Resolution 036-1970 / RESOLUTION NO. 36 -1970 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida has been petitioned to renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described street, alley-way, road or highway as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, and WHEREAS, due notice was published and a public hearing was held m accordance with Chapter 336, Florida Statutes, and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, objections were made to the re- nouncing and disclaiming of any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described street, alley-way, road or highway as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, and said hearing was continued, and WHEREAS, said Board now desires to act favorably on said petition, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that said Board hereby renounces and disclaims any right of the County and the public in and to the following de- scribed street, alley-way, road or highway as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, to-wit: SEE FOLLOWING PAGE FOR DESCRIPTION BE IT FUR THER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be, and he is hereby authorized and ordered to publish notice of the adoption of this Resolution by said Board in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 336, Florida Statutes. Dated May 26th, 1970. DESCRIPTION: Part of Government Lot I, Section 10, Township 66 South, Range 32 East, and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point where the Westerly boundary Hne of Lot 1 of THOMPSON &: ADAMS SUBDIVISION, plat of which is recorded in Dlat Book 2, page 24, of Monroe County, Florida Records, intersects with the Northern boundary line of the right-oi-way of U. S. Highway No. 1 of said plat, and running thence along the Northern boundary of said highway in a Northeasterly direction 209. 74 feet to a point where the East boundary line of Lot No. 2 of said plat intersects with the Northern boundary of said highway; thence running at a straight angle with the Eastern boundary line of said Lot 2 in a Southerly direction 66 feet, more or less, to the former right-of-way of the F. E. C. R y. Company and which is the present right-of-way of the Overseas Road &: Toll Bridge District; thence along the Northern boundary of laid Oversea. Road and Toll Bridge District's right-oi-way 209.74 feet; thence North to the point of beginning. y";" ALSO Part of Government Lot 1, Section 10, Township 66 South, Ra.nge 32 East, and more particularly described as follow.: Commencing at a point where the Westerly boundary line of Lot 3 of THOMPSON &: ADAMS SUBDIVISION, plat of which is recorded in Plat nook 2, page 24, of Monroe County, Florida Records, intersects with the Northern boundary line of the. right-of-way of C. S. Highway No. 1 of said pla.t, and running thence along the Northern boundary of said highway in a Northeasterly direction 209. 74 feet to a point where the East boundary line of Lot 4 of said plat intersects with the Northern boundary of said highway; thence running at a straight angle with the Eastern boundary of said Lot 4 in a Southerly direction 66 feet, more or lells. to the former right-of-way oi the F. E. C. R y. Company and which is now the present right-of-way of the Overseas Road Ie Toll Bridge District; thence along the Northern boundary line of the right-oi-way of said Overseas Road &c Toll Bridge Dhtrlct 209.74 feet; thence North to the point of beginning. .... NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION RENOUNCING AND DISCLAIMING ANY RIGHT OF THE COqNTY OF MON- ROE AND THE PUBLIC IN AND TO A CER T AIN STREET, AS DELINEATED ON A CERTAIN RECORDED PLAT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Chapter 336, Florida Statutes, that the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a meeting held on the 26th day of May A. D. 1970, duly adopted a Resolution renouncing and disclaiming any right of the County and the public in and to the following street, alley-way, road or highway as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, to-wit: SEE FOLLOWING PAGE FOR DESCRIPTION DA TED at Key West, Florida, this __:2!,~~__ day of ,May' A. D. 197-0. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By Mayor of Monroe County and Chair- man of the Board. (SEAL) Attest: Clerk of the Circuit Court of Monroe County, Florida and ex officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida. . ~......"t" ..~......... . ~---_. - J<.~ ''','-''- DESCRIPTION: Part of Governlnent Lot I, Section lO, Township 66 South. Range 32 East. and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point where the Westerly boundary line of Lot 1 of THOMPSON & ADAMS Sl;BDIVISION. plat of which is recorded in '-'lat nook 2, page 24, of Monroe County, Florida H,ecords, intersects with the Northern boundary line oi the right-oi-way of U. S. Highway ~o. 1 of said plat, and running thence alon;~ the Northern boundary of said highway in a l\orthcasterly direction 209. 74 feet to a point where the ~a5t boundary line of Lot No. 2 of said plat intersects with the 0iorthcrn boundary of Baid highway; thence running at · straight angle wIth the Eastern boundary line of said Lot 2 in a Southerly direction 66 feet, nlorc or le88, to the former right-ai-way of the F. E. C. Hy. Company and which is the present right-of-way 01 the Overseas Road & Toll Bridge District; thence along the Northern boundary oi .aid Over.e.. Road and Toll Bridge Distnct' a right-oi-way 209. 74 feet; thence North to the point of beginnin~. ,/ ALSO Part of Governrucnt Lot 1, Section 10, Township 66 South, R...nge 32 .2ast, and rnorc particularly described as follow.: Cornn-..cncin,Q at a pOint w:1crc the V/c6tCrly boundary line 01 Lot j of TliO:V"?SO:-: & ADA:...1.S SCf)DrVISIO~. plat of which is recorded ir, ?iat Book 2, ';J;;.g..: 24, ot .\-1.onroe County, Florida ~\ecords, int(~rscct6i w~tn the 0:onh~rn bo~ndary hnc of tne right-of-w;;.y oi L. S. f~l;;nway ~o. ; of saic plat, and running thcnc~ ..ion;!. to.:: :\oni'lCrn bounc;;.ry oi said highway in a ~orthea6terly directloc. 20'1.74 fect to a point where the East boundo:.ry hr,,:> of Lot "* of 6aid plat 1n'(ersC'ct6 with the ~orthern bour.G;;.ry of Sala fughway; t;l(,nce :n,illning ;;.t a. straight ;;.ngh: w~th the :::.:"otern bounriary of sa.id Lot 4 in a. South~rly cnX'eoctlor. 00 f.::et, .',lore or les!'>. to the former l"lght-oi-wa.y of the F. 2. C. f\ y. Com~;a.,ny and which ia now the prC6~nt ri:;ht-of-way o{ the vversea& ~~o.;.d & Toll Bridge District; thence along the :-,orttH~n-. boundary line of the right-oi-way oi said Over6ea,& l\oad & 7011 Bridge Diatrict 209.74 feet; thence North to the pOlnt oi beginning. a........n~ IDA E'Y ..J QUEDUCT OMMISSIUI~ BAHIA HONDA BRIDGE MARATHON KEY WEST SEVEN MILE BRIDGE April 14, 1970 Board of County Commis sioner s Monroe County Key West, Florida Gentlemen: The abandonment of the right-of-way requested by Mr. Matthew Kaczkowski, of Marathon, Florida, as outlined on attached sketch and description and generally described as the Old State Hoad 4A bordering on Lots I through 4 of the Thompson and Adams Subdivision, Plat Book 2, Page 24 of Monroe County, Florida records is objected to inasmuch as the Florida Keys Aqueduct Commission has water lines within the right-of-way. Sincerely yours, JWH/hgh Enc!. _Jlvnu 0/ the 1,Uor1J ~ cfargejt ~<:';ingle purpoje :J)ejalting Plant P. 0, BOX 1239 · KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 FLORIDA KEYS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION, INC. TAVERNIER, FLORIDA 33070 PHONE 852-2431 TRUSTEES: F'RANK 1". TAYLOR, JR., PRESIDENT, KEY LARGO 13ARY T. EDELSON, VICE PRES" MARATHON MILDRED LEE, TREASURER, KEY LARGO 13. CARLTON WALTERS, SECRETARY, MARATHON MANAGER TRUSTEES: DEAN C. ELVER, KEY COLONY BEACH CARROLL KENNEDY, ISLAMORADA WALTER E. KRAMER ISLAMORADA WILLIAM A. LANE, TAVERNIER LEO 1". LIPPS, TAVERNIER JAMES T. ELLIS Apri I 10, 1970 Mr. Paul E. Sawyer Legal Advisor Board of County Commissioners P.O. Box 571 Key West, Fla. 33040 Dear Mr. Sawyer: This will acknowledge receipt of the notice of right-of-way abandonment which will be requested by Mr. Matthew Kaczkowski of Marathon, Florida at a County Commissioners Meeting on Tuesday, April 14, 1970. Said notice was received by my office on April 9th. The County Commissioners should be informed that the entire area from the Mara- thon Power Plant to Vaca Cut Bridge on the north side of the highway is served by our "N" circuit which runs from the Power Plant to the Vaca Cut Bridge. At one point this line does cross the property which is requested to be abandoned. If there is any possibility that the abandonment would ultimately require the Co-op to move this line, then we would be involved in a situation which could conceivably cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Because of the above set forth reasons, the Cooperative finds it necessary to object to the abandonment at this time. At some future date, when the rights of easement can be fully clarified with regard to the existing power line, the Cooperative may not ob ject . Very truly yours, FLORIDA KEYS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASS'N., INC. ,/ ., ~ a~(eElI?)~ . ~~::~ger JTE/eb cc-Mr. Fred Tittle