Resolution 112-1973 RESOLUTION NO. 112-1973 WHEREAS, the General Services Administration has declared the property known as (P) East Martello Battery Site, Naval Station, Monroe County, Key West, Florida, surplus, and WHEREAS, Monroe County intends to make an application for the acquisition of said property for airport purposes, said property being adjacent to Key West International Airport which is owned and operated by said County, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That Jack Burke, County Development Director, is herebw authorized to sign the neces sary applications for and on behalf of Monroe County, Florida, and to accept delivery of all formal instrwnents of trans- fer. 2. That said Board of County Commissioners hereby agrees that Monroe County, Florida, shall be bound by the terms, reservations, restric- tions, and conditions of transfer set forth in said application. DATED August 28, 1973.