Resolution 041-1964 RESOLUTION NO. 41-1964 SECONDAR Y ROADS WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida has previously adopted a Resolution setting forth its Secondary Road Program for the year 1964, and WHEREAS, the State Road Department of Florida has advised said Board that there are not sufficient funds to complete all of the projects in- eluded in said program, and has requested that a certain item be deleted from said program, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the State Road Department be, and it is hereby authorized to delete the following project adopted under Secon- dary Road Resolution No. 16-1964, dated March 10, 1964: 7, Key West - Roosevelt Boulevard - Key Wester Boulevard to Boat Docks, Bulkhead and fill, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said Secondary Road Resolution be amended in accordance with the above paragraph of this Resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be, and he is hereby authorized to forward certified copies of this Resolution to the State Road Department for appropriate action, Dated August 25th, 1964. I' .......". , ( ..1 i ; (J'\'\'/ , !) 'fj ~ ~J , cx,f!l,!1 ,7" d- /..("'- lJ' \. / ~.~ -~ ~;' t . '1""'-" , '~", I,' t ~ -t.' ,..v '.$1 .,,:- ,\,.,"< I ......, I,' j r & \, i)' . ij ~ j