Resolution 137-1992 -,/ -' r-'L'.... r I r~.. ! ) r ,.-....... ..-.. r- r..... r'\ ""') n '9:? !",-8 :~ & ') Planning Department RESOLUTION NO. 137 -1992 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR IN LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION NUMBER 85, LOTS 1, 2, 3, & 4, BLOCK 3, AND LOT 23, BLOCK 5, FONTAINE LAKES ESTATES, AND A PORTION OF ABSOLOM ALBURY TRACT, PLANTATION KEY, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROXIMATELY MILE MARKER 90. WHEREAS, the property described as Lots 1, 2, 3, & 4, Block 3, and Lot 23, Block 5, Fontaine Lakes Estates, and a portion of Absolom Albury Tract, Plantation Key, Monroe County, Florida, are currently in the Improved Subdivision Land Use District (IS); and WHEREAS, the portion of Absolom Albury Tract is more specifically described by metes and bounds in exhibit 1 attached; and WHEREAS, the staff recommends denial of the boundary changes as indicated in Staff Recommendation by Tiffany Stankiewicz dated February 27, 1992; and WHEREAS, the current Land Use district boundaries which were . pstablished with the adoption of the September 15, 1986, Land Devel- opment Regulations, indicate that the property was lawfully changed from BU-1 to Improved Subdivision (IS) and that therefore the subse- quent maps were not in error; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: 1) The action of the Planning Director, which has determined denial of a boundary change in Land Use District Map Boundary Inter- pretation Number 83, dated March 5, 1992, is hereby found to be in conformance with the standards set forth in Section 9.5-3(m), Monroe County Code, and therefore approved; and that 2) The above described property should remain as currently designated as Improved Subdivision; and that 3) The Board concurs that the present zoning is incorrect and that Staff is directed to pursue the re-zoning process and that the Planning Department will favorably consider an amendment in the Plan process under Monroe County Code Section 9.5-511(d)(5)b.,(iii) and (iv); and that 4) The above conclusion of law, is predicated upon the finding of facts and conclusions outlined in the staff recommendation which this Board hereby adopts as its own. 5) The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Monroe County Planning 2 . Department. 6) The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a Community Affairs. certified copy of this resolution to the Florida Department of PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at regular meeting of said Board held on the 10th day of March , A.D., 1992. (SEAL) Attest: By: Deputy Clerk 3 Mayor Harvey Yes Mayor Pro Tern London Yes Commissioner Cheal Yes Commissioner Jones No Commissioner Stormont Yes AL erk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: . .. ~ ~.~,Ju-H'~ I>--~ . .......... ., Mayor/Chairman fer 146227 ., J. . ;1~.l~ · \'. ,.. .' ~t 3SG till 945 , . .... THIS v.uuwrn. ID1) Mdo \bo 1)\h ~ or Febnaar19 61 '" nonda CoA- to",," ot \bo Vftlt.ecl Cbveh of Cbn.1o, IDOOrporated, beralnat\el' .aUed tbe o rrutol', to 1'1\0 Coral 1010. alla"h or \he UPP.Or Ion Inc lIhooo PO'" offleo add..... b lOllto f 1, BCIIIl 411, I"~raCsa, nono 330)6, ho...lMftol' ..l1ed \he cnatMI I (Who....,.1' ued bo"ia \he tol"AO -poantor"' UId -,ranto.- lMllado all tho '. pa~lo. to \b1l lut..-n\ UId \bo holn, 1.cal "p...._tath.. ancl uollftl ot 1nclhldul., UId tbe '\loc...on ancl udCftl.of oorporaUono.) I, WI'nllSSlTHI That tho vantol', tor UId 1ft COI\Ildoratlon ot tho ... ot T." ,1)o11an ($10.00) UId othol' ,uublo IIOIlIWontiOftl, rec.lpt. vbel'OOt 11 bo"'" 'a.lmovlod&od, boro'" poanto, _real"" '0110, aUono, real.... ...louo.. eoe- ; ft7I UId eoftt'1l"AO Wlt,q \he poan\.., ,11 tbat c.rtaln 1aacI .1\lIIto SJlltOll2'Cie r: CcNnt7, norida, "hi . rarcol -I 1 po~lon or tho SOlI\b ban of t.ho -Ab.ol.. A1blu7 11.90' aoro lot, . ,. .hown on "I'1at .1'10111"1 .abdlrtdon or 1'I'opert.7 belonclnc to Jo..ph Y. : 1bool.. aneS VUU.. Albv". dt.ut.ecl on Plantat.1Oft ler, MOft.... CCNI\t.7, nono' I'rooorded ln Plat Book 1 on Paco 70, Pub11c l.cordl of Monroo CoWl"', nonda and '"'" part.loular17 d..crlbecS ,. followl : Froa tho SOllthvut oOl'Mr of \he H 1/4 of tbe NI 1/" of ..0UOft " t"P' 63 S, I Jtc.. ,sz. 'ooordlnc to MacDonaleS'. 'nat. (1-70) l'1li\ North on tho V..t 11M of : \ho .deS 51 1/4 or tho NI 1/", , dbtlnco or 198 rt.1 thonoo lut. ancl parallol I to tho SOIIth 11no or tho 51 1 4 of tho XI 1/4, a dilt.ano. of 1t05.' t't.. to t.ho : Za.tor17 .1eS. or OleS Stato loaeS 4A, at tho SOIlt.h .1do or t.ho Ab.ol.. 11bv". I 11.90 acre loti thoneo North~a.t.or17 alone tho .aleS ~tor17 .1eS. of OleS Stato lol4 4A, a dhtaneo of 16.12 n. to t.ho North aldo of a 15 1'\. road and \bo I poln' of beclMlne of t.ho parcel horelnafter do.crlbecSl \bono. Ia.t on a Uno !: 15 ft.. Morth or and parallel to tho SOIIth ddo of t.ho Ab.ol.. 11blu7 11.90 , aore lot., a diltanco of 9)1.44 1'\.1 t.honc. lIorU1 at. ncht 'nelo. to 1&1\ d..- i, crlbecS 00II1'00, a dbtanco or 1~.47 ft.. to tho Jorth ddo or t.h. 1oII\b balf of I tho Ab.ol.. 11bvl'1 11.90 acre lot.I thonco Ve.t Oft tho .aleS Jorth .1eS. of 1oho : South halt of tho Abool.. Alblu7 11.90 acre lot, a dbtanoo of 817.39 ft.. to I t.ho .aieS Z..t.or17 aldo or Old Stat.o load 4AI thonco SOIIthw.t.or17 alone tho .aieS 1a.t.or17 aldo of Old Stat.o load 4A, a dhtanco of 16).88 ft.. to tho po1n\ of beC1Mlnc. , Parcel tvOI loti 1. 2. , and 4, Blocle ,. PO~'Tm'!: LAD ISTATIS, accordlnc to the plat. thereof. recorded ln Plat Boole 5. at. PIKe 8 of t.he Publlc lecordA or I Monroe COIInt,. norlda. SlIbject. t.o tll. r..trlcUona or r.cord. &Onlnc "gutat.lono of MOf\I'Oe CCNI\t.,. Toget.her wit.h all t.he ten_ntl. hered1t.aJr...nto and appurtenanc.. th~reto I belong1nc or in anyv1.e appert.alnlne. " TO RAW AND TO HOLD the prelllh... h..rdn granted ll1lt.o t.he crant..o and lta .1I0Ce..ors and a..1Kn. forover, ln tru.t. n~v..rth..l~.o for II'. a. a olt.o for an evan<<.llcal church ln f.llowshlp vith or holdlng ~~b.rohlp in one or aore " of t.ho follov1~1 a Synod, Conterence or A'loclatlon recocnl&od b7 t.ho Unlt.ed th~h of Chrlot.. and t.hl. conv~,ance 11 condltloned llpon tho con.tant. uto of ... ....L1 property II IlIch an evaneeUcal church and'conUnlllnc ln .tandlne vit.b . P. f:\-iht.or It.. 1U0ce"Oro and a..lgnl, vith t.he underotand1nc that. t.hh re'nlrolcn- I 5 ~ lntere.t. 11 vahod lMofar II It. 1lA7 app17 to &n:IllOrtcacO ollont.od to I Obned Chlll'ch Board for HOMland M1nht.r1... a eorporaUon oll1'Une b7 and .3 ~ditr the la", of tho Sut.. of WlIV York, and ln t.ho oftnt. of dlftrolOft of ..ld , ~' Pj'Opert7 to ot.her 1110', titlo theret.o ohall revert. to tho crantor. it.. OIlCC...- : ~, o'ro~ and ,..lCn.. I I .. : ...., ~ J AND tho crantor hore'" oOftnant.. vit.b .aieS crant... that. tho crant.or 11 I IS: 1evtu117 ..bed of .ald lancl ln fM .laplol that tho cnntor haa Coocl ncht. and lavtul alltbont.7 to ..11 and oonft7 ..leS landl t.hat. t.ho crantor ho...", tu1l7 warranU t.ho \1t10 to IIld land and vill dofond tho .... alalno\ tho I: lavtll1 old_ of all ponOftl tItlouoeftrl and that ,dd 1aacI 1, troo of all " .l\~4ftCO', . \\,.'11 Cf!. 1 :' .....,:-u.........:tJf,VITlCESS WREII!OP', \he ealeS crantor hat o1cned and ... od \b..o pre.ent. , . o......;.~;,fm..~'r-r t1nt. abo... writ':':... -CI or THI :'~":'.:It' 1J1,....s.' ..~~. dol1...rod .....,~Dl ........~.. : I : . ',~'pld ,~ 1 CHIWT, DlC. ~ ... \ :.~.. 'J. , ~ ~,.~... '. D 2~-" ' :" "" '.. "'~~ .....' " ~ . 1,/t~,.... ~"" I,'''. ...... l Q a: o ~ w = a; o ... Q lU _I ~ ., . ('ll"'!'L I'''' . ') r..03 }'\('E ~b ~j;,.r.. v' jL......\ "L.\,..U~d _~___. .o.' _4 SEt~1ft8IA 3 9' (.,~ / / ~3 ex hi bit 1, pg 1 of 2 J';~;'i~''''\''''~>(:J'' ',';'<~," ,,'i'nT,'~' , '<' ,~Y: .' ---' , . ".>~ . .~ :;... . ,.-.. " . ,., ", '>.'):1<1 "~A;'l-ID ":.~f; '~;r..; } ti" ~I~ :.~'d:;::.\: ~_.~. .~';'~ ~~t:;. t", :' }::~i'f '0";.::[ ~. .'fL.... '</ ,'. )' I. ~ r t' ~ I " I , I \.. ~~'t.;:"'fl'.. ~t",:~l (1m) , "............ ' . .." 'A J C.. 'f., i;.'v~ ..'..ll J..':.... ': "...:.;: .' q>.-;,." .. ~ r ()'f 1 .: ". (.to ~. - 1:1.':.\,' ').v.,., "t' , . 'Ii...... . ft. . '~'" '..;.i '~'Ih .).. ....j: ~~?... .I.I.J ..' /:'./ ~f':'-J"'." ,,~::., ,"~..' ~.V;l"... '", ..~ . ..,...~/Q;:lD:\ ::.,.' .'1....'..' . ". t~i:.."' _ l.' ~f~,,; . n' ,I' .''rY'.#:' , '1:'" " ,.I-~' ' ~\.... ~". .;...~~:). , ~ ' i:~j ..~,Jr~'. ' .. .~:'"'1'~' I ." r . r (C r r a ;5 ::J ... 0 0 .. "t !. ... !;jo a. : 'i~ It ~ "t ~ ~ I ~ ... ;t ::J ...... ~ C~ ~;' , ;;y '" ~ "t .. .. 0 .. (' . " ::J ...Q " ~ . ::J a ~ ~3. 0 .. " .. .. 0 . 1 " f g . . .. . '.. . '. , I exhibit 1, pg 2 of 2 ~. f' t., ,.~., , ,.",j:~. , "~".l'.~ "..,."... . .~. ~ ~ f xx 102 /1 Regular Meeting Board of County Commissioners Tuesday, March 10, 1992 Key Largo A Regular Meeting of the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners convened at 9:00 a.m. on the above date at the County Library in Key Largo. Present and answering to roll call were Commissioner Earl Cheal, Commissioner Douglas Jones, Commissioner Jack London, Commissioner John Stormont, and Mayor Wilhelmina Harvey. Also present were Danny Kolhage, Clerk; Randy Ludacer, County Attorney; Tom Brown, County Administrator; County Staff; members of the Press and Radio; and the general public. All stood for a moment of silent prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. ADDITIONS, CORRECTIONS, DELETIONS Motion was made by Commissioner Cheal and seconded by Commissioner Jones to approve additions, corrections and deletions to the Agenda. Motion carried unanimously. DIVISION OF GROWTH MANAGEMENT Motion was made by Commissioner London and seconded by Commissioner Stormont to approve Recommendation 92-1 of the Parks and Recreation Board as follows: The Parks Board recommends that the Board of County Commissioners support the desires of the Upper Keys Historical Society to take the actions necessary to name the Harry Harris Park ballfields after Thomas Lummus. Roll call vote was unanimous. Commissioner Stormont discussed the Parks and Recreation Board's request concerning the "Arby" site. Motion was made by Commissioner Stormont and seconded by Commissioner Jones to approve Staff's recommendation to direct the Land Authority to investigate the size, area, availability, and acquisition potential as well as directing the County Administrator to investigate FRDAP grant funding for purchase and development. George Schroeder addressed the Board. Roll call vote was unanimous. Consent Aqenda - Boundary Interpretations Division Director Robert Herman addressed the Board concerning a Resolution regarding Boundary Interpretation Number 85. Motion was made by Commissioner Cheal to adopt the Resolution. During discussion, the motion was withdrawn. Attorney Andy Tobin, representing Coral Isles Church, and Reverend Chase addressed the Board. Motion was made by Commissioner Cheal and seconded by xx .. " ~ Commissioner Stormont to adopt the following Reoslution con- firming the Administrative Boundary Interpretation of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 85, Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4, Block 3, and Lot 23, Block 5, Fontaine Lakes Estates, and a portion of Absolom Albury Tract, Plantation Key, Monroe County, Florida, approximately Mile Marker 90, with the statement that the Board concurs that the present zoning is incorrect and that Staff is directed to pursue the re-zoning process. During discussion, motion was made by Commissioner Stormont to amend to provide that the Planning Department will favorably consider an amendment in the Plan process under 9.S-SllCd)Cb)Ciii) and Civ). Motion to amend was accepted by the maker. Roll call vote was taken with the following results: Commissioner Cheal Commissioner Jones Commissioner London Commissioner Stormont Mayor Harvey Yes No Yes Yes Yes Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 137-1992 See Res. Book No. 106 which is-Incorporated herein by reference. COMMISSIONERS' ITEMS Motion was made by Commissioner Stormont and seconded by Commissioner Cheal to grant permission to the Florida Department of Transportation to temporarily block Bass Avenue and Churchill Downs Road during bridge replace- ment over Adams Waterway in the Key Largo area for a period of approximately two months. Roll call vote was unanimous. Mayor Harvey discussed the addition of the name of Lou Benson to the Long Key Transfer Station as a memorial and in recognition of the part that Mr. Benson played in improving that site. Motion was made by Commissioner Cheal and seconded by Commissioner London to postpone to the next meeting. Roll call vote was taken with the following results: Commissioner Cheal Commissioner Jones Commissioner London Commissioner Stormont Mayor Harvey Yes No Yes Yes No Motion carried. Motion was then made by Commissioner Stormont and seconded by Mayor Harvey to direct the County Administrator to prepare an unbiased criteria and process for naming public works in Monroe County. Roll call vote was taken with the following results: Commissioner Cheal Commissioner Jones Commissioner London Commissioner Stormont Mayor Harvey Yes Yes No Yes Yes Motion carried. MEMORANDUM To :::::Z:fA:::::~ :::::::~O::::ctor~ Robert Herman, Growth Management Director From Through Reference Boundary Interpretation #85, Plantation Key Date February 27, 1992 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I have reviewed the Land Use District Maps and the complete file from the attached boundary determination No. 85, and consid- ered the recommendation submitted by Tiffany Stankiewicz, Planning Technician. All records indicate that the boundary line as depicted in the "Pattison" Map is correct and precise. And therefore, I have concluded that the Coral Isles Church property legally described as Lots 1, 2, 3, & 4, Block 3, and Lot 23, Block 5, Fontaine Lakes Estates, and a portion of Absolom Albury Tract, Plantation Key, Monroe County, Florida is in the Improved Subdivision district and not in the Suburban Residential district. This interpretation is made pursuant to Section 9.5-24(a). However, in the opinion of the Planning Department, the is zoning for the subject property is incorrect and would support a rezoning of this property to Suburban Residential through a map amendment process. BCORAL.09/TXTDR M E M 0 RAN DUM To Lorenzo Agehmo, Planning Director RE: Tiffany Stankiewicz, Planning Technician ~ February 27, 1992 ~ v Boundary Determination *83, Lots 1, 2, 3, & 4, Block 3, and Lot 23, Block 5, Fontaine Lakes Es- tates, and a portion of Absolom Albury Tract, Plantation Key From: Date: An application for a Boundary Determination has been completed. Listed below are the recommended findings & conclusions. II SUMMARY OF INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE (ATTACHED) Application by Coral Isles Church A copy of the Land Use District Map PROPOSED. A copy of the REDI Strip Maps, 24th Edition, 1989, page 202. A copy of the REDI Aerial Photo Map Atlas from the 25 Edi- tion, dated 1990, at a scale of 1" = 600', page 84. A copy of Monroe County zoning Maps Pre-September 15, 1986, page 292& 297. A copy of the Land Use District Map signed by Charles Pattison, page 14. A copy of the Land Use District Map signed by Donald Craig, page 156 & 160. A copy of the Existing 2,000', page 6, dated July A copy of the February 18, ers minutes. Conditions Map of the scale 1" = 2, 1985. 1992, Board of County Commission III RECOMMENDED FINDINGS OF FACT The current land use district for the property is Improved Subdivision. The previous zoning (before September 15, 1986) of the prop- erty was BU-1. The applicant originally applied for a Map Amendment on September 15, 1988 for the above described property. The application is considered to be in Round III, of the Map Amendments. Round III & IV, of the Map Amendments have been placed on hold pursuant to the Board of County Commissioners directive. The applicants, also, applied for a Boundary Determination on November 18, 1988. Andrew Tobin was the signatory on both the Map Amendment and BCORAL.07jTXTDR Boundary Determination application. The Board of County Commissioners considered a boundary de- termination on February 18, 1992, for the above described premises. However, the Board of County Commissioners not grant the requested zoning change to Suburban Commercial, but the applicants' agent requested that the Coral Isle Church property be considered for a zoning change to Subur- ban Residential at the next meeting of the Board of County Commissioners. The requested zoning change of IS to SR is not consistent with the criteria for a Boundary Determination. However, the requested change would be consistent for a Map Amendment. IV RECOMMENDED DETERMINATION The Land Use District Maps signed by Charles Pattison is precise and therefore should remain zoned Improved Subdivision (IS). The Boundary Determination is recommended for denial. The appli- cants are recommended to proceed through the Map Amendment Pro- cess, once the third and fourth rounds begin. BCORAL.07jTXTDR . i . I . !lOAD i I ) .. / / 10+ - S-R-i S& lli. .... _.181&.. / -~~. I · r i I ----........... .... ..... .... ................. .... .............- SR .~~ ... .., STRAITS OF Fli. Pwsuant to Section 9.5-24CaH2Hh) of the Monroe County Co.e, the boundaries of the Land Uae District MaF? are Interpreted to be located as Indicated above and briefly described ..: Rvt-Qnn t-hQ SR boundary as shown so, that Lots I, 2, 3, & 4, Block and Lot 23, Block 5, Fontaine Estates, and a portion of Absolom Albury Tract are included in the SR d1str1ct no thF! IS district. N 1 Director of Planning Sheet#156&16CKey Plantation Date BOCC Resolution 1"= 400' Boundary Determination # 85 PROPOSED lallNig IMINIerm • s lj[ . 4{ y XiII �ys • f , 04, - • �'"' Sri +� ._ - •. ; t vvi...-7,... . • • > iv,-.14 ',.:, :,,,. .-, ",-;--, ..,, ,Tille-- -1. - . . .--': 4 ' '' . - ' ‘MT. - \\. ', / t ( *too ~ • t .I. .$... (' • F f r y ' . imP•••1 'eV, - I , .. 41r�r S,. ------ --- - i Aerial Maps, Monroe County, Florida 111'N Real Estate Data, Inc. Edition,19 -• - T Panel or Sheet# sa File# 85 I Applicant: Coral Isle C1-u�rr1, 1"=600' Key: Plantation Mlle Marker: 90 . N SR ~~ Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida January 19,1988 Panel or Sheet# ll')f; F., 1 f;O Applicant: Coral Is 1 F! Chllr~h Key: Plantation .. .... ..... .... .... ...... .... .... .... .... .GAD 10+ _ _ It~. srRAfTS OF F . Flle# AI') 1"= 400 ,.Ie Marker: 90 EXISTING ~.--'~ :~' -ofI \~ ,..... 1(, ~ ~ \ .~. ;i '" I a , ~ I :: I ...~ , . I ~ ~~ ::- ,,..' ,I ""'-~'J ~ ~~, -: .., t ,P-.. '\. .ll~L_ e'; A.O-l,'.\.. / I --...., ,,~"'OOL. p'...eIL111e.")~ ::-)G" -('~ y (,: _. "\;{.)"' ? _<~r \ :::;\S,) ~r ~ft(,. ~ ;i -SEJ-GULL5 (UNDE.C!-AlE=~ CONDOI''1IJf'iJU./ ~.;'Yc.~~""Ri~3::'::;' MIC.H ~T","L" "VANO~F'I~ 4~-'''OO !tTO~E' J' .......':.~ 0-""-')7-5" ~ ~J \' ~ ~I" "'I'''~' [;]' ~ , _... _~""."" -.~ _I q..>fr~o .~, I I <1,,'" --- ~---:; .>Ii -'-'1 J:l \.-;;-. t' ; ""I,., "IN' I:: t;J( ~.~ , -/7'/' :: --t -,~ r' I" .... ,/';>- i / i \('~. " 'V /..r .,::.J , c, , 'V I ~ \~, AI' ". ,.. ',," ~ ... /' ""'----. A~.,oJ', iI~ ' ~ A,r,../// ~'-" ~ r..(l-"".f'~" ... 4v.q,Yo't"" '", l R ~~.n -;?t -- - " - /"- -:-~~.- . ,., 4 .. .I ~ N Strip Maps, Monroe County, Florida Real Estate Data, Inc. j~~ Edltlon,19 fN 1"=_ Panel or Sheet# 202 Applicant: Coral TRlp C"hl1"-C'b. Key: Plantation Flle# AI') ,.Ie Marker: 90 If'o- -.. " -... - --' ~- , , , -, \ , ~ , , N Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Approved by B.O.C.C., February 28,1986 Panel or Sheet# 14 Flle# 85 Applicant: Coral Isle Church Key: Plantation @ I 1""600' I "'Ie Marker: 90 ~ ... \.. co...S ~~"'.... 28 i I lORN MSH RA C LJ ~. COMMUNi ,HA RBO ~ .12 Q 4 3 N Existing Land Conditions Maps Monroe County, Florida July 2,1985 '1 "=2000' I Panel or Sheet# h Applicant: Coral Isle Church Key: Plantation Flle# 85 Mile Marker: 90 ~,~ I I ' ~: c. "'@lr) ""~ .1 -~. I_I .. r.~ -1-.. l ~.- C. ,X:..; ~ ,- ~-\'~~ .. J ~ .~ ': '1..($; T~ c.o It'l -:~... i;. S '''~M t '''1 , ..... II.C 8~tfC. 'MAC ..... '. '''''It;I.~''.', .1 'l~/~ '.,!:Jj '.'" ......., '1 L.ut - ':~-~,./f~~r~~: ..,",-~' - ' !!,~> t-,' ~ ..a ',. :_~,'~""~f~~.~-::'l- - ..'- ~'.,'_: r-- .... , .. T' ., '" .... . t.....,. C,'. ~. , 'fi,)'. ~ - ~",- " . ~ .;. ,JrC ~'~/~ :. ~~ , .~ 1'" '. f> n~p oeeup,eD a ',' ,.fil:J ~'~ ~w ~1~::~141~ } Monroe County Zoning Maps Pre-September 15,1986 IAI ~ o - -- -- . I: .J Q~ j'", 0 ... .. , u' 0 /~ ;- ~ .----- - --J1:- ------- ::fI --- .,~ I... ~ U /.~4J~ ~ \J ::Z~; ___/O'~ ~\. ~u .,?.;fJ ('~ ~r,"~u ~''''I ~,; ;,r 1"&&..01..... r . T..UT I I f "', '" (,) ..... ... .... ... ... rt\ 41ft '" .. ... N I 1"-200' I Panel or Sh.et# ?q? ^' ?97 Applicant: ("/"1,...",,1 19]~ Cb')rdl K.y:Pl~nj-~j-i()n ! - ..... .. - -1'....-.. :._- ...,;:..; ~ ~ i ... to ... ~ ... .. .... "' .... .~ ",or . Flle# 85_ Mile Marker: 90 Feb. 18, 1992, BOCC rrl---tes xx 067 execution of a Second Amendment to Agreement For Consulting Services with Freilich, Leitner, Carlisle & Shortlidge con- sisting of (1) implementing the building permit allocation system for the fixed amount of $19,100.00 and (2) further revisions to the LDRs assigned to the consultant by written authorization from the County with services billed at an established hourly rate with a total price not to exceed $35,000.00. Roll call vote was taken with the following results: Commissioner Cheal Commissioner Jones Commissioner London Commissioner Stormont Mayor Harvey Yes No Yes Yes No Motion carried. Consent Aqenda - Boundary Determination Planning Director Lorenzo Aghemo, Attorney Andy Tobin, and Reverend Ira Chase of the Coral Isles Church addressed the Board. Motion was made by Commissioner Cheal and seconded by Commissioner Stormont to adopt the following Resolution confirming the Administrative Boundary Interpretation of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 83, Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4, Block 3, Fontaine Lakes Estates, and portions of the Absolom Albury Tract, Plantation Key, Monroe County, Florida, approximately Mile Marker 90. During discussion, motion was withdrawn. Motion was made by Commissioner Stormont to con- tinue with the Board's recommendation that Staff review each property independently in context of SR. During discussion, this motion was withdrawn. Motion was then made by Commissioner Stormont and seconded by Commissioner Jones to accept Staff's recommendation to adopt the Resolution for properties other than Coral Isles Church and that Coral Isles Church be reconsidered by Staff to a boundary deter- mination of SR. Roll call vote was unanimous. RESOLUTION NO. 103-1992 See Res. Book No. 106 which is incorporated herein by reference. Motion was made by Commissioner Cheal and seconded by Commissioner London to approve a Professional Service Order with Post Buckley Schuh & Jernigan for stormwater management services in a lum~ sum amount of $32,500.00, including reimbursables. Roll call vote was unanimous with Commissioner Jones not present. The Board recessed for lunch. * * * * * The Board reconvened with all Commissioners pre- sent. SOUNDING BOARD Ilajean Horowitz, Executive Director of The Alliance For Aging, Ed Hubschmidt, and Mel Levitt addressed the Board. Social Services Director Louis LaTorre also