Resolution 199-1992 RESOLUTION NO. 199- 1992 .9~ A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMfss~sPO~22 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A G~ANT APPLICATION WITH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAC[ RESOURCES, BOATING IMPROVEMENT FUND, AND DIRECTIN'p rn t EXECUTION OF SAME BY THE PROPER AUTHORITIES FOR TH~ '. EMERGENCY REPAIR OF A CHANNEL MARKER IN TAVERNIER CREEK. F-U FP r: m~ RECORD BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, as follows: 1. That said Board has been notified of the availability of funds from the Florida Department of Natural Resources, Boating Improvement Fund. 2. That the Monroe County Extension Service acting for Monroe County has received preliminary approval for the submission of a grant application to repair a missing Channel Marker, #12 in Tavernier Creek for which a grant of $1,800.00 will be sought. 3. That said Board hereby directs the execution of this application by the proper County Authorities. PASSED AND ADOPTED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 22nd day of April ,A.D. 1992. MAYOR, Wilhelmina Harvey COMMISSIONER, Jack London COMMISSIONER, Douglas Jones COMMISSIONER, A. Earl Cheal COMMISSIONER, John Sormont Yes Yes No Yes Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS (Seal) OF-MOl\IROE CQUNTY, FLORIDA A~~. D~ L.:#olha~e By ~.".'"'V\-' . - '-~ ...... ~ ~""~_~_/~./. Mayor/Chairman \ . ~. r AttomeY'I aiel ' Leila 1'1 t\r" f(\.- STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Florida Boating Improvement Program Project Application Project Identification l~ Types of Project: Acquisition Development X Planning Launch Site New For Office Use Only Docking Facility Expansion Date Received Channel Marking Renovation Project Number Ot."f1er (specify) Replacement of Channel Coun ty Marker #12 Tavernier Creek Monroe 2. Project Title: Tavernier Creek #12 3. Project Location: Tavernier Creek (Oceanside) 4. Brief Description of Project: Emergencv repair of channel marker #12 in Tavernier Creek completely missing. Haz,ard to Navigation 5. Grant Requested: $ 1,800.00 Source of Other Funds: $ Estimated Total Project Cost $ 1,800.00 6. Applicant Identification: Applicant County: Monroe Located in City of: Key West (if applicable) Liaison Agent : Kim Blanco Appointed Representative of Monroe County, Board Name of County of County Commissioners 5100 College Rd. Address: Key West, FI 33040 7. Phone No. (305) 292-4501 Signature: ~hH1 '7U-u~ 4-9-92 Date: FLORIDA DEPARTMENT -OF NATURAL RESOURCES Florida Boating Improvement Program Project Application Part A: Identification For Office Use Project ~: Date Received: Applicant Information A9plicant: Monroe County Project Title: Tavernier Creek #12 Legislative District in which Project Site is Located: State Senate: State House: Liaison Agent: Kim. Blanco Title: Marine Projects Coordinator Address: 5100 College Rd. Key West, FI Zip Code: 33040 Telephone: (305) 292-4501 I hereby certify that the information provided in this application is. true and accurate. Signature: _.~~ ~; ,r ~4.r.~~ Da te : 4-9-92 Project Information Grant Amount Requested: $ 1,800.00 Funds are Utilized as Match for: LWCF FRDAP Project Type (check one): Acquisition Development x Retroactive Site Control (check one): Acquiring ..._ ~ased OWn If Leased, Date of Expiration: Brief Project Description: Emergency repair of Channel Marker 112 Tavernier Creek. DNR 42-034 Revised 8/25/89 Page 1 10 '/SrJeoonment iii' ~'--, ' ~)f Trar'lspor t01l0r~! i\!!!{. United States - Coast Guard Commander Seventh Coast Guard District Brickell 1 Federal Bldg, 909 S.E. ~lrst Avenue Miami. FL 33131 Staff Symbol: (oan) Ph: (305) 536 - 5621 16518/37 March 31, 1992 Ms. Kim Blanco Monroe Cooperative Extension Service P.O. Box 2545 Key West, FL 33045-2545 Dear 1'-1s. Blanco: The private aids to navigation listed on the attached form have been reported discrepant. Discrepancies must be corrected rapidly. Please report correction to us by telephone followed by written confirmation. You will notice that the attached discrepancy report is designed to be used for return communication. Please fill in the blanks as appropriate, fold, staple and mail it to this office when the repairs have been completed. Please contact Mr. Nodal at (305) 536-562l if you have questions. When calling please refer to Coast Guard file number and aid name. Sincerely, c\~ ~ J. S. CALHOUN Commander, u.S. Coast Guard Ass't Chief, Aids to Navigation Branch Seventh Coast Guard District By direction of the District Commander Encl: (l) Self-addressed Discrepancy Report (2) List of Coast Guard abbreviations Copy: Officer-in-Charge, Aids to Navigation Team Key West .__.~_.--.............r,~~-:~~.;;'...\:':'-:""-::-:":'~,:.. Name: Monroe Cooperative Ext _~~vice P. O. Box 2545 Key West, FL 33045-2545 Ms. Kim Blanco 37 Mar 31, 1992 ATTN: F"Lle: The Following Private Aids to Navigation have been reported discrepant: AID NAME LIGHT LIST # DISCREPANCY *Tavernier Cr DBN 12 *Tavernier Cr DBN 12 11980.00 DESTROYED/TRUB ll980.00 DESTROYED These discrepancies and any others I have noted: (Check appropriate line and complete as necessary) ( 1 ) have been corrected as of_____ (date) (2)_____have not been corrected for the following reasons: (Please indicate which aids) (3)________1 am discontining these CLASS II or III (Voluntary) private aid(s). This constitutes my 3D-day notice to you. I understand that before CLASS I (Required) private aids may be discontinued, written permission must be granted by your office. Sincerely,