Resolution 101-1973
WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commissioners
of Monroe County, Florida, to make budgeted transfers previously set up
in the Monroe County Budget for the year 1972-73, and to create new items
under said Budget, now, therefore,
OF MONROE COUNTY, F'LORIDA, that the budgeted transfers previously
set up in the Monroe County Budget for the year 1972-73, in the amounts
hereinafter set forth be transferred to and from the following accounts:
Transfer from Item #5223.317, Nursing Homes, the sum of
$400.00 to Item #2321.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item #5223.317, Nursing Homes, the sum of
$4,000.00 to Item #5222.315, Medicaid - Hospital.
Transfer from Item #2332.328, Travel. the sum of $100.00
to Item #2332.332, Subscriptions.
Transfer from Item #6102.207" Tools, the sum of $73.80 to
Item #6102.203, Materials.
Transfer from Item #5221. 30907, Inpatient Hospital Services,
the sum of $600. 00 to Item #2671.337, Maintenance of Build-
ings and Grounds.
Transfer from Item #2211.205, Office Supplies, the sum of
$8.00 to Item #2211.330, Insurance and Bonds.
Transfer from Item #6102.401, Capital Outlay - Buildings,
etc., the sum of $200.00 to Item #6102.338, Maintenance
of Equipment.
Transfer from Item #2212.402, Capital Outlay - Equipment,
the sum of $100.00 to Item #2326.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item #5223.317, Nursing Homes, the sum of
$500.00 to Item#2670. 338, Maintenance of Equipment.
Transfer from Item #5223.317, Nursing Homes, the sum of
$300.00 to Item #2320.341, Contractual Services.
Transfer from Item #5223.317, Nursing Homes, the sum of
$4,080.00 to Item #2670.340, Utilities.
Transfer from Item #5221.309071 Inpatient Hospital Servicesl
the sum of $160.00 to Item #2326.3411 Contractual Services.
Transfer from Item #5221. 309071 Inpatient Hospital Servicesl
the sum of $400.00 to Item #2671. 337~ Maintenance of Build-
ings and Grounds.
Transfer from Item #5221.309071 Inpatient Hospital Servicesl
the sum of $300.00 to Item #2'71. 337~ Maintenance of Build-
ings and Grounds.
Transfer from Item #5221.309071 Inpatient Hospital Servicesl
the sum of $80.00 to Item #5106.3401 Utilities.
Transfer from Item #5221.309071 Inpatient Hospital Services,
the sum of $50.00 to Item #2440.3381 Maintenance of Equip-
Transfer from Item #5221.309071 Inpatient Hospital Services,
the sum of $400.00 to Item #2671.4021 Capital Outlay - Equip-
Transfer from Item #5221. 30907 ~ Inpatient Hospital Services,
the sum of $200.00 to Item #5106.326, Food and Dietary.
Transfer from Item #2671.401, Capital Outlay - Buildings,
the sum of $31 150.00 to Item #2333.331, Rental.
Transfer from Item #2671.401, Capital Outlay - Buildings,
the sum of $1,350.00 to Item #2333.3351 Communications.
Transfer from Item #2671.4011 Capital Outlay - Buildings,
the sum of $600.00 to Item #2333.3401 Utilities.
Transfer from Item #2671. 401, Capital Outlay - Buildingsl
the sum of $300. 00 to Item #2333. 341~ Contracted Sercies.
Transfer from Item#6305. 3411 Contractual Servicesl the
sum of $840. 00 to Item #2670.337, Maintenance of Buildings.
Transfer from Item #2321.4021 Capital Outlay - Equipment,
the sum of $8,209.00 to Newly Created Item #2781.341,
Contractual Services.
Transfer from Item #2211. 102, Salaries, the sum of $600.00
to Newly Created Item #5341. 102, Salaries.
Transfer from Item #221l.l02~ Salariesl the sum of $37.07
to Newly Created Item #5341. 105, Matching Costs.
Transfer from Item #2211. 102, Salariesl the sum of $11. 18
to Newly Created Item #5341. 1061 Group Insurance.
Transfer from Item #2211. 102, Salaries, the sum of $101.50
to Newly Created Item #5341.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item #2211. 102, Salaries, the sum of $93.75
to Newly Created Item #5341. 328~ Auto Allowance.
Transfer from Item #2211. 102, Salaries, the sum of $94.00
to Newly Created Item #5341.402, Capital Outlay.
Transfer from Item #2211.102, Salaries, the sum of $750.00
to Newly Created Item #5348. 102, Salaries.
Transfer from Item #2211. 105" Salaries~ the sum of $73.88
to Newly Created Item #5348. 105, Matching Costs.
Transfer from Item #2211. 102, Salaries, the sum of $7.50
to Newly Created Item #5348. 107, Workments Compensation.
Transfer from Item #2211. 102, Salaries, the sum of $20.00
to Newly Created Item #5348. 205~ Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item #2211. 102, Salaries, the sum of $56.70
to Newly Created Item #5348.328, Auto Allowance.
Transfer from Item #2211. 102~ Salaries, the sum of $95.00
to Newly Created Item #5348.331, Rental.
Transfer from Item #2211. 102, Salaries, the sum of $17.90
to Newly Created Item #5348. 106, Group Insurance.
Transfer from Item #2211. 102, Salaries, the sum of $13.30
to Newly Created Item #5348.335, Communications.
Transfer from Item #2211. 102~ Salaries, the sum of $63.20
to Newly Created Item#5348. 402~ Capital Outlay - Equip-
Transfer from Item #2321.335, Communications, the sum of
$150.00 to Item #2322.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item #2321.335, Communications, the sum of
$400.00 to Item #2323.341, Contractual Services.
Transfer from Item #2321. 335, Communications, the sum of
$150.00 to Item #2671.337, Maintenance of Buildings and
Transfer from Item #2321.335, Communications, the sum of
$1,500.00 to Item #3440. 205~ Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item #2321.335" Communications, the sum of
$5" 000. 00 to Item #5221.30901, Physician Services.
Transfer from Item #2211. 102, Salaries, the sum of $466.86
to Item #2102. 106, Group Insurance.
Transfer from Item #2211.102, Salaries, the sum of $194.81
to Item #2321. 106" Group Insurance.
Transfer from Item #2211. 102, Salaries, the sum of $164.67
to Item #22440. 106, GrOl p Ins~rance.
Transfer from Item #2211. 102, Salaries, the sum of $2, 121.14
to Item #3101. 106, Group Insurance.
Transfer from Item #2211. 102, Salaries, the sum of $ 740.41
to Item #3440. 106, Grmp Insurance.
Transfer from Item #2333.335, Communications, the sum of
$200.00 to Item #2333.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item #2211. 102, Salaries, the sum of $350.00
to Newly Created Item #6302.335, Communications.
Transfer from Item #2211. 102, Salaries, the sum of $506.01
to Item #6102.337, Maintenance of Buildings.
Transfer from Item #5221.30904, Outpatient Services, the sum
of $1,000.00 to Item #2671.337, Maintenance of Buildings and
Transfer from Item #5221.30907, Inpatient Hospital Service~,
the sum of $1,000.00 to Item #2671.337, Maintenance of Build-
ings and Grounds.
Transfer from Item #5223.317, Nursing Homes, the sum of
$1,000.00 to Item #2671.337, Maintenance of Buildings and
Transfer from Item #7201.330, Insurance, the sum of $200.00
to Item #7201.340, Utilities.
Transfer from Item #7201.402, Capital Outlay - Equipment,
the sum of $20,000.00 to Newly Created Item#7201. 401, Capital
Outlay - Buildings.
Transfer from Item #7201. 40101, Capital Outlay - Buildings,
FRS, the sum of $40, 000.00 to Item #7201.401, Capital Outlay -
Building s.
Transfer from Item #2670.401, Capital Outlay.. Buildings, the
sum of $6, 000.00 to Item #7201.401, Capital Outlay - Build-
Transfer from Item #5223.317, Nursing Homes, the sum of
$5,000.00 to Item #2101.335, Communications.
Transfer from Item #5223.317, Nursing Homes, the sum of
$400.00 to Item #2671.337, Maintenance of Buildings.
Transfer from Item #5223.324, Clothing Apparel, the sum of
$148.58 to Item #5223.102, Salaries.
Transfer from Item #6102.401, Capital Outlay - Buildings, the
sum of $693.89 to Item #6102. 102, Salaries.
Transfer from Item #5223.317, Nursing Homes, the sum of
$1,500.00 to Item #2671. 105, Matching Costs.
Transfer from Item #5223. 209J Medical and Surgical SuppliesJ
the sum of $500.00 to Item #5223. 105J Matching Costs.
Transfer from Item #2560. 328J Trave1J the sum of $500.00
to Item #2560. 105J Matching Costs.
Transfer from Item #7201. 204J Miscellaneous SuppliesJ the
sum of $250.00 to Item #7201. 105J Matching Costs.
Transfer from Item #6211. 202J Institutional SuppliesJ the sum
of $100.00 to Item #6211. 332J Subscriptions.
Transfer from Item #4102. 402J Capital Outlay - EquipmentJ
the sum of $1,294.39 to Item #4102. 338J Maintenance of Equip-
Transfer from Item #5346.331, Renta1J the sum of $200.00 to
Item #4102. 328J Travel.
Transfer from Item #5346.331, Rental, the sum of $50.00 to
Item #4102.204, Miscellaneous Supplies.
Transfer from Item #4102. 332J Subscriptions, the sum of
$100.00 to Item #4102.204, Miscellaneous Supplies.
Transfer from Item #3210. 330J Insurance, the sum of $391.@O
to Item #4102.338, Maintenance of Equipment.
Transfer from Item #3210. 330J Insurance, the sum of $1,000.00
to Item #4102. 338J Maintenance of Equipment.
Transfer from Item #9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies, the
sum of $2J 493.00 to Item #7201.330, Group Insurance and
Board beJ and he is hereby authorized to take the necessary action to effect
the transfer of funds hereinabove set forth.
DATED August 7, 1973.