Resolution 043-1970 RESOLUTION NO. 43 -1970 WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, as the Monroe County Civil Defense, to adopt an Emergency Economic Stabilization Plan, in accordance with the State of Florida Plan for Emergency Management of Resources, and WHEREAS, the Director of the Monroe County Civil Defense has prepared said necessary Monroe County Emergency Economic Stabilization Plan for adoption, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that said Board, acting as the Monroe County Civil Defense, hereby adopts the Monroe County Emergency Economic Stabilization Plan, copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Dated June 16th , 1970. o MOOROE COUNTY Emergency Economic Stabilization Plan o r ... o MOOROl COUNTY Economic Stabilization 1. Discussion 11. Authority Ill. Activation IV. Definitions General Consumer Rationing Price Stabilization Rent Stabilization V. Responsibilities o Federal State County VI. Concepts of Operations VIl. Functions Director, Economic Stabilization Consumer Rationing Agency Price Stabilization Agency Rent Stabilization Agency VIII. Rosters of Key Personnel Director, Economic Stabilization Consumer Rationing Agency Price Stabilization Agency Rent Stabili7.ation Agency ,.. ... 1. Discussion <:) The tlrreat of a nuclear attack on our country necessitates our being ready in advance of the attack to stabilize the economy post attack. We must be prepared to respond quickly and effectively to war-economy demands on a badly dislocated economic apparatus. The degree of our ability to do this will depend largely on preparations made before the attack~ There will be no lead time such as we have enjoyed in past wars. Survival and recovery will be clearly dependent on stable prices, wages and rents, the control of essential the operations of a monetary, credit and banking system. the maintenance of consumer items and .. The several levels of government must work as a team. This requires that appropriate preparations be made at each level in consonance with each other. o The overall concept is that "indirect" controls and wages and salaries stabilization will be exercised by the Federal government from the moment of attack while consumer rationing and price and rent stabilization will be administered initially by local authorities. As early in the post-attack period as feasible all local and state programs will be integrated into a Federally controlled national program. In the meantime, the State Director, Economic Stabilization Service, on behalf of the Director, Emergency l1anage- ment of Resources will exercise active and continuing technical supervision and guidance over the entire state operation with emphasis on correct organ- ization and effective operations of all local boards. II. Authority State of Florida Plan for Emergency Management of Resources Ill. Activation The provisions of this Plan are to be activated by the Governor or his legal successor upon declaration of a civil defense emergency by the President, or upon receipt of notice that an attack is underway. IV. Definitions General Economic Stabilization - Action to stabilize national, state and local area economy during an emergency through "indirect" monetary, credit and banking policies and measures; also the important "direct" control of prices, wag~s, salaries, rents and to ration essential consumer ftems. Freeze Order - Order by the Governor designed to initiate economic stabilization in an emergency. This order prohibits retail sales and the transfer of essential consumer items, except perishable foods, for a period of five days and imposes inventory control and consumer rationing thereafter. 1 " .. o Consumer Rationing ReRistration - The process of enrolling, enumerating and classifying all persons for the purpose of consumer rationing. Ration Board - The official board assigned the responsibility by appropriate officials to adopt rules, regulations and procedures for the registration of c9nsumers, the issuance of rationing evidence, and the control of the rationing process within its area of jurisdiction in keeping w~th general policies by proper authority. Unit Rationing - Special stamps or coupons are issued. Each stamp or coupon is good for a fixed quantity of the item which must last the consumer for a designated period of time. This system is used when a scarce commodity or product is to be distributed to all or large groups of the population. Coffee, tea or sugar are examples of these items. c . Point Rationing - This system is used to distribute groups of similar comnodities or products to the population while pre- serving some freedom of consumer choice within the group. The system requires ::.h:lt a schedule of values be established for substitutable food items. Each prod~ct within a group of similar products such as meats, canned fruits and vegetables or dairy products may be purchased only upon the surrender of a specified number of point stamps, usually from a ration book. Certificate Rationing - Used chiefly for commercial or insti- tutional purposes to control the transfer of consumer items on a quantity basis to dealers, manufacturers and institutions who must obtain their essential supplies through local rationing boards. Price Stabilization Base Period - The one month period prior to the date of the emergency. Seller - A commercial outlet that sells directly to the consumer. Buyer - A person making essential consumer item purchases from a retailer. Rent Stabilization RCl!t - The consideration, including any bonus benefit or gra- tuity demanded or received for or in connection with the use or occupancy of any real estate. Base Date - The date of the first nuclear attack on the United States. Base Period - The three-month period prior to (and ending on) the base date. 2 ~ ~ '0 v. Responsibilities Federal The Office of Emergency PlanninR (OEP) (1) Responsible for developing policies, plans, programs, and guidance material to be employed in the administration of price stabilization, rent stabilization, and consumer rationing programs. (2) Responsible for participating in the development of (and for supporting) emergency monetary, credit and banking policies, plans, and programs, and for coordinating these policies, plans., and programs with the "direct" economic controls, 1.e., price stabilization and consumer rationing system. (3) Responsible, through its Regional Offices, for providing deta,iled guidance with respect to the administration of price stabilization, rent stabilization, and consumer rationing programs to the State level economic stabilization organization and for assisting in the decentralization of these programs to sub-state levels. (4) Responsible for creating, at the time of the emergency, an Economic StabilizAtion Agency (ESA) to integrate state and county operated Economic Stabilization programs into an overall national program as early in th~ post-attack period as feasible. u. S. Department of the Treasury, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve S~'stem, Federal Home LO,1n Bank Board, and other Hajor Federal Financial Agencies or Institutions (1) Responsible for the development and implementation of emergency monetary. credit and banking measures. (Detailed direction and other written guidance material with respect to these measures have been provided to all banking insti- tutions since they are responsible for carrying out and operating under such measures in the event of a nuclear attack. Such measures are fully described in the booklet titled. ''l-10ney. Cn~di t and Ranking" which is a part of the "Emergency Econo:nic Orerat ing Instruction s". State and intra-space authorities have no preparedness operation responsibilities with respect to those "indirect" controls.) . U. S. D<.:..2;"1rtment of Labor - Wage and Hour and Public Contracts Divisions (Under delegated authority and coordination from the Office of Emergency Preparedness) r --- (1) Responsible for the development of policies, plans and programs for stabilizing wages and salaries. 3 ,. o (2) Responsible for administering the wage and safary stabili- zation program through their field offices. (3) Responsible tor coordinating the wage and salary stabili- zation program with authorities (at all operating levels) responsible for the administration of price stabilization, rent stabilization, and consumer rationing programs. Field Re resentatives of the U. S. De artment of A ricu1ture (food the U. S. Department of Interior (petroleum, gas, electric power, minerals ann solid fuels), and the U. S. Department of Commerce (other consumer items) (1) Responsible for assuring the production, distribution, and re-supp1y of essential resources. State I The State' of Florida Plan for Emergency Management of Resources Resources, Section II (Economic Stabilization) provides for: _ An organizational and operational capability to administer economic stabilization c - Director - State Treasurer _ Consumer Rationing - Department of Education _ Price Stabilization - Division of Beverage _ Rent Stabilization - Division of Hotel and Restaurants _ Assignment of responsibility for administering these three programs at the county level to the County Superin- tendent of Schools _ Designation of essential individual consumer survival items to be distributed to consumers through the rationing system. _ Organizational and operational guidance for county adminis- trator County Responsible for establishing local boards and for providing them comprehensive guidance VI. Concepts of Operations f', ........ State authorities will determine the kinds and amounts of items to be distributed through the consumer rationing system. County authorities will announce this information with rent and price control information to the public. 4 ~ ... ~ Providing food, as an interim measure, to those in dire need before rationing to all consumers is put into effect is 'considered an immediate essential use and such persons in need may be authorized by local authorities to purchase emergency food from secondary sources (retail outlets), either for feeding others in need or themselves (coordinated by local Food Resources Management Agency). Price and rent control will be exercised at the county level only - one price and rent control agency in each county. There will be no local price and rent control boards. Consumer rationing activities will be conducted within each school listed. ' The Monroe County School Board, augmented as necessary, will serve as the County Rationing Policy Committee. The Superintendent of Schools wi1~ serve as the Director, Emergency Economic Stabilization. The designation of the Superintendent of Schools is in consonance with the overall national and state concept of organization for Economic Stabilization. This concept is based on the realization that, whereas no agency of Co~ty Government exists to handle these responsibilities on an emergency basis, the county education organization constitutes the existing agency best suited to assume the functions. o Consumer Rationing Points will be established as indicated: School -- Glynn Archer Junior. High Memor.ia1 Elementary Key West High School Poincian'l Elementary Sugarloaf Elementary Marathon High School Coral Shores Total: Est. Pop. 9,990 9,060 10,536 6,875 3,930 7,650 9,669 57,710 Principal Elizabeth James Dorothy Reddoc~ Glynn Archer Jr. Albert Carey Helen Frederick Katharine Gradick Gerald Adair C. R. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The Principal of each school utilized as a Consumer Rationing Regis- tration Point will be the Consumer Rationing Registration Director. School staff and faculty will be utilized for registration duties as required. All persons will be registered at the Consumer Rationing Point nearest their home. During the five-day period established by the Federal General Freeze Order as a no-sale period, con~umers will be registered and issued ration cards. VII. Funct ions (a) Director, Economic Stabil ization c The County Superintendent of Schools, as the Director of Economic Stabilization, is assigned responsibility for the supervision of the ad- ministering of Consumer Rationing, Price and Rent Stabilization. In this position, he is responsible to the County Governing body but is able to utilize 5 " ... ,-~ technical channels to communicate with the State Economic Stabilization Agency. As the Director of Economic Stabilization he will nominate the County Consumer Rationing Director and Price Stabilization and Rent Stabilization Directors. (OEP booklet "Prototype Organizational Structure and Typical Functions of Sub-state Economic Stabilization Organization", Dated May 1967, pages 9-26 lists specific functions and responsi- bilities of key officials.) (b) Consumer Rationing Agency The County Consumer Rationing Director appoints the chairman of local ~ation boards with the approval of the County Consumer Rationing Policy Committee. This Policy Committee consists of the County School Board augmented by additional members from the following sectors of the local economy: Wholesale and retail food, petroleum and drug distributors, realty activiti~s, civic, labor, veteran and consumer organizations. The County Consumer Rationing Director performs the following functions: o Staff functions as Advisor to the County Director of Economic Stahilization. Operating function in directing the activities of his division and agencies under his control. The Chairmen of local ration boards select their own ration board members after consultation with the County Consumer Rationing Director and with the Policy comnittce. The composition of the local ration boards includes members drawn from the same sectors of the local economy that provided augmentation for the County Consumer Rationing Policy Committee. RATION BOARD INSTRUCTIONS, dated June 1965, lists specifi~ functions, responsi- bilities and operational guidance. (c) Price Stabilization Agencr Functions are as listed on page B-II-21, State of Florida Plan for Emergency }lanagement of Resources. PRICE BOARD INSTRUCTIONS, dated June 1965, lists specific duties, and operational guidelines. (d) Rent Stabilization Agency Functions are as listed on page B-II-28, State of Florida Plan for Emergency Management of Resources. RENT BOARD INSTRUCTIONS, dated June 1965, lists specific duties and operational guidelines. VII I . Roster of Key Officials c' County Consumer Rationinr, Policy Committee (County School Bo,1rd) Ruth A. Campbell, Chairman P. O. Box 3118, n'lrathon 743-5626 Enoch Walker 2904 Harris, Key West 294-2100 Charles L. McWhorter 801 Catherine. Key West 296-2967 William R. Gamble 321 Whitclw'lct, Key t<Jest 296- 5603 Wilhelmina Harvey P. O. Box 93, Key West 294-1401 ~ ,. ... Private Sector t-tembers ---~ Food Mr. Carl Weekly, 517 Elizabeth St., Key ~st, Fla. * Mr. Joe Fernandez, 920 Varela St.; Key West, Fla. Veteran Mr. Jesse Woodruff, 30 Allamanda Ave., Key Haven * Mr. Vance Stirrup, 1404 Olivia St., Key West, Fla. Realty Mr. Edward B. Knight, 1111 Eaton St., Key West, Fla. * Mr. Jim Flenner, 416 Fleming St., Key West, Fla. Consumer Mr. Harry F. Knight, Sr., 3615 Ave. E Key West, Fla. * Mr. Augustine M. Mesada, 2514 Linda Ave. Key West, Fla. Civic . Mr. Jack Key, 26 Bamboo Terrace, Key West, Fla. * Mrs. Joe Pinder, 1620 Steven Ave., Key west, Fla. Labor Mr. Joseph L. Cates, 1434 Virginia St., Key West, Fla. * Mr. Paul C. Kellar, 1236 Washington St., Key West, Fla. r-\ \ '---' Drug Mr. Lionel Cobo, 937 Fleming St., Key West, Fla. * Mr. Dennis Felchar, 1229 Simonton St., Key West, Fla. Petroleum Nr. J. R. Fleitas, 1025 James St., Key West, Fla. * Mr. Joseph Cioli, Boca Chica Road, Big Coppitt, Fla. County Emergency Economic Stabilization Director Superintendent of Schools Armando J. Henriquez, 3615 Sunrise St., Key West, Florida (Bus. 296-6523, Ext. 32) (Res. 294-1969) County Consumer Rationing Director Deputy Superintendent of Schools Ned A. SiltU1lOns, 1001 Von Phister St., Key ~st, Fla. (Bus. 296-6523, Ext. 30, 41, 46) (Res. 296-5007) County Price Stabilization Director Mr. Joe Allen, 813 Waddell Ave., Key West, Fla. * Mr. Ervin A. Higgs, 517~ Grinnell St., Key West, Fla. * Signifies Alternate 7 ... (296-12671) (294-2525) (296-2687) (296-5189) .. (294-5155) (294-3232) (296-3188) (296-6921) (296-9846) (296-6806) (296-3938) (294-3177) (294-2552) (294-1890) (296-2727) (296-2727) (296-3813) (296-6227) (294-1894) (296-8507) ~ .~ -' o (\ '-- Consumer Rationinp, Board - CRl Glynn Archer Junior High School Consumer Rationing Registration Director Mrs. Elizabeth James, 1223 2nd Street, Key West, Florida (Bus. 296-9511) Consumer Rationing Board - CR2 Memorial Elementary School Consumer Rationing Registration Director Mrs. Dorothy M. Reddock, 2928 Fogarty Ave., Key West, Florida (Bus. 296-9511) (Res" 296-3281) ~onsumer Rationing Board - CR3 Key West High School Consumer Rationing Registration Director }ir. Glynn R. Archer, Jr., 2911 Patterson Ave., Key West, Florida (Bus. 296-8592) (Res. 294-3435) Consumer Rationing Board - CR4 Poinciana Elementary School Consumer Rationing Rep,istration Director Mr. Albert H. Carey, 3702 Duck Ave., Key West, Florida (Bus. 294-5111) (Res. 296-5898) Consumer Rationing Bo~rd - CR5 Sugarloaf E1cmcntnry School Consumer Rationin~ Registration Director Miss Helen Frederick, RKi.'2 Graneroad, Sugarloaf Key, Florida (Bus. 745-3282) Consumer Rationing Hoard - CR6 Marathon High School Consumer Rat ion ing Re~istrat ion Director }irs. Katherine Gradick, Box 927, Marathon, Florida (Bus. 743-5541) Consu~er Rationing Board - CR7 Coral Shores School Consumer Rationing Registration Director Mr. Gerald Adair, Box 403, Tavernier, Florida (Bus. 852-2821) 8 ,.. .. --~, List of Reference and Supporting Documents The below listed documents are absolutely essential to economic statili- zation operations in Monroe County. These documents are held under the custodianship of the Superintendent of Schools, Key West, Monroe County, 296-6523, Ext. 32. I'. "Honroe County Emergency Economic Stabilization Plan." 2. The "Florida Emergency Resources Management Plan" - Economic Stabilization Section issued by the Governor on July 14, 1967. 3. Office of Emergency Planning "Emergency Economic Stabilization Operating Instructions", dated June 1965, containing the following: o i a. "Rati'on Board Instructions for Postattack Consumer Rationing." b. "Price Board Instructions for Stabilization Prices and Services in a Postattack Emergency." c. "Rent Board Instruct ions for Stabilizing Rents and Determining Ceiling Prices of Real Property in a Postattack Emergency." d. ''Wage and Salary Stabilization Programs in a Postattack Emergency." e. "Money, Credit, and Banking in a Postattack Emergency." 4. OEP Consumer Rationing Reproduction Proofs 9 !' ...