Resolution 056-1973 \, ~ RESOLUTION No. 56-1973 WHEREAS, The Sheri~~ o~ Monroe County, Florida has previously recommended that he be authorized to allow ~or County Prisoners, in addition to time credits, extra Bood time allowance ~or meritorious conduct o~ exceptional industry, in accordance with the provisions o~ subsection (,) o~ Section 951.21, Florida Statutes, as o~ January 1, 1967, and WHEREAS, it is necessary ~or the Board o~ County Commissioners to adopt a resolution authorizing such procedure, now, there ~ore , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Sheri~~ o~ Monroe County, Florida, be, and he is hereby authorized to allow ~or the ~ollowinB County Prisoner: Original Date Gary John Davis 5-19-7' New Release Date 5-5-7' In addition to time credits, extra good time allow- ance ~or meritorious conduct o~ exceptional industry, in accordance with the provisions o~ subsection (,) o~ Section 951.21, made by said Sheri~~ ~rom this date be, and the same are hereby approved. DATED May 1, 1973. I...,