Resolution 003-1965 Dated January 26th, 1965. Resolution to the State Road Department for appropriate action. Board be, and he is hereby authorized to forward certified copies of this BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Funds. and to pay for the cost of same out of Monroe County, Florida Secondary Road Bahama Drive, Jamaica Drive, Venetian Drive, Airport Avenue, and the extension of Venetian Drive Westerly and adjacent to the Southerly right-of-way line of the 60-foot canal as shown on the above mentioned Plat of Riviera Shores, First Addition, to an intersection of the extension of 9th Street, and thence Northerly along the extension of 9th Street to an intersection with Flag- ler A venue, Shores, First Addition (P. B. 5, Pg. 85), in the City of Key West, as follows: it is hereby authorized to construct roads as shown on the Plat of Riviera OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the State Road Department be, and BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS dary Roads, now, therefore, lution No. 48-1964, Secondary Roads, and Resolution No. 63-1964, Secon- Florida desires to amend Resolution No. 45-1964, Secondary Roads, Reso- WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, SECONDAR Y ROADS RESOLUTION NO. 3 -1965