Resolution 396-2004 RESOLUTION No.396 2004 A RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION OF THE COUNTY COMMISSION OF MONROE COUNTY IN RECOGNITION OF EXCEPTIONAL EFFORTS AND SERVICE BY NURSES FROM THE MONROE COUNTY AND MIAMI-DADE COUNTY HEAL TH DEPARTMENTS TO MONROE COUNTY SPECIAL NEEDS AND SPECIAL MEDICAL NEEDS CITIZENS SHEL TERED AT THE MONROE COUNTY HURRICANE SHELTER AT FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNVERSITY (FlU) DURING THE HURRICANE IVAN EVACUATION WHEREAS, Hurricane Ivan threatened the Florida Keys during the week of September 6, 2004, WHEREAS, Monroe County Emergency Management declared a State of Local Emergency on Thursday, September 9, 2004, ordering the evacuation of the entire Florida Keys. and WHEREAS, Monroe County evacuated all Special Needs and Special Medical Needs citizens registered with Social Services who require transportation and sheltering during hurricane threats to the Monroe County hurricane shelter at Florida International University (FlU), where they were sheltered for five days from September 9 through September 14, 2004, and WHEREAS, Dr, Susanna May and nurses from the Monroe County Health Department were joined at the FlU shelter by nursing staff from the Miami-Dade County Health Department to assist with the care of the special needs citizens, WHEREAS, these nurses, performed their duties in an exceptional, professional, heroic, and caring manner, in less than ideal conditions, day and night, for five straight days, WHEREAS, Monroe County owes these nurses of the Monroe County and Miami-Dade County Health Departments a tremendous debt of gratitude and appreciation for their selfless service, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. Hereby extends the sincere appreciation and gratitude of the Board of Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida to the nurses of both the Monroe County and Miami-Dade County Health Departments for their valiant and selfless service to the special needs and special medical needs citizens of Monroe County during the Hurricane Ivan evacuation, Section 2. Hereby adopts this resolution of appreciation as a permanent record of the high esteem and respect of the Board for these caring nurses who provided care to a special group of citizens of Monroe County during this time of local emergency, Section 3. Hereby requests that a copy of this Resolution of Appreciation will be forwarded to both the Administrative Offices of the Monroe County and Miami-Dade County Health Deparbnents, PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Flori<llfat a meetp:;g of said Boardheldonthe ?01""h day of October ,A.D,,2004, :'J:~:: .~. "- Ca') . ~,.".) . :.1"1 t, ~.... Mayor Murray E. Nelson Mayor Pro Tern David p, Rice Commissioner Dixie M, Spehar Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner Charles "Sonny"McCoy ~ ~ -m yes : ("~:' i -'1 -=) ...:;>- &.- G~) By BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ~ (~