Resolution 343-2004 RESOLUTION NO. 343-2004 A RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT FOR THE FUNDING OF A MULTI-YEAR PAY PLAN FOR DEPUTY SHERIFFS AND CORRECTIONS OFFICERS EMPLOYED BY THE MONROE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Whereas the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners recognizes that Richard D. Roth, Sheriff of Monroe County, is currently negotiating a collective bargaining agreement with the Fraternal Order of Police; and Whereas the FOP is the duly certified bargaining agent for the great majority of deputy sheriffs and corrections officers employed the Sheriff; and Whereas the Sheriff, the Board of County Commissioners, and the FOP believe that a multi-year pay plan for these officers benefits the public with respect to: -Recruitment of the best-qualified officers; -Retention of veteran officers; -Greater security and job satisfaction; and -Better financial planning; and Whereas the Board of County Commissioners is the agency responsible for budget appropriations for the Sheriff's Office; and Whereas the Sheriff is unable to provide to multi-year pay plan for his deputies and corrections officers without a commitment from the Board of County Commissioners; Now Therefore Be It Resolved: 1. The Monroe Board of County Commissioners resolves to appropriate funds to the Sheriff's budget in fiscal years 2003-2004, 2004-2005, and 2005-2006 for the express and limited purpose of providing funds required to support a multi-year pay plan for the deputy sheriffs and corrections officers now represented by the Fraternal Order of Police, in the amounts set forth below: FY 2004-2005 10.25%1 FY 2005-2006 8.25% FY 2006-2007 6.490./0 1 Note: These percentages indicate the increase required over prior year funding if the pay plan is approved. The dollar cost is dependent upon benefits calculations to be provided before submission as an agenda item. Any future changes in retirement contribution rates are not considered. 2. The obligation of the Commission in future years is contingent upon execution ofa collective bargaining agreement by the Sheriff and its subsequent ratification by the collective bargaining unit. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of the Board held on the 21 st day of September, 2004. Mayor Murray Nelson Commissioner Sonny McCoy Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner David Rice /~;;:~ssioner Dixie Spehar r:i~:~\,:'~:\~jj~.,:.~ ::~,: " ~(::y:..."( . ;&",'"/ c:<~.'\ '\ J<,,:l~~/~. ~ '- \ \ {.!~'i,J...'.""\. \, '{. (.1~~ -' " \\.,ci ,'.<,,:<,<'0 '\ 1;~_~Il~~.KOHLAGE, Clerk "~~::-.-~; ~<- absent yes yes ~ yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY~c...~~~V Deputy Clerk By ~(~ Mayor/Chair u".) C~ .' _. J MONROE COUNTY AT ..APPROVED S -'- - . "~") ~),.-~ 1--'- .. ...:r 0: C'. I .;~...J . . \._j : )