Resolution 010-1965 RESOLUTION NO. 10-1965 - SECONDARY ROADS RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING 'mE USE OF ANY AMOUNT OF 1965-66 SECONDARY GASOLINE FUNDS OF Monroe COUNTY NECESSARY TO COMPLETE JOB NO. WHEREAS, the Stat. Road Department of Florida will rec.i.e bid. on th. 27th Dav of April. 1965 . on Stat. rroJ.~t Job Ro. 90570-3602 . (Flagler Ave. in Key West - Duncombe St. to Roosevelt Blvd.) and WHEREAS, the current a..ilabl. S.cond.ry easo1ine fund. to Jun. 30, 1965, .r. not .ufficient to coap1et. the project, NCM THERE70RE, BB IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COHKISSIONERS OF Monroe COUNTY, FLORIDA~ IN OPBN MlETING DULY ASSEMBLED, th.t the St.t. Road Dep.rtment of Florid. i. h.r.by .uthoriz.d to u.. .ny .mount of 1965-66 S.cond.ry ea.o1ine fund. of Monroe County, Florid., nec....ry to coyer .ny co.t. on .aid State Project Job Ro. 90570-3502 , in .xeess of funds .vail.ble durinl tke current fi.c.1 ye.r. ~e foreloina reaolution va. offered by Co..issioner Osterhoudt , vho .."d ice .doption. Tlae ..tion v.. ..conded by C~18sioner Harris' , .nd upon MiDI put to . vote, it vas .ppnY.d. * * .. * * * * * * STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Monroe I, Earl R. Adams , Clerk of the Circuit Court, in .nd for Monroe County, Florid., .nd Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board of County Commission.r. of ..id County, do hereby certify that the .bo.e .nd foreaoing 18 . true .nd correct recit.l of the action. of the Board of County COIIIIDiuioners of Monroe County, Florid., adopted by the ..id Board of County Co.- .i.sioner. .t it. ..etinl OR 27th d.y of April , 1965 . - IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I MY. hereunto ..t .y Mnd .nd affixed by Offici.l Se.l on tals 28th day of April , A.D., 1965 . - Earl R. Adams Ex-Officio Clerk Bo.rd of County COII818doner., Monroe County, Florid. Cl.rk