Resolution 057-1964 Resolution for County Deed Parcel No. Section state Road Monroe ]...00.1 Q0505-2605 County RES 0 L UTI 0 N # 57-1964-SECONDARY ROADS --------- Commissioner Pritchard Harri s , seconded by , the following Resolution was adopted: ON MOTION of Commissioner vrr~~qzAS, the State Road Department of Florida has est~tlished loca- tion for tha;(; part of State Road 'PAlm Drive, designated as Section 901)05 Job 2605, between State Road S-905, Easterly to Oleander Avenue in Gulfstream Shores on Upper Key Largo. and proposes to construct and maintain the same as a part of its Secondary Road program; and, Whereas, Monroe County is vested with all right of way required for said road; NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County does hereby affirm that it is vested with all of the required right of way for said portion of said StaGe Road, and that s~id rig~t of way is legally clear and has been physically c}.eared of all buildings, fen.ces and other im- provements; that all utility pole;" lines, cables, pipes a:ld other facilities have been removed or adjusted 8.S required for com/vl'ucti:m of said project by the State Road Department or s~ch removal, and/or a&justB8nts have been ar- ranged for and will be effeeted without delay to the State Roa.d Department and/or its cont:cactors; and the state Road Department is hereby ::equested to proceed with the construction and m~intenance of said portion of said State Road; and Monroe COlli!ty hereby agrees to save harmless the State Road De- partment, its contractors, agents and emploY8es, from all claims arising out of such construction and IDallltenance of said road within the right of way aforesaid and to defend any and all lawsuits to completion and satisfy any and all judg- ments therein made, at the County's expense. NOW, THEREFORE, the Boe.rd of County CoInItissioners of MnnY'np! County, does hereby authorize the execution of a deed conveying the herein- above described property to the State of Florida for the use and benefit of the State Road Department. STATE OF FLORIDA CO~ OF MONROE I HEREBY CERTIII that the foregoing is adopted by the Boa:'rl of Co'.mty COr.J!llissioners of Florida, at a meeting of said Eoard held on the A. D. 1964 a true copy of a Resolution MnnY'np! County, 1 ot.h &'<.y of Nov , WITlTESS my hand and official seal on this 13th day of Nov. A. D. 19 64 . c~ t.v the Board of County C0Il11''lis- slon<::rs of MONROE County, Florida.