Resolution 070-1970RESOLUTION NO. 70-1970 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida desires to indicate approval of filling in of certain parcels of sub- merged land owned by the State of Florida in the waters of Boca Chica Channel and vicinity near Stock Island and Boca Chica Key, and WHEREAS, the Department of Transportation of the State of Florida is obtaining title to said submerged land from the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, and WHEREAS, a navigation channel must be constructed into and along these parcels of submerged land, and WHEREAS, the Board recognizes that the Department of Natural Resources' biological report was adverse, however, the construction of a bridge over these parcels of submerged land will reduce the traffic hazards on U. S. Highway No. 1 and will be of great public benefit and will more than offset the damage to the marine life, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Department of Transportation be authorized to fill in the parcels of submerged land to be conveyed by the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund according to the attached sketch which is made a part hereof and to excavate necessary navigation channels into and along these parcels of submerged land. Dated July 28th 1970. 2 certified copies mailed to: D. W. Beckwith, Administrator Real Property Management Section Department of Transportation Tallahassee, Fla. 1 C. C. Mailed to; Trustees Int. Imp. Fund Tallahassee, Fla. • Soundings are in feef o'nd refer fo Mean Secs Level. t I O I i0m -t3.7'3.T -2.7 Jm bo BeWN P/L L - TO KCY wEs7 C dr Gu�F C-x t.Co / r �fV o tt.- 1fcFV4A33 1 e� ,�r�•nn �,�t VP f� _eoAsn oRio �EE_� -,LQ `If�YRA SrRArYS of FL LOCAT90M MAP 11J2. o 1 A2 3 4` c u.S•G.R,G.z - CF1Pa^nY C3G ti SCALE OF tL4tt L'-5 i az' I m� h RIWz/ V,- -48 t -2.0 -•9.0 .2-'- —s `3:G 'a3 .3.::— �.•. .G S.O '2 d'.0--4 2 ail 1 s �`t7i/T?Y77i l j 7T§_�PROPOSL-D FILL;--====fj� -�/1•fi'7'�741%�iY7'fr,=..T7�Yr PdP.�L O PE 3 '•�P,-eoPP5 E;q?EFr ROAo v;" S.R•S(u.s./? � rl✓✓e ¢suRvEv .value is=�G E R/t ss L!P/E — N N uw b .4 RIWZIP/C � -Ao •S.6 -7.3 r — Q -JA 9.� !02 /I.0 -17.0 •!!t� '/J.T 96 -9,D-�,2�8.8 J_ V t O •' n 0 -0.5 4 D •.9D -.9.e —�-' l�r�Q 77/ • // / `T% Q i, a.o././PR6POSE0 F/L/_ ,,,fev. y�:o_to.o 78..E _ c TOP 54IPE lo0FL 4 t'.20Pb5F_U DEFT r?OypN'J!-IY� 9 0 _- -_-__t Cj ',� s.R.S(✓s.0 � R/w./�?s✓avz:v /tPr°%�=ZO"E -9.6Exisr 8------ ----- ririge 8 (QePN�El30 •� Sheet 2) - -- -- RIW LINE co C -4.2 -4p -'.n-33.6Z��.61iii2.4 -23 -1•7 -2.6 -2.6 2.6 -2,6 -3.0•_3•0 !✓/, — 5 Q p -2.7 /r = L E V. t�•GL.O, G.C.- '� %/ PROPPSyD FALL ii �, LL N -bsF r /T, 7� ��o L !2 t. o _+- 19 r°aSL°PC - ino-PROP05En R°AD'N0- Yam- QC/�+°� o¢�IC1 ------SuRYEY Y`xisl E3ridge� I.tB/°/S=2D'E -- — A -- I • � n; m o i v yN N O i RIW41AlEtn PROPOSE � LK EAD � ILL ='" Ifim Mari ruffle rgva mr-2 d uqr Bga a � -47 - PLAN • � mmm�¢.9onw.fo�mm 400 0 400 - Boo r=�----mot--� SCALE Or FEET AT S 4OCK MLAMD 4, BOCA Cog; ICh %EY(S.R.S U COUNTY OF MONROE, FLORIDA. APPLIC6,TEON BY STATE OF FLORID DEPARTMENT Orr TRIMMSPORTATION JOB 90OZO-2511 F=EBRUARY 19, SHEET I OP 2 SOEE S. 19, ------------- COMC. CAP 6 Z� 7- -A IAP CoAlC ANCYOR CAP PROPOSED Lcl 4 2. 0� Afxgon CAP 9 1 80cll cl-11GIA, "co co C 14A 1VAf E k 6"AkIC140A BEAM ROAD I, CONC, '4_�NOVOR t PROPOSE -D " """ (; SPELE r P1 L 1,V r, LJULICPEAD 0 5119VE V 57.4.103158 5710CAIISLAX0510E 5- T4. 135:F 45 8 0 CA CR I C A HE Y 51,91 E TYPICAL SURPEAD SECTIOH(A-A) %J % SCALE 0 rq SURVEY P L A N Pt f--aU WK �qr AT BOLA CHICA CVIA�,,'MEL SVOCK ESLAf43-11, SiDr=- AS SMOWN 40 zo 0 40 SCALE OF r- E CT J 2ado.l To Sfa, -fS9t2O- Varies 200'7-0 90'tS¢0. 151"o Prop. L ef Roa dway /Z' 6- 10 6L. V(7r;es Slope 2: 4.0 T/ 0.0 e or \��\\ Ilk To j-,7 -1. of 1 FILL /J. H. W. 0. 6 Af.I.W. 0.3 TYPICAL r--ILL SECTION(B-6) too 50 0 100 POPM. HORZ. SCALES IN FEC-7 5 0 5 to PROPOSED BULKHEAD 11, FiLL M BOCA CHMA CHANWEL MCMITY AT STOCK ISLAND �4 C,50CA CHICA COUNTY OF MOKIROE o FLOM DA APPLICATION' BY SYAYF— OF FLORADA DEPARTMENT Or- 7 RAMS PORUAT CON JOB sooza-Z511 FEBRUARY 19' SHEET z or- SISHEF-Ts 0 0': MEXICO zi .1r mc e -,?4cco pN O.v hor, LOCATION Or- PROPOSC-0 1-1 e: DGING SECTION A -A 11011 0 ccp -- 1 -------- t:P=400' LOCATIOM MAP SCALES ()p EET 3 4 5 u.s.r,.4G 10 0 2 �1 CHART ;iv VE:M. --- = Z0, SCALE OP MILES PRO.o. St.-45.0 Mor.'17 Line Deed ArE 19770 Tfi r-- DREDGED TO .31 73.2 0.0 -.-Z.0 AVECIAGE CUT 42' -3.6 .0.5 APPR0'X.Y1T=LD 315,000( K AVERAGE WFATEA COVER 3.5' -3o iT -3.0 RAV LINS F, -.5. 6 � PROP. LEFT -A ADWCV--, N:� hj STOCK ISLAND SyR—VZ--y- Af 910-1,5',20"6 5 (U.,5. RI W L 11V6 LAPROPOSED DREDGING INA VICE -191TY OF BOLA CHICA CHAWN PLAM AT STOCK, USLAND a RACCOON KEY 400 0 400 .600 coukqyy or- momptoE,, FLORIDA SCALE OF r-Er.-T APPLICAT90M BV SIATE OF TIFLOR10A Soundings ore in feel and refer h Mean Sea Level. JOB OOOZO-2511 MARCH