Resolution 073-1970 RESOLUTION NO. 73-1970 WHEREASJ the Zoning Board of Monroe County, Florida at a public hearing on April 24J 1970, duly called and held in accordance with the zoning regulations of Monroe CountYJ Florida and the laws of the State of F10ridaJ considered the request of Joseph T. Lance for change of zoning on Lot 12J and Part of Lot llJ Plat Book. 1, Page 59 from GU to BU -2, (Key Largo), and WHEREASJ after taking testimony and hearing all persons desiring to be heardJ and said Board denied said requestJ and WHEREASJ the Pirates Cove Property Owners Association filed an appeal with the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, in accordance with the law s applicable thereto, asking said Board to reverse the decision of the Zoning BoardJ and WHEREAS, on July 21, 1970J the Board of County Commissioners heard such appealJ and after reviewing the record and proceedings and action taken at said public hearing on April 24J 1970J and hearing all persons desiring to be heard, voted to uphold the decision of said Zoning Board, and WHEREASJ it is necessary to pass a Resolution upholding the decision of said Zoning BoardJ now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the decision of the Zoning Board, made at its public hearing on April 24J 1970J denying the request of Joseph T. Lance for change of zoning on Lot 12, and Part of Lott 11, Plat Book 1, Page 59 from GU to BU -2J (Key Largo)J be, and the same is hereby upheld, and the appeal filed by the Pirates Cove Property Owners Association, requesting the Board of County Commissioners to reverse the decision of said Zoning Board, be and the same is hereby denied. Dated August 11, 1970. '.._..4 ~ 11~t:..~ t' .~~j, ,m [..11 IT'" J. J _ v"r tORM 11" ,~ RESOLUTtlON ~.~ I .. \.tAiEREAS, r~~\ ~~NJNG BOARD Of" MONROE COUNTY, rLOR~,D~ HtlD A PU~~ f C HEA~ i N~ ON ':.-~'A'PR'I L 24J. 1970 , DUL Y CALLED AND HELP IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ZONING RECULATION5 OF' MONROE COUNT~, FLORIDA AND THE LAWS or THE STATE or tLOAID^ CONSIDERED THE RCQUEST or JOSEPH T. LANCE . rOR CHANGE or ZONING .ON LOT 12, AND PART or LOT 11, PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 59 FROM GU TO BU-2. (KEY LARGO) .Aid I F'ROM CLAS~IF'tCATION BU TO BU-2 AS DEF'tNEO IN THE MONROE. COUNTY ZONING REGULATIONS AND wttEREAS, ArT E R . TAt< I N GTE 5 T I MO N v r 0 R A NO A G A INS T S A I D REQUEST SAtD BOARD DETERMINED THAT SAID REQUEST SHOULD BE ApPROVED NOW, THEREfORE~ BE IT RESOLVED ~Y THE ZONING BOARD or MONROE COUNTY, f"LORIDA THAT THE REQUEST or > '1". JOSEPH T. LANCE rOR A CHANGE or ZONING L0T 12, AND PART OF LOT 11, PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 59 FROM GU TO BU-2 (KEY L/dtGo) '" FROM GU To BU-2 AS DEFINED IN THE MONROE COUNTY ZONING REGULATIONS AND THE SAME IS HEREBY ApPROVED I DATE MAY 2(, 1970 r STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE 19 70 I .. _--,.__.....,_.........._.....___1--.__.____._ to RM " RESOLUTrlON .. I WiEREAS, THE, ZONING BOARD or'mNROE COUNTY, ,F1.ORt.D~ ....... . ': ... HE LD ~ Pu ~L f C HE A ~ i N~ ~N "'-')~.~R'IL 24. ~ 1970 , DULY CALLtD ANO HELP fN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ZONING REQOLATIONS 0' MONROE COUNTY, tLORIDA AND THE LAWS or THE STATE or tLORIOA CONSIOERED THE REQUEST or J9SEPHJ-. LANCE rOR CHANGE or ZONING ON LOT 12, AND PART OF LOT 11, PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 59 FROM GU TO BU-2. (KEY LARGO) rAO'" CLASSH'ICATION BU TO BU-2 AS DEF'INEO IN THE MONRO~. COUNTY ZONING REGULATIONS AND ~~EREAS, ArTEn TAKING TESTIMONV rOR AND AGAINST SAID REQUEST SAtD BOARD DETERMINED THAT SAID REQUEST SHOULD BE ApPROVED NOW, THEREFORE~ BE IT 'RESOLVED ~Y THE ZONING BOARD Of MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT THE REQUEST or t JOSEPH T. LANCE FOR A CHANGE or ZONING L 0 T 12, AND PAR T 0 f L 0 T""'U, P L AT Bo 0 K 1, P AGE 59 FRO M ''"--, GU TO BU-2 (KEY LARGO) tROM , GU To BU-2 AS OErlNED IN THE MONROE COUNTY ZONING REGULATIONS AND THE SAME IS HEREBY ApPROVED. I DATE MAY 27~ 1970 r STATE OF FLORiDA COUNTY OF MONROE 19 70 I _._-~';';.:'""!:":;!:.:::"'::,):.;.~...::"~ .''T'<''ffilill.Jl.'WII III 'It tORM RESOLUTrlON . , WiERE:~S, T~~t ~~N~~ .OOARD OF' MONROE COUNTY, rt..ORl.D~ HELD ~ PUBLIC HEA~;N~ ~N "'-~APR'tL 24.1970 , DULY CALLEO AND HELP IN ACCORDANCE' WITH THE ZONING RECOLATIONS or MONROE COUNry, F'LORIOA AND THE LAWS or THE STATE or rLORIOA CONSIDERED THE ~EQUEST or JOSEPH T. LANCE rOR CHANGE or lONING ON LOT 12, AND PART OF LOT 11, PL~T BOOK 1, PAGE ~9 FROM GU TO BU-2. (KEY LARGO) rROM CLAss.rtCATION BU TO BU-2 AS OErlNEO .IN THE MONROE COUNTY ZONING REGULATIONS AND .. WHEREAS, ArT r It ' T A KIN GTE S T I MO N v FOR A NO A G A INS T S A 10 REQUEST SAID BOARD DETERMINED THAT SAID REQVEST SHOULD Bt ApPROVED NOW, THEREF'ORE, BE IT'RESOLVED ~Y THE ZONING BOARD or MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT THE REQUEST or . JOSEPH T. LANCE rOR A CHANGE OF ZONING L0T 12, AND PART or LOT 11, PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 59 FROM GU TO BU..,2 (KEY LA"Go) FROM GU ' To BU-2 AS DEFINED IN THE MONROE COUNTY ZONING REGULATIONS AND THE SAME IS HEREBY ApPROVED. DATE MAy/2-l~ 1970 r STATE or F'LORtDA COUNTY or MONROE 19 70