Resolution 060-1973
1. .,~)-/.l
60-19 73
WHEREAS, a local bill has been filed by I,lr. Fred Tittle, State
Representative for ;.ionroe County, which bill shall create a completely au-
tonomous district for waste collection and disposal, and
1';IIEREAS, the f'lonroe County Commission is the elected local rep-
resentative of the residents of ;ionroe County, and
WHEREAS the Commission is vested wi t]1 the power required for the
protection of the i'.lonroe County residents' health and welfare, now,
BE IT RESOLVED by the Honroe County Commissioners to now go on
record that it is the division of government best suited to act in the
overall waste collection and disposal for !lonroe County; that the Commission
shall take all steps deemed necessary to perform the overall function of
waste collection and disposal, and that it is opposed to the presently penJ-
ing bill introduced by State Representative Fred Tittle.
DATED May 8, 1973
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