12/14/1994 Agreement 1Dannp I. ltolbage BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. (305) 289-6027 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 292-3550 BRANCH OFFICE 88820 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852-7145 MEMORANDUM TO: James Roberts County Administrator FROM: Attention: Sam Malinowski, Project Manager Ruth Ann Jantzen, Deputy Clerk If.,t) /. December 30,1994 DATE: As you know, on December 14, 1994 the Board of County Commissioners granted approval and authorized execution of the following documents: Reimbursement of Expenses Contract between Monroe County and The Key West Council for Base Retention. Base Closure Consulting Contract between Monroe County and FlShkind and Associates for base retention efforts. Base Closure Consulting Contract between Monroe County and Commonwealth Consulting Corporation for base retention efforts. Enclosed please find a fully executed copy of the above named contracts for return to your providers. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact this office. cc: County Attorney Finance Mayor Pro tem London, w/o documents File t:"'l En i- C"R RtCOR , I... V . BASE CLOSURE CONSULTING CONTRACT "94 tiC 30 P 3 51 THIS CONTRACT is entered ", ~ ~J" ' ~~ t\ \~ j. , _, .., bl f I into by Monroe Coun~ro~R~t~~~~ti~a] Florida, Public Service Building, subdivision of the State of 5100 College Road, Stock Island, Key West, FL 33040, hereafter the County, and Commonwealth Consulting Corporation, 9507 Beach Mill Road, Great Falls, VA 22066, hereafter the Consllltant. 1. The Consultant represents that it is professi(J)nally qualified to represent the County's interest regarding the Naval Air Station at Key West (hereafter NASKW) to the federal BRAC Commission, the Department of Defense, Congressional Officials, and other appropriate organizations and officials (hereafter the Project). This project and requisite scope of work are described in detail in paragraph 2 of this contract. 2. Upon the receipt of a written notice to proceed from the County Administrator, the Consultant must carry out the described project as follows: A. The Consultant must examine and become familiar with the data, analysis, and the NASKW and Base Realignment and Closure report prepared by Fishkind & Associates, Inc., including attending a briefing provided by Fishkind & Associates on their report. B. The Consultant will present and explain the report to GAO staff, BRAC staff, and any members of the Clinton Adminis- tration and Congress that the Consultant believes are appropri- ate. C. If any of the person listed in subparagraph (B) react positively to the retention of NASKW as a military facili- ty, then the Consultant must seek to reinforce that view through whatever lawful means it believes are appropriate. If any of the persons listed in subparagraph (B) react negatively, then the Consultant must implement an aggressive effort to overcome that view through whatever lawful means the Consultant believes are appropriate. D. In addition, the Consultant must use its best efforts to contact those members of the media, academia, and political officials at the state and local level that the Conslll- tant believes are appropriate to convince then of the value of retaining NASKW as an operating military facility. 3. In return for the work described in paragraph 2, the County must monthly pay the Consultant $12,000 per month. All payments are for work performed during the previous month. Requests for payment must be made by the tenth of each month for services rendered during the prior month and must be in a form satisfactory to the County Clerk and County Administrator. Once the County Administrator has determined that the work was performed according to the specifications of paragraph 2, he mllst forward the request to the Clerk for payment. If the Clerk has no objection, he must promptly pay the Consultant the amount due. The County must also pay the Consultant whatever reasonable expenses were incurred in carrying out the project but only to the extent and amounts allowed by Sec. 112.061, Fla. Stat. 2 Reimbursement requests may be submitted with the monthly request for payment for the prior month I s work which made the expenses necessary. All requests for the payment of reimbursable expenses must be in a form satisfactory to the COtlnty Clerk and supported by whatever documentation the Clerk may require. The contract price plus reimbursable expenses are the total compensation due the Consultant for the project. The Consultant may not receive compensation for any work performed that is not described in paragraph 2 unless the work is approved in writing by the Board of County Commissioners. 4. The County may make additions, modifications or de- letions from the project with an adjtlstment in compensation to be mutually agreed upon. If the parties cannot agree, the County must unilaterally determine the adjusted amount. The Consultant must then continue to carry out the project and project work under the rate of compensation adjusted by the County. The Consultant may, if aggrieved, pursue the remedy of paragraph 16 btlt in no instance cease work on the project and project work. 5. If the County decides to abandon the project or fails to appropriate funds, the County must immediately notify the Consultant in writing. The Consultant must cease all work on the proj ect upon receipt of the County I s abandonment or nonappro- priation letter. The County must pay the Consultant that amount due the Consultant for work done - but uncompensated - up to the date of the Consultant's receipt of the aband~nment or nonappro- priation letter. 3 6. The Consultant may only use qualified personnel to carry out the proj ect. At the time of the execution of this contract, the parties expect that the following individuals will carry out the project: A. Christopher M. Lehman B. Admiral James A. Lyons, Jr. USN (Ret.) C. Matthew R. Kambrod, Col. US Army (Ret.) D. Thomas L. Carter E. Major General Michael C. Kerby, US Air Force (Re t . ) F. Donald H. Feld, Colonel US Air Force (Ret.) G. T. Edward Braswell, Jr. H. Douglas J. Harpwell 7. The Consultant may not assign or subcontract its obligations under this contract - other than the receipt of money - without the written consent of the County. 8. Records of the Consultant's direct personnel payroll and reimbursable expenses pertaining to the project and project tasks and records of the accounts between the County and the Consultant must be kept on a generally recognized accounting basis and must be available to the County or its authorized representative during normal business hours. The Consultant must keep the records for five years following the project or, if the project is being funded by a state or federal grant that requires retention for a longer time, the time required by the grant. 9. The Consultant is an independent contractor. Nothing in this contract may create a contractual relationship with, or 4 any rights in favor of, any third party including subcontractors or materialmen of the Consultant. The Consultant's use of a subcontractor or subcontractors to carry out the proj ect, a project task, or any portion of the work, will not in any way relieve the Consultant of its obligations under this contract even though the subcontractor was approved by the County. 10. The Consultant must have the insurance of the amount and type described in Exhibit A. Exhibit A is attached and incorporated into this contract by reference. 11. The Consultant acknowledges that all documents created as part of the project are public records under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. As a result, they must be made available at a reasonable place and time upon the request of a member of the public. Failure to do so is a breach of this contract entitling the CO\lnty to treat the contract as terminated on the date of the violation of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, with the County's obligation to pay extending only to work completed as of that date but as yet uncompensated. 12. This contract has been carefully reviewed by both the Consultant and the County. Therefore, this contract is not to be strictly construed against any party on the basis of authorship. 13. This contract represents the parties' final and mutual understanding. It replaces any earlier agreements or understand- ings, whether written or oral. This contract cannot be modified or replaced except by another signed contract. 14. Nothing in this contract should be read as modifying the applicable statute of limitations. The waiver of the breach 5 of any obligation of this contract does not waive another breach of that or any other obligation. 15. The Consultant warrants that he/it has not employed, retained or otherwise had act on his/its behalf any former County officer or employee subject to the prohibition of Section 2 of Ordinance No. 010-1990 or any County officer or employee in violation of Section 3 of Ordinance No. 010-1990. For breach or violation of this provision the County may, in its discretion, terminate this contract without liability and may also, in its discretion, deduct from the contract or purchase price, or otherwise recover, the f\lll amount of any fee, commission, percentage, gift, or consideration paid to the former County officer or employee. 16. This contract is governed by the laws of the State of Florida. Venue for any disputes arising under this contract must be in Monroe CO\lnty, Florida. 17. The Consultant agrees that it will not unlawfully discriminate against any of its employees or applicants for employment because of their race, color, religion, sex, national origin or disability. The Consultant must insert a provision similar to this paragraph in any subcontracts awarded under this contract except those for the p\lrchase of commercial supplies and raw materials. 18. All communication between the parties should be through the following individuals: 6 Monroe County: Jim Roberts, County Administrator Public Service Building 5100 College Road, Stock Island Key West, FL 33040 (305)294-4641 Consultant: Christopher Lehman Commonwealth Consulting Corp. 9507 Beach Mill Road Great Falls, VA 22066 19. This contract takes effect on the date of the signature of the last party to sign. Although the parties must execute an original contract, for the purpose of triggering the effective date, a mutually executed fax copy is sufficient. This contract will terminate on July 31, 1995, unless terminated earlier by either party as authorized in this contract or unless extended by mutual agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each party has caused this Agreement to be executed by its duly authorized representative. (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L.KOLHAGE, Clerk (CORPORATE SEAL) Attest: By4MS~~ {{t~Al~ ~r~rY Date J. 3 a ~ coniiinas BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Byc5'~f~ COMMONWEALTH CONSULTING CORP. B~e~~ 7 ^I'lll 12. I ')').1 Ill( l'r"_i"~ MONRO!!: COUNTY, I'LOIUI>A JNSVItANCE GIllUJr: TO CONTRACT AUMINISTUATION hulcnmifieatioJllll1d lIold Ifurmlcs., for Suppliers of GOOd8 IImJ Scrvkcs- The Vcndor covenants and agrccs to indcnUlify Elnd hold hannlc8S MOllroe County BonnJ of County COlnmiflSiOflcra from any Ilnd all clnirns fhr bodily injury (illcluding death). personal il~u"y. Dnd property damage (including property owned by Monroe County) and any other lo~c~, damages, arId cxpemC5 (including llltorncy's fcos) which arisc out of. in connection with. or by reason ofservicc& providod by tho Vendor O( any onts Subcontractor(s) in .1IIy tier, occllsjuncd by the negligence. errors, or other wrongfillllct or omission of The Vendor or its Subcontractors in any tier. their employees, or agents. In the event tho completion oflhe projccl (to include the work orothers) is delayed or suspended as a rcsult Oflhc Vcndor'! failure to purchase 01' maintain tho required insurancJ'. the Vend<?r.shaJJ indemnify the County frorn nny and all increased expenses resulting Ii-om slleli delay, The extent of liabiHty is in no way limhcd to, rcdllccd. or l~sscned by the insurance requirements contained elsewbere within this agreement. 1'-<.1 .. ..... ~ .~~. ":.ft'" '. ,10' ," " , EXHIBIT A ~ . ^dalihi.,ativc JfllltJUtlion 14709./ 16 . , ...---. . -~ ,-~.,~"""...".-._., ~.~i~'~~~6~~~~~~j~&!.~~.:iiE.:~.'.;:,i..f~~i.~:i~,;:~tf_,c~,'~, ~J:;:;~~,~:i~:t~~.;.:.'.,.Ui:;:. -"',"'-:~""""-:""-"".'-'--'-~"""._'-" .'.~-_. '_..,_u__..__._....~_.... ~..___.., ....,. .~__. ~_''':''U__~ ...... __ ."... ~. ...."'.~ " -~.y.,~_-,~..-r,:-.~~-:_',::;~- .. . . ....,..~.-.__._.~...H .' .:)~;,/\:..:,.'~,.,:;,;}:i0~~~i;~~~~~~~~~if:;..~.. . ,', ,. ~~~.: ^,lfil 22. ,')<n 11IIl'Iltllin" "." l\10Nn.O~: COUNTY, 171.ORII>A INSURANCE GtJIDt; TO CONTltACT ADM IN rSTItATION GCl1cralluSlmlnce Rccfuir'cmeu(s for , SUIJJ_lienr or GOOd5 or Scrvic("~. .,:"'7 As a pre-requisite of the work governed, 01' the gr)ods llupplicd under this contmet (including the pre-~taS}ing of personnel and material), tho Vendor shall (1blain, at hi!l!hcr own expcnse. iruiurancc as spcclflcd in nny attached schcdul~. which arc made part ofthi~ contract. The Vendor will ensure that thc insurance obtained will extend protection to all Subcontracton cngll8cd by the Vcndor. As an alterlllltivc, the Vendor may require all SlIbcontm,ctors to obtain insurance consistent with the attached schedules. The Vcndor will not be permiued to commence work governed by this contract (including pre- staging of personnel and material) 1I1ltilllatisfactory evidence of thQ rcquin..-d insurance ha:l b"cn furnished to the County as specified below. Delays in the commencement of work, resulting from the failure of the Vendor, to provide satisfilctmy L"vidence of the required insu1'ance, shall not extend deadJines specified in this contract and llny penalties and failure to perform assessments shaU be imposed as if the work commenced on 'he specified date and time, except for the Vendor's failure to provide satisfactory evidence, TIle Vendor shall maintain the required insurance throughout the entire term oftbi8 contract and any extensions specified in the attached 5lChedules, Failure to comply wHit this provision Inay re.~lt in the immediate suspension of aU work until the required insurance hn~ been r~instatcd or replaced, Delays in the completion orwork resulting fTom the fhilure oCtile Vcndm:,Jo maintain the required insurance shall not extend dcndlines spccilicd in this contract and any J)cl,alties and . failure to perform assessments shall be imposed as irthc work had not been suspended, except for the Vendor's failure to maintain the required insurance, The Vendor shall provide. to the County, as sallldaclory evidence of the required insurance, either: · Certificate of Insurance or .. ^ Certified copy of the Clctua( insurancc policy. The County. at its sole option, has the righlto rC<lucst a certified copy of any or alfinslIrancc policies required by this contract., All insurance policies must :;pccily that they nre not subject to cancellation. non~rcncwal, materiai' change, or reduction in covcmgc unless n minimum of thirty (JO) days prior notification ilS given' to the County by the insurer. The acceptance and/or approval oCthe Vendor's insurHllcc shall not he construed as relieving the Vendor Ji'om any liability or obligat.ion assumed under Ihis contract or impo!>cd by law. .. .. ". "./ ,Wllli"'IllI"i\'e Jnltl\l~1Mta ""709,' . 17 ~r ".~ , ,)'i~"; ~11~~t...:(..\.:". . . ; - .;i~ . . ~. -. -',; ....". .... ... ',.01... _ ~,.>i:'...-.(,.t ~,/i~i.:.:~_~1,1....-t....lt ^I"iI 22. 19?.1 1l'4 l'tif.itll; The Monroe County Uoard OfCO\lnlY Commissiollers. it~ cmpl(}ycc~ anu ()mcinl~ will be included as" Aduilionallnsurcd" on all policics. except for Workers' Compensation. Any deviations from the~c Oeneral InllUrllflCC Requirements must be rcquc!'Itcd in writing on the County prepared form entitled "Requc.d fur Wniver or Insurance Requirements" and approved by Monroe County Risk Management. , . ~ ~..' ,.. ..... ~ .;~' ~.,r~" " ~ .. .. MniaillllaliWll JI1IIl'\"'1k>ti M"'O",. 18 ,'.;.,'- '.7~"""'--'.'.-'''''''''''.__''''''''-"",,",,~ ,.,.-----.--.--..-.----.--~-.......-._".._._.__ _____.__n~..___"..,'.."..,~"'._,.,,, .._...,....".....~._".~...__.. .'. ;i~~:t~;0,:,~~,,;:~;;:I~j~~t~-.~;i;,;!,~i:\,'<'a~.. .i.:,".;.:~.I$~~~I~tl;~';,~~~~~~ --- ...-..-.--~....,-,---,-~.,.- .~.....'-...---.--~.,--.-"~.-.-..-- -- -----~._---._--_..--.-.----.~.--.-.,- ,. . .'--' .-.-----.-.~'-....-~""..:.---.::".-__:.....-~ """'>....,'~,,......---''"'--+..-~.., "__,~_'''"."..'~....,.__,~..-........,,JI'..'__..iEf.,...,.-, 'C ~_.. i_~,';;i~:~~"i".li',.;;j,d-. .. _. " . 'i'fiE. flli?f ;iFl"i , ' '!f. . '" 'r' ., ~..:~~ . Arril .12. ""').1 lit 1'rirl.in8 GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE IU:QUIRr~M~:NTS 14'OR CONTRACT nl~TWE.;N MONItOE COUNTY, FLOIUIlA AND Prior to the commencement of work uoverncd by this conlrnct, the Contractor ~hnl1 ontain General Liability Insurance. Coverage shnll be maintained throughout the We of the contract and include, as a minimum: .. .. Premises Operations Products and Completed Operations Blanket Contractual Uability Personal Injury Liability Expanded Definition of Property Damnge .. .. .. The minimum limits acceptable shall be: .; ~~; , t $300,000 Combined Single Limit (CSt) If 5plit limits are provided, the minimum limits acceptable shall be: $100,000 per Per80fl $300,000 per Occurrence $ 50,000 Property Oamage An Occurrence Fonn policy is preferred. If coverage is provided on It Claim., Made policy, its provisions should include ooverage fi)r dnhns filed on or afler the enectivc datc of thill contract. In addition, the period ror which cfaims may be reponed ~hould c''(Lend for a minimum oftwclvc (12) months following the acceptance of work by the County. The Monroe COUllty Board orCounty COll1mi:,;~ioncr-r~ ~hall be named a.~ Additiollallnsuf'cd on all policic.... issut.-d to satisfy the above rcqlljrcment~. ## ^*1I..,.,tto InIItna:llcIft *4709,1 GLJ ,.. ;'..;-.---..---.-..........,., . _... _ d... . .. ".~ .._ ..... ' .,' , ~.:,.:.r7;y.X'...iA.'~r;;';j~.j;i.-~:;j~i,:,.',.. . i~~~~~i}~~~i~ili'~:::,-~. t~~-", ^",il U. ")'),1 1.11.,it~il1t; VJ~IJICLII~ LlAIJILlTV INSUltANCIc: IU:QUIfU.:M.:NTS FOR CONTRACT UETWEEN MONnOE COUNTY, FLQRII)A AND Rccognizitlg that the work governed by this contract rC<luil'es the use ofvchjdc~, the Contractor, prior to the commencement ofwc>rk. shull obtnin Vohiclo Liabjlity Insuran~c, Covenl8c shall be maintained throughout the life of the contract and include. as a minimum, 'inbility Cllvcragc for: · Owned. Non-Owned, and J lired Vehicles . The Inlnimum limits acceptable shall be: $100,000 Combined Single Limit (CSL) t , If split limits are provided, the minimum limits acceptable shall be: $ 50,000 per Person $100,000 per Occurrenco $ 25,000 Property Damage The Monrne County Board o(County COllull;ssjoncrs shall be nlllUed as Additional Jn~uf'cd on all pelidell i,sucd to satisfY the above requiremcnts. .. MnlDilluati\'U J....Nl.11un '''m,l VLI 75 ... .-,s t:, ,.:,.".. ,.:...: ~"'" ^llfil22. I'J'J.I 1~11',i,,'il\l~ WOltKERS' COMltl':NSATION INSURANCIl: IU:QUIIU~M(i:NTS li() I{ CONTRA(.l' DlrlWEEN MONI{OI~ COtINTY, FLOIUI>A AND Prior to the commenccment of work governcd by this contract, thc COMtmctor ~hftll ohtain Workers' Compensation Insurallce with limits !lulliclt,ml to rcspond to Florida Statute 4r10, In addition, the Contractor shall obtain Employers' Lhlhility Insurance with limits of flot less than: $100.000 Bodily Injury by Accident $500,000 llndily I"jury by Disease. policy limits $100,000 UodHy Injury by Disease, cftch employec Coverage shall be maintained throughout the cntirc tcrm (,)fthe contract , t Coverage shall be provided by it company or companie.'S authori"cd ((.J transact busine:ts in the stale of FJorida and the company or companies must maintain n minimum r"tirlg of ^~ VI, ws assigned by the A.M. Hest Company. If the Contractor has been approved by the Florida's DCI,artll1ent or Labor, as an authori~.cd sclf.. insurer, the County :shall rccognize nnd honor tho Contmctor's SUltU3. The Contractor Il1flY be required to submit a Letter of Authorization i!S~lIcd by the Department of Labor and a Ccrtifiatc ofInsumncc, providing details onlhc Conlract()~'s Excess Insurance Program. ,rlhe Contractor participates in a sc/(:'insurance fund, a Certificate of Insurance will be rcquired. In addition, the Contractor may be required to submit updated financialstatement!l trom thc.Jimd upon rc<)uest from the County. . . l'-llnln/....live ~1klA '''709,1 wel XI 1,,:-;.... - -.--...----..,- ":,","," . ~~.tt.:~... ,1f4!JI~~ : . _. I ~,.: RC*lIUCMlII 1191-199:1 ^llfil21. I'N,' I~I rrilllilllJ .. MONROF: COUNTY, FLORI.,A H,cqucst For \Vnivcl' or Insurance Requiremcnts It is requcsted Lha. the iJlSur.HlCC n.'tluirclllcIILN. U~ spccilictl jlll.hc CounlY's Schedule or Insurance. RcqUircU1(:IIL.o:, ~ waivod or modHi~d Olllhc folluwing ~'OIILntcl. ' CQJlll~tor: COlltrad Cor: Addn;sll of Contractoc: Phone: Scope of Wock: . , Rcasoll for Waiver; .. .'iIti......__..._ J" " Si&lIature of Contnl(..1or: ApproVL'lI Not Approvw Risk Managclucnl D3[e .._--_._~--~. ....' ..-.--- COlJllty Adlllill;litralor appeal: Approved: Not ApPII'\I(;d; Date: U031'd ofCuullty COlllmissioners ;I'>>'lClIl: Approved: Not Approved: .. Meeting Dale; ---...............--.....-- -......... Al~"jnw"iVll IMlhl\;tilln 1(4709. 1 WA'VW{ $ ;~ ,( ncwlulion 11191-1993 April 22. 1')').\ I ~11)rilllille MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Request For Waiver of Insurance Requirements His requesled lhallhe insunlllce requircmcnls, as specificd in lhe Counly's Schcdule of Insuralll;c Requiremenls, be waived or modified on lhe following conlmcl. . Con Lraclor: Commonwealth Consulting Corporation Conlracl for: Base Closure Consulting Address of Conlraclor: 1925 North Lynn Street, Suite 600 Arlington, VA 22209 Phone: 703) 524-0026 Scope of Work: Representing the County's interest ~e-.8~E-din~J:1~_____ Naval Air Station at Key West to BRAC Commiss~~~ Reason for Waiver: As per attached December 12, 1994 letter from Commonwealth Signa lure of Conlmclor: Approved ~___ Nol Approved __ Dale Risk Managemenl Counl)' Adminislralor appc:ll: Approv:::d: Nol Approvcd: Dale: Board of Counly COlllmissioners appeal: Approved: ___ Nol Approved: Meeling Dale: Administrative Instruction 114709.1 WAIVER 5 " . ,~Q1J11onWealth onsult~ . rpOratlon 1925 North Lynn Street Suite 600 Arlington, VA 22209 Telephone: (703) 524-0026 Facsimile: (703) 524-1005 December 12, 1994 Mr. Robert N. Wolfe County of Monroe County Attorney's Office 310 Fleming street Key West, Florida 33040 t<I~Ci.:':,~ "'.r(~l.-} t{'~:.::'~:: ,::> .1...u0::; (~ontrof U,\,;, ,._j";L:!...€,::"if..,.,___ [i,T;""J; --m ~".~ I :.1.., '~_r.._,._~_.__..>_'_____~'__M__ Dear Mr. Wolfe: Please find attached certification of insurance certificates for Commonwealth Consulting Corporation (General Liability-Workers Compo and Automobile). Our current limits on each of these policies meet or exceed those required by Monroe County. I would like to request that the following waiver be made for Commonwealth Consulting in regard to the County's insurance requirements: A waiver stating that officials of Monroe County need not be included as "additional insured" on the General Liability policy and the Automobile policy. This would cause unnecessary expense and delay. If you require additional information in this regard, please do not hesitate to call me at the numbers listed above. Sincerely, ~~~6M,,~ ~;~st~~;'M.P Lehman President f ),/1 tll {;t f . '" ( eA) \ ~V'J ( ! " J .! n If. 1,1""'.l 'j)--" (i t~/l..,/ ~ 1___ ':" .... aJ". I ~ ."..J.'(~', /) . .......!J.~ t'h~ (" ( v..j.p (l ') r(w{t\~S: 1- (2o--r~ ~, f'i"::.' 0' i tfl'i...... ; .......1'..,;,;. ~t l ;":~ ~, of"" i.,\.l .) " ~/n;';~1ri~~ :"*"., ~':f~~ ~ (~ ~ 0:) J I"! . ,~, ,'-, ~ ~ ~ ,; '''",,1 I ' }1 :~ 't_,. ~:~"(:J L)cL; 14 1994 COUNTY AITY ~ J (,) z < a:. ;::) en z LL o UI I- < (,) LL t= a: w () ~I' 1.._ '..' QJ ::- ;; [,) ~ Q> UJ >. ,~ o D. UJ .c ~ C Q a: w 0- >- ~ --J o Q. w C:i w ~ ~ [LO og; WI- f-O: ~w Cl<..'l <!2 o Z :J --1 Z .:t :z ::r:: w ...:l r- ."'l Z I W ~ W ~ ~OC :::> <r-,] <tON ::'EO=:: t"\J rl ,..t'l"-=: < -I ..:l> O:z~ Z r-O::: (f) '.0 W..... 0-:1 I.O::::;U..-=: Q,,<":::; ~OWu., ":t'~CC Lf"Jr,t) E-< yr--~ r--c:;Ou:; r--;:::l1">CG OU"''-' T/T'd o +-' If) u. 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'0 en to:: rd '5 :~~~~a ~~Ec~..c II) _<.~~Ea.l~~~c _ __ ,--,tn 2 >( (]J If) '0 r;; ID E ('ll ;>>, ill ,::: t; 0> <J) l:: ... o r;; ~ \II .~ -; E '0<;1 .g ~.~:~ ';:1:>01;- c;.J:.L.: t;: -5:~U c..... 0_- :" ('.oi-.c I"'J"O(I) 0; tro ro.::: ~~.~~ ~.~~~ 'n \1,...... ro -.c.I1l.c. ;;'~76 .~:= =.c 7"L.L~gl~ q,; -(/)c .; 'Brnc~ .~ ;;:~E. E c. i ~~ 3 >- g~81? ~ ~~~~ ;- EC:'~~~ Co> .:c~ ~ ci ~ u- ~.a5 '"" o .~~~~~ O-i II) ~i_I(;::~ Q)0 It? "''?.t: CL! ~ Q"i -; ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ C,) ~~=~:c ; ~ GJt.:iCI/":;:_ .....0 ~ ~; ~"~"i Q> UJ ~ ~.Q.~; g c; ~ f! Men l'l.l"- ~ o.Cc€_;)lU.r::ct 61'S E.....c_2 I- Q. ~ '.)Q)1110 _ r- ~ ~~;;;E:-~ ~ ~ lib ~::: &fll.l~:;:; ~ == ~l',g2g :J == <'C ... <J) J::. "iV c (]) ~ C ~ ::J <f.I ~ L~:TT ~6, 21 J3G Thu Dee 08 16:46:21 1994 F":J.";1e ~ PJICIDUCIiR Weaver .ro.. %n.uraDce A..ociate., %nc. '315 Wisconsin Av.., *9001 ..tb.s4. MD 2081. .. ... . .................. ~!dDOIII.e .....O,EATilFICATe....QP....I'N'.Y:FIIN:Q:E... ..'.......:........:................ ....................i............... DA;;~~:m THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONPIAI NO AICJHTI UPON THI ClATIPlCATI HOLDIA. THII CIATIPICATI DOlI NOT AMINO, IXTIND OA ALTER THE COVERAQE AFFORDED BY THE POUCIES BELOW. COMPANI19 AI=POADINCJ COVIAACJI Kri.tina Ben.ley 301-9815-..00 IN.UfliD COMPANY A HARTFORD UIl)ERH1l:ETERS :ERS. CO. COMPANY B BU,Il'roRD r%U %MIUlUUICE co. APPROVED BY RISK MANAGEMENT common...ltb consulting 1925 R. Lynn st~..t, *1500 Arlington VA 22209 ..Q(MMG'. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO ~H~ It:!SUREP. NAMED ASOV INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT. TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACf'~F!lGttHER It'ci~l!~"~~:. ":rY~ CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN. THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJE EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. COMPANY C CO TYPIi O~ IN.URANCIi POL.ICY NUMflliR POL.ICY 1iF~IiCT'VIi : POUCY IiXPIRATION L.IMIT. L.TII DATIi IMMJDDIYYI I Dol 'Ii (M MIDOIYY) lJliNIiRAL. UAaIL.ITY ~~N~RAlA~GREGAT~ -2 000 000. . X COMMERCIAL G~N~RAl UAfllLlTY UIUDrOS9S 06/30/94 06/30/9S PRODUCT9 - COMP/OP AlOG _EXCLUDED ., CLAIMS MADe 11: OCCUII peIlllONAL. .. ADV INJUIIY .1,000,000. - - OWN~R'9 & CONTRACTOR'9 PROT ~ACI-! OCCURA~NCE - 1 000 000. ~IR~ DAMAGE (A"y 0"11 fire) I - 300,000. MeD exp fAny O~ ~r~nl . 10,000. AUTOMOfllL.1i L.IAfIIL.1TY I · 1,000,000 . I. UIUDrOS9S 06/30/94 06/30/9S COMllNeD llINGU! L.IMIT ANY AUTO AL.L. OWNeD AUTOS IODIL.Y INJUIIY . - I 9CI-!~DUl~D AUT09 (Per ~rlO"1 X' I-!IR~D AUT09 f10DllY INJURY 11:. NON.OWNeD AUTOS (Per lICeldeml -- PIIOPeIITY DAMAGe QAAAQe UAIIL.ITY Recei ved AUTO ONL.Y . !A ACCIDeNT . ANY AUTO & Loss Control OTI-!~R TI-!AN AUTO ONLY: ".J.;L -/O-?"/ &.lCI-! ACCIDENT! _ AGGIII!GAn : . IiXCua UAaIL.ITY _..._---~ EACI-! OCCURA~NCE - UMflR~lLA ~ORM AlOGR~lOATE - OTHell THAN UMllleL.LA POIIM . A WOfIK_ COMPIN8AllON AND 11:. 9TATUTORY lIMIT9 ;MPL.OY_' L.IAaIUTY _100,000 EACI-! ACCID~NT TI-!~ PROPRIETOR/ INCL. UW1IlCSVO'91 05/09/9. 05/09/95 DIS!Alle . POUCY UMIT .500,000 PARTN~R9IlXICUTIV~ O~~IC~R9 AR~: ~XCl DIIiI&.l9~ . &.lCI-! EMPlOY~~ -100 000 OTHeR DIi8CIIIPl10N O~ OPIiRATION8Jl.OCATION8Nli1lICL.Ii8J8PIiCIAL I'liM' j)'jIi;t~~~.ffli~I>'!\>. -.. ... . . . ., ..... ..->>>.>:.<..>.CANCILLATiON<.<>> ...........................,........ ...... . . ............ .. .. ... '.. ............ ................... ....... ..... . ............................- . ................... . .. .. " ..... ....-.. ............... MOIIROIC .1l0ULD ANY O~ 'Ill; AaOVIi DYCFll8m POL.ICU fIi CANC&L.L.m flliFOll1i 'Illli IXPIMTION DATe ntI!III!OP. THe IIIUINQ COMPANYWIU. eNDeAVO" TO MAlL. J!... Dol'll WJlT'liN NOllCIi TO TIlIi C&RT1~ICATIi 1-!0L.DIiR NAMIiD TO 'Illli L.&FT. flUT ~A1L.Ufli TO MAIL. 8UCIl NOTICIi .IlALL. 1M POI; NO OflL.llJATION 011 L.IAfIIL.1TY OP ANY KIND UPON ntl! COMPANY. ITI MeNTI 0" "ft..TAllV.. . AUTllorom fliPflUINTATlV1i K~~II~~,II.~, lIeli.~lI1' , . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . . . . . . . - . . . . . . .............,. ... ...... . ..................'... ............'........ . . . . . . . . . .. ........ ................... . .. ........,. ..~Qo~I>D.QIilP.()~~C)N..l~93 MOnOE COVRTI FLOR:EDA A!!!ft. lAX MAL%HOWIK% MOnOE COVRTI PROaCT MARAGBR MOnO. COVRTI XEY WEI!!! rL 33040 :.AQQ~I>.~...t.lQl.......:....:,.:.... . ,...... ..... ...........-... .....,....,...,......,........ ..... ................ ....... .... . ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . ...... PRODUCER Weaver Bros. Insurance Associates, Inc. 7315 Wisconsin Ave., #900E Bethesda Me 20814 .... ,,-- --,.--, ..-......,.,..................... .......................... .........,.,-..,.-............................................................ .............-........................................,..................... ..................... ..................................................... :;:;:::;::):;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::;:::;:;:::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:C$Ff:;:si:;:::::::::;:;:::::::;:;:;:;:;:; DATE (MM/DDIYV) <..(>>.+1:. 12 09 94 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE ..... .~.~..IIt.I.. YYe.......lin,;.I....Cfl.....S....<Aiii-IiY..............BYI..S.............I.Y.nAkiiie}} ~..... >>. :;:::>::cn:::.t/ :F :: :::::-:::M?IYIZ~:f. ';=;= ;~Fr~:~ :I~.:" .....:. :::: ~nMI:.IJr.: .....{:~:f ......................,...,.....;..,.;..,.,...............:..'.....................>..........................;...,,'....;.....;.;........"..,........,...,,',..,.......,.,.......,.,.....,.............................;..........;...........;........ Kristina Bensley 301-986-4400 INSURED COMPANY A HARTFORD UNDERWRITERS INS. CO. COMPANY B HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO. \ ) Commonwealth Consulting 1925 N. Lynn Street, #600 Arlington VA 22209 COMPANY C DATE INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO All THE TERMS. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. COMPANY D CO LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POUCY NUMBER POUCY EFFECTIVE POUCY EXPIRATION DATE (MMIDDIYYI DATE lMMIDDlYY1 UMITS B AUTOMOBILE UABlUTY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS X HIRED AUTOS X NON-OWNED AUTOS 42SBADF0595 GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2 000 000. 06/30/94 06/30/95 PRODUCTS. COMP/OP AGG $ EXCLUDED PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ 1 000 000. EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 . FIRE DAMAGE lAnY one fire) $ 300,000. MED EXP (Anyone ......on) $ 10,000. 06/30/94 06/30/95 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ 1,000,000 . BODILY INJURY (Per peroon) BODILY INJURY {Per accident} GENERAL UABlUTY B COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 42SBADF0595 CLAIMS MADE W OCCUR OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROT PROPERTY DAMAGE GARAGE UABIUTY ANY AUTO His'k Rxei 'ed & ~05S Controi AUTO ONLY. EA ACCIDENT $ DATB___ .._.l.iJ_.::: --:2f-- OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: EACH ACCIDENT $ AGGREGATE $ EXCESS UABlUTY UMBRELLA FORM OTHER THAN UMBRElLA FORM A WORKERS COMPENSATION AND El\I!PLOYERS' UABlUTY E\f:'r:/~I, ,,_'.,,_. EACH OCCURRENCE AGGREGATE $ $ $ INCL EXCL 05/09/95 X STATUTORY UMITS EACH ACCIDENT DISEASE. POLICY LIMIT DISEASE - EACH EMPLOYEE THE PROPRIETOR! PARTNERS/EXECUTIVE OFFICERS ARE: OTHER 42WECBV0791 05/09/94 $100,000 $500,000 $100,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATlONSILOCATlONSNEtlCLES/SPECIAL ITEMS MONROEC SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POUCIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF. THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL ~ DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBUGATlON OR UABIUTY MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA ATTN: SAM MALINOWSKI MONROE COUNTY PROJECT MANAGER MONROE COUNTY KEY WEST FL 33040