' Stre.t .. Pave.
,q. Vac... stat.ra' Cr..k to U. S. 1 - Pav..
2: 40. Vaca - C...tatn at...eta in SuWivleion Key Colony H.
41. Vae. (Warathon) - 79th. '6th. llOth. and 117th Itl"".. Jadu.trial
Avenue, Key Cot..y Ib'IYtl. Che.t.1' .Drive. ~. AWlQ.. ..
Orad. ... Pav..
." 4,. Key Colony C......y.. Oc..a Driv. Ea.. .. ...t.. Pa....
4'. Upper ~at.cnlmbe fIelamorada) Carot Aveaue - Ol'llCle ..d 'Pave.
."')0..... lCey W..t .. .o.....U 8..1evan - Key W..t... .0.'...... aonia to
boat doclla - Bulkhead &ft. "UI.
:{; 4S. Sarve)". ..4 PreUminary D.atlll S. R. 4.A North to C...-, Lt..
(Broad Cr..k).
.50 "", Survey. and Preliminary De.i,., 8ri.. from .i. .... K.y to Mo
Name Itey.
.. 47, Stll'veya u4 PreUminary Deel,ft, Ca..d 8o.1l4 Boad "'lal'l41e.
/ u. Bauna ".leYaN. Cz..l Key .. lOO ft. e....t.. of p..e..s.M. job.
,~ 4'. J...oo. 1\oa" .. ColUel' Ccuaaty U.. to .Dade C."" Ll.. aad ace... .....
hatb to Plne.crelt .. O:racl. aad Pave. cCoau""...1. .porl Da.. .IUS
ColU.1' ,...ticlpad.oa).
50. .....loal.. 1a&e1'..cUon 5..939-.1\ Eaat ..4 Hol"" to V. S. 1 .. aal..
Orade and ~v..
51. SU..doAf'.. Extend Old 4..A trom'loal Cr. to Sacklt.....l\ch Harbor
... Bd.... Grade aad Pave.
I,., ; Sl.
, 53.
Spaal.h Hal"bol' Ibid,. and C.".....y to No N.R~. x.y uti ..oad OD JIo
Name Key.
....... at Eden Pinea Subdlviatoll.. 811 Pia. Xe,.. Plat Book S. Pa,. ZlIt
Pv.blic atICo..d. of ....1'0. eo..,y. J'lod" C."... ...w1,. ., c.......1).
, ,>
.tI- ~
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BE IT FURTHER"RESOLVED That the methods and standards employed by
the State Road Department for determination of major improvement features,
including the specific aligrtmentt the types and widths of pavement, and the
Department's standard specifications for construction are concurred in and
approved by this Board. It is requested: That the Department will consider
the projects in the order listed above insofar as practicable, but not to
the extent of retarding the whole program; that the termini of the projects
as described in the resolution and shown on the accompanying map, rather than
any estimate of funds therefor, shall control the Department's allocation of
funds; that this resolution shall remain in effect throughout the year; and
that after the current year the recommendations of this resolution shall con-
stitute a continuing improvement program for the County, unless changed by a
subsequent annual resolution.
I,""'L ....... , Clerk of the Circuit Court in and
for ....wtNt County, Florida, and ex officio Clerk of the
Board of County Commissioners of
County, Florida, hereby
certified that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolu-
tion adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of
County, Florida, in regular meeting assembled on the IItIl day of ....cll
A.D., 19 6. , and that the same has been duly incorporated in the minutes of
said meeting.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereto affixed my hand and official seal
day of
, A.D., 19
Clerk of Circuit Court