Resolution 393-2004 RESOLUTION NO. 393 -2004 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLARIFYING USE OF TERMS SPECIAL MASTER AND SPECIAL MAGISTRATE UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE MONROE COUNTY CODE CAN BE UPDATED. WHEREAS, numerous provisions of the Monroe County Code refer to the term "special master"; and WHEREAS, Chapter 2004-11, Laws of Florida, amends various provisions of Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2004, to substitute the term "special magistrate" for "special master"; and WHEREAS, in order to eliminate any confusion as to the use of the terms "special master" and "special magistrate" during the intervening period between October 1, 2004 and the date appropriate amendments to the Monroe County Code can be enacted, it is therefore RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: A. The term "special master" shall have the same meaning and effect as the term "special magistrate" wherever the term "special master" appears in the Monroe County Code until such time as the Code may be amended to implement the amendments set forth in Chapter 2004-11, Laws of Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 20th day of October, 2004. Mayor Nelson Mayor Pro Tem Rice C~is~~rMcCoy i.(~~~~:~t ", ' "J.,~' \T?,~ "",1'," ',,' ,"\" (S~L) .,.. \\{!;. .. ,I }';l Att~: DANm BKOLMAbE, Clerk , J YP~ ye~ yes :',.:> ByS2~,&.\.{j~Nl W Deputy Clerk By MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY ~: ROE:;:: H b ;'>illLlNGER JR AS" , " , ,,', I. Date ;)!~ild.!'Y!:!"'irtTToRNeY -'.....,.-_......."'." .,,,,.,,,1 ~:;;~ I ;.r';'1':.. .......: ':":' :;.:':: .. '''':--'1 :"'"' _ "'''j ,b' C) r- ", .., BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSlqJlERS: OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA . #-;t (~ Mayor Murray Nelson yes yes jresspmaster