Resolution 120-1973
RESOLUTION NO. 120..1973
WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of Cormty Commissioners
of Monroe Cormty" Florida, to make budgeted transfers previously set up
in the Monroe County Budget for the year 1972...73, and to create new items
rmder s aid Budget" now, therefore,
OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA" that the budgeted transfers previously
set up in the Monroe Cormty Budget for the year 1972-73, in the amormts
hereinafter set forth be transferred to and from the following accormts:
Transfer from Item #2321.101" Salaries, the sum of $90.00
to Item #2103. 105" Matching Costs.
Transfer from Item #2321.402, Capital Outlay - Equipment"
the sum of $30.00 to Item #5341.105, Matching Costs.
Transfer from Item #2321.402, Capital Outlay.. Equipment,
the sum of $203.27 to Item #2321.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item #2333.338, Maintenance of Equipment,
the sum of $5.06 to Item #3321.338, Maintenance of Equip-
Transfer from Item #2322.402, Capital Outlay... Equipment,
the sum of $11.77 to Item #7201.340" Utilities.
Transfer from Item #2321.402, Capital Outlay.. Equipment,
the sum of $418.04 to Item #2332.205" Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item #2103.402, Capital Outlay.. Equipment,
the sum of $67.00 to Item #2320.330, Insurance and Bonds.
Transfer from Item #2321.402, Capital Outlay - Equipment,
the sum of $149.00 to Item #2101.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item #2322.10!?" Matching Costs, the sum of
$1" 587. 96 to Item #232201.10~, Salaries.
Transfer from Item #3391.102, Salaries, the sum of $196.70
to Item #232201. 105, Matching Costs.
Transfer from Item #2321.402, Capital Outlay - Equipment"
the sum of $823.00 to Item #3991.402, Capital Outlay -
-2 -
Transfer from Item # 2101. 207, Tools, the sum of $3.46
to Item # 2323.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 2670.105, Matching Costs, the sum
of $153.24 to Item # 3440.332, Subscriptions.
Transfer from Item # 2440.102, Salaries, the sum of
$170.00 to Item.# 2211.330, Insurance.
Transfer from Item # 2332.328, Travel, the sum of
$1052.75 to Item # 2332.332, Subscriptions.
Transfer from Item # 2101. 330, Insurance and Bonds, the
sum of $2500.00 to Item # 2101.102, Salaries and Wages.
Transfer from Item # 2101. 341, Contractual Services, the
sum of $4000.00 to Item # 2101.102, Salaries and Wages.
Transfer from Item # 2101. 204, Miscellaneous Supplies,
the sum of $150.00 to- Item # 2101. 105, Matching Costs.
Transfer from Item # 2101. 328, Automobile Allowance and
Travel, the sum of $400.00 to Item # 2101. 335, Communica-
Transfer from Item # 2101. 332, Subscriptions, the sum of
$100.00 to Item.# 2101. 335, Communications.
Transfer from Item # 2102.204, Miscellaneous Supplies,
the sum of $200..00 to Item # 2102341. 01, Contractual Services.
Transfer from Item # 2102.207, Tools, the sum of $200.00
to Item # 2102341. 01, ~Contractua1 Services.
Transfer from Item # 2102.334, Communication and Fees,
the sum of $100.00 to- Item # 2102341. 01, Contractual Services.
Transfer from Item # 2103.338, Maintanence of Equipment,
the sum of $30.00 to Item # 2103.335, Communications.
Transfer from Item # 2211.105, Matching Costs, the sum of
$130.00 to Item # 2211.106, Group Insurance.
Transfer from Item # 2211.205, Office Supplies, the sum of
$138.00 to Item # 2212.106, Group Insurance.
Transfer from Item # 2320.328, Travel, the sum of $263.23
to Item # 2320.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 2101. 333, Advertising, the sum of
$500.00 to Item. # 2340.341, Contractual Services.
Transfer from Item # 2211.338, Maintanence of Equipment,
the sum of $100.00 to- Item # 2321. 205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 2321. 105, Matching Costs, the sum
of $125.00 to Item # 2321. 341, Contractual Services.
Transfer Item # 2322.107, Workmens Compensation,
the sum of $10.00 to Item # 2322.106, Group Insurance.
Transfer from Item # 2321. 328, Travel, the sum of $200.00
to Item # 2322.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 2440.102, Workmens Compensation,
the sum of $50..00 toJtem # 2322.335, Communications.
Transfer from Item # 2441. 207, Tools, the sum of $35. 00
to Item # 2322.332, Subscriptions.
Transfer from Item # 2102.334, Communications and Fees,
the sum of $1300.00 to Item # 2322.341, Contractual Services.
Transfer from Item # 2322.107, Workmens Compensation,
the sum of $27.00 to -Item # 232201. 105, Matching Costs.
Transfer from Item if 2323.334, Communications and Fees,
the sum of $200..00 tQ Item # 2323.335, Communications.
Transfer from Item # 2333.205, Office Supplies, the sum of
$30.00 to Item # 2333.105, Matching Costs.
Transfer from Item if 2440.102, Salaries, the sum of $125. 00
to Item # 2440.105, Matching Costs.
Transfer from Item # 2440.102, Salaries, the sum of $100.00
to Item # 2440.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 2101. 207, Tools, the sum of $22.29 to
Item # 2441. 105, Mat.ching Costs.
Transfer from Item # 2322.107, Workmens Compensation, the
sum of $8.00 to. Item,,# 2560.102, Salaries.
Transfer from Item # 2441. 339, Transportation, the sum of
$400.00 to Item. # 2441. 205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 2670.102, Salaries, the sum of $1000.00
to Item # 2670.337, Maintenance of Buildings and Improvement
of Grounds.
Transfer from Item # 2670.102, Communications, the sum of
$2000.00 to Item # 2671.337, Maintenance of Buildings and
Improvement of Grounds.
Transfer from Item # 2671. 102, Salaries, the sum of $4000.00
to Item # 3440. 102, Salarie s.
Transfer from Item # 2102.402, Capital Outlay Equipment, the
sum of $2000.00 to Item if 3440.102, Salaries.
Transfer from Item # 2321. 335, Communications, the sum of
$6000.00 to Item #3440.102, Salaries.
Transfer from Item # 2322.101, Salaries, the sum of $4051. 50
to Item # 3440.102, Salaries.
Transfer from Item # 232201. 334, Communications and Fees,
the sum of $362.5.00 to Item # 3440.102, Salaries.
Transfer from Item # 2323.302, Expenses Other Than Salaries,
the sum of $1459.98 to Item # 3440.102, Salaries.
Transfer from Item # 2323. 334, Communications and Fees,
the sum of $207.0.00 to Item # 3440.102, Salaries.
Transfer from Item # 2441.102, Salaries, the sum of $1350.00
to Item # 3440.102, Salaries.
Transfer from Item # 2332.106, Group Insurance, the sum of
$270.02 to Item. # 3440.102, Salaries.
Transfer from Item # 2441. 328, Automobile Allowance and
Travel, the sum of $173.50 to Item # 3440.102, Salaries.
Transfer from Item # 2670.341, Contractual Services, the sum
of $3000.00 to Item #.3440.105, Matching Costs.
Transfer from Item # 2991. 106, Group Insurance, the sum of
$30.00 to Item # 3440.106, Group Insurance.
Transfer from Item # 2101. 338, Maintenance of Equipment, the
sum of $1200.00 to Item # 3440.20, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 2101. 333, Advertising, the sum of $700.00
to Item 344.328, Travel.
Transfer from Item # 2101. 338, Maintenance of Equipment, the
sum of $300.00. to Item # 3440.328, Travel.
Transfer from Item # 2441. 201, Gasoline, the sum of $100.00
to Item # 3440.328, Travel.
Transfer from Item # 2211.105, Matching Costs, the sum of
$340.00 to Item. # 4102.106, Group Insurance.
Transfer from Item # 2333.338, Maintenance of Equipment,
the sum of $1. 86 to Item # 5106.106, Group Insurance.
Transfer from Item # 5220.106, Group Insurance, the sum of
$400.00 to Item. # 5220.201, Salaries.
Transfer from Item # 2670.102, Salaries, the sum of $6000.00
to Item # 5222.315, Medicaid and Hospitals.
Transfer from Item # 5223.326, Food, the sum of $150.00 to
Item # 5223.325, Laundry.
Transfer from Item # 5223.326, Food, the sum of $175.00 to
Item # 5223.105., Matching Costs.~
Transfer from Item # 5223.326, Food, the sum of $10.00 to
Item # 5223.327, Pe.rsonal Care Items.
Transfer from Item # 5223.326, Food, the sum of $300.00
to Item # 5223.337, Maintenance of Buildings and Improvement
of Groun.ds.
Transfer from Item # 5223.326, Food, the sum of $375.00
to Item # 52233.40, Utilities.
Transfer from Item # 2440.102, Salaries, the sum of $1. 00
to Item # 5342.341, Contractual Services.
Transfer from Item # 2440.102, Salaries, the sum of
$1318. 50 to Item # 5342212, Demonstration Materials and
Transfer from Item # 2440.102, Salaries, the sum of $901. 50
to Item # 5342.402, Capital Outlay Equipment.
Transfer from Item # 2440.102, Salaries, the sum of $50.00
to Item # 5342.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 5348.331, Rental, the sum of $158.00
to Item # 5348.328, Travel.
Transfer from Item # 232201.102, Salaries, the sum of
$800.00 to Item. # 6102.105, Matching Costs.
Transfer from Item # 2440.341, Contractual Services, the
sum of $100.00 to Item # 6102.201, Gasoline.
Transfer from Item # 5103.334, Communications and Fees,
the sum of $1000.00 to Item # 6102.337, Maintenance of Build-
Transfer from Item # 2103.340, Utilities, the sum of $200.00
to Item # 6102.338, Maintenance of Equipment.
Transfer from Item # 2101. 201, Gasoline, the sum of $100.00
to Item # 6212.1.06, Group Insurance.
Transfer from Item # 232201. 102, Salaries, the sum of $16.31
to Item # 6212.1.06, Group Insurance.
Transfer from Item # 2332.322, Subscriptions, the sum of
$5.15 to Item # .6302.105, Matching Costs.
Transfer from Item # 2332.338, Maintenance of Equipment,
the sum of $71. 81 to Item # 6302.105, Matching Co sts.
Transfer from Item # 6302.201, Gasoline, the sum of $15.00
to Item # 6302.106, Group Insurance.
Transfer from Item # 6302: 212, Demonstration Supplies and
Materials, the .sum of $50.00 to Item # 6302.205, Office Supp-
Transfer from Item # 6302.402, Capital Outlay Equipment,
the sum of $200..00 to Item # 6302.335, Communications.
Transfer from Item # 7201. 107, Workmens Compensation,
the sum of $180,00 to, Item 7201. 102, Salaries.
Transfer from Item # 7201. 204, Miscellaneous Supplies,
the sum of $40..00 to-Item # 7201.102, Salaries.
Transfer from Item # 7201. 338, Maintenance of Equipment,
the sum of $200.00 to Item # 7201. 337, Maintenance of Build-
Transfer from Item # 7201,338, Maintenance of Equipment,
the sum of $225..00 to Item # 7201. 340, Utilities.
Transfer from Item # 2332.328, Travel, the sum of $55.00
to Item # 2332.332, Subscriptions.
Transfer from Item # 2103.402, Capital Outlay Equipment, the
sum of $513. 02 to Item # 2322. 341, Contractual Services.
Transfer from Item # 2321. 402, Capital Outlay Equipment, the
sum of $437.01 .to Item # 3440.341, Contractual Services.
Transfer from Item # 5103.339, Transportation, the sum of
$40.00 to Item # 3321... 341, Contractual Services.
Transfer from Item # 2441. 328, Travel, the sum of $35.50
to Item # 2321. 341, Contractual Services.
Transfer from Item # 6302.201, Gasoline and Oil, the sum of
$35.00 to newly. created Item # 6302.338, Maintenance of Equip-
Transfer from Item # 7201. 204, Miscellaneous Supplies, the
sum of $5.00 to. Item.# 7201. 340, Utilities.
Transfer from Item # 5342.212, Demonstration Materials and
Supplies, the sum oL$300. 00 to Item # 5342.01, DWI Counter
Attack Program.
Transfer from Item # 2670.105, Matching Costs, the sum of
$100.00 to Item.# 2101. 205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 2332.328, Travel, the sum of $50.00
to Item # 2321. 205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 5102.208, Medicine and Drugs, the sum
of $50.00 to Item # 5102.205, Office Supplies. _
Transfer from Item # 2670.401, Capital Outlay Buildings, the
sum of $100.00 .to Item # 2321. 205, Office Supplies.
Transfe~ from Item # 2670.401, Capital Outlay Buildings, the
sum of $43.75 fo Item # 2670.203, Materials.
Transfer form Item # 2671. 401, Capital Outlay Buildings, the
sum of $300.00 to Item #2321. 205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 6302.201, Gasoline, the sum of
$2.00 to Item #.6302r.338, Maintenance of Equipment.
Transfer from Item # 3321. 212, Demonstration Materials
and Supplies, the sum of $22.00 to Item # 3321. 209, Medi-
cal and Surgical Supplies..
Transfer from Item # 5221. 30801, Food and Dietary, the
sum of $1000.00 to Item # 5221.30802, Shelter.
Transfer from Item # 2671. 401, Maintenance of Equipment,
the sum of $200.00 to Item # 3440.338, Maintenance of
Equipment. .
Transfer from Item # 2101. 330, Insurance and Bonds, the
sum of $16.06 to Item # 2101. 107,. W orkmens Compensation.
Transfer from Item # 3440.207, Tools and Small Implements,
the sum of $26..87 to.Jtem # 3440.107, Workmens Compensa-
Transfer fonn Item # 2670.339, Transportation, the sum of
$26.92 to Item .# 2670.107, Workmens Compensation.
Transfer from Item # 5223.207, Tools, the sum of $26. 87
to Item # 5223.107, Workmens Compensation.
Transfer from Item # 3440.207, Tools and Small Implements,
the sum of $26.87 to.Item # 3440.107, Workmens Comepnsation.
Transfer from Item # 2671.401, Capital Outlay Buildings, the
sum of $26.87 to Item 2332.107, Workmens Compensation.
Transfer from Item # 2671. 401, Capital Outlay Buildings, the
sum of $53.74 to Item # 6102,107, Workmens Compensation.
Transfer from Item # 2323.332, Subscriptions, the sum of
$50.00 to Item # 2323.205, Of:fiiceSupplies.
Transfer from Item # 2991. 328, Travel Allowance, the sum
of $6.00 to Item # 2~91. 3Zf), Dues and Membership.
Transfer from Item # 5221. 30901, Physician Services, the sum
of $350.00 to Item # 5221. 30806, Pauper Burials.
Transfer from Item # 5221. 30906, Prosthetic Devices, the sum
of $151. 00 to Item # 5.221. 30905, Ambulance Service.
Transfer from Item # 5221. 30905, Prosthetic Devices, the sum
of $10.00 to Item # 5221.30905, Ambulance Ser,vice.
Transfer from Item # 2671.401, Capital Outlay Buildings, the
sum of $639.88. to Item # 3440.402, Capital Outlay Equipment.
Transfer from Item # 2671.401, Capital Outlay Buildings, the
sum of $4000.00 to Item # 5223.317, Nursing Homes.
Transfer from Item # 2321. 101, Salaries, the sum of
$159.00 to Item.# 2101. 334, Communications and Fees.
Transfer from Item # 2671. 401, Capital Outlay Buildings,
the sum of $760..00 to Item # 5220. 341, Contractual Services.
Transfer from Item # 5220. 102, Salaries, the sum of
$350.00 to Item. # 3440.604, Refunds for Current Year.
Transfer from Item # 3991. 102, Salaries, the sum of
$235.00 to Item # 232201.102, Salaries.
Transfer from Item # 2102.204, Miscellaneous Supplies,
the sum of $14.91 to Item # 2102.106, Group Insurance.
Transfer from Item # 2321. 332, Subscriptions, the sum of
$ 14.91 to Item # 2321.106, Group Insurance.
Transfer from Item # 2440. 341, Contractual Services, the
sum of $14.91 to Item # 2440.106, Group Insurance.
Transfer from Item # 2991.328, Travel Allowance, the sum
of $ .18 to Item # 29SJ1. 106, Group Insurance.
Transfer from Item # 3440.205, Office Supplies, the sum of
$14.73 to Item # 3440..106, Group Insurance.
Transfer from Item # 5221. 30805, Transportation, the sum
of $20.75 to Item # 5221. 204, Miscellaneous.
Transfer from Item # 5220.102, Salaries, the sum of
$10,622.58 to It-em #22ll. 334, Commissions and Fees.
Transfer from Item # 2441. 328, Travel, the sum of $34.99
to Item # 2440.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 2441. 207, Tools, the sum of $5.90 to
Item # 2441. 205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 2670.401, Capital Outlay Buildings, the
sum of $125.55 to Item # 2670. 337, Maintenance of Buildings
and Improvement of GrCAunds.
Transfer from Item # 2670.401, Capital Outlay Buildings, the
sum of $100.00 to Item # 2670.337, Maintenance of Buildings
and Improvement of Grounds.
Transfer from Item # 2670.106, Group Insurance, the sum of
$102.76 to Item.# 2610.337, Maintenance of Buil,dings and Im-
provement 'Of Grounds.
Transfer from Item # 332.106, Group Insurance, the
sum of $290.97 .to Item # 2670.338, Maintenance of
Transfer from Item # 3991. 106, Group Insurance, the
sum of $51. 86 to Item # 3321. 338, Maintenance of
Transfer from Item # 5223.106, Group Insurance, the
sum of $366., Item 267.337, Maintenance of Build-
Transfer from Item # 5348.106, Group Insurance, the
sum of $ Item # 5348.340, Utilities.
Transfer from Item # 2101.106, Group Insurance, the
sum of $26.64 to Item # 2996.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 232201.106, Group Insurance, the
sum of $44.34 to Item # 3321. 341, Contractual Services.
Transfer from Item # 5102.208, Medicine and Drugs, the
sum of $18.00 to Item # 5102.402, Capital Outlay and
Transfer from Item # 2101. 330" Insurance and Bonds, the
sum of $110.00 to Item # 2101. 335, Communications.
Transfer from Item # 232201.328, Travel" the sum of
$55.10 to Item # 2322,01. 335, Communications.
Transfer from Item # 5223.326, Food and Dietary, the
. ,
sum of $13.25 to Item # 5223.335,. Communications.
Transfer from Item # 2670.330, Insurance and Bonds, the
sum of $150.00 to Item # 2670.337, 1}1aintenance of Buildings
and Improvement of Grounds.
Transfer from Item # 2670.330, Insurance and Bonds, the
sum of $385. Item # 2322.34.1, Contractual Services.
Transfer from Item # 2670.330, Insurance and Bonds, the
sum of $60.00 to Item # 2322.341, Contractual Services.
Transfer from Item # 2321.330, Insurance and Bonds, the
sum of $77.00 to Item # 2321.341, Contractual Services.
Transfer from Item # 2440.107, Workmens Compensation,
the sum of $30.,26 toJtem # 2440.205, ,.office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 2440.330, Insurance and Bonds, the
sum of $3.08, to Item # 2440.341, Oontractual Services.
Transfe~ from Item # 3440.205, Office Supplies, the sum
$113.81 to Item.# 3440.341, Contractual Services.
-10 -
Transfer from Item # 6302.335, Communications, the
sum of $59.01 to Item 6302.338, Maintenance of Equip-
Transfer from Item # 6302.402, Capital Outlay Equip-
ment, the sum of $3.50 to Item # 6302.205, Office
Transfer from Item # 2321. 402, Capital Outlay Equip-
ment, the sum of $60.00 to Item # 2321.341, Contractual
Transfer from Item # 2441. 207, Tools, the sum of
$30.94 to Item # 2440.338, Maintenance of Equipment.
Transfer from Item # 2670.330, Insurance and Bonds, ,the
sum of $50.00 to Item # 2670.337., Maintenance-of Buildings.
Transfer from Item # 3991. 341, ,.Contractual Services, the
sum of $3.67 to. Item~# 3991. 337, Maintenance of Buildings..,
Transfer from Item # 5102.309, Medical Services, the sum
of $ 280.00 to Item #5102.341, Contractual Services.
Transfer from Item # 3321. 107, Workmens Compensation,
the sum of $30..78 to Jtem # 3321. 205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 5348.328, Automobile Allowance, the
sum of $11.62 to Item # 5348.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 6102.330,> Insurance, the sum of
$295.91 to Item.# 6102.102, Salaries.
Transfer from Item # 232201. 402, Capital Outlay Equipment,
the sum of $46..30 to-Item # 232201.105, Matching Costs.
Transfer from Item # 5341.205, Office Supplies, the sum of
$76.39 to Item # 5341.l05,,\Matching Costs.
Transfer from Item # 2101.330, Insurance and Bonds, the sum
of $102.91 to Item #2W1.105, Matching Costs.l
Transfer from Item # 2103.330, .Insurance and Bonds, the sum
of $86.22 to Item # 2103.105, Matching Costs.
Transfer from Item # 5223.330, Insurance and Bonds, the sum
of $128.74 to Item #5223.105, Matching Costs.
Transfer from Item # 6102.106, Insurance, the sum of $91. 75
to Item #6102. 105, Matching Costs.
Tr~nsfe~ from Item # 2101. 102, Salaries and Wages Other Than
Employees, the. sum.of $34.31 to Item # 6302.105, Matching Costs.
Transfer from Item # 232201. 328, Travel, the sum of $58.13
to Item # 232201. 205~ Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 2670.330, Insurancance and Bonds, the
sum of $820. Item # 2670.33.7, Maintenance of Buildings.
Transfer from Item # 2671.330, Insurance and Bonds, the sum
of $120.00 to Item # 2671.338, Maintenance of Equipment.
Transfer from Item # 3321.102, Salaries, the sum of $443.40
to Item # 3321. 338, Maintenance of Equipment.
Transfer from Item # 2670.330, Insurance and Bonds, the sum
of $66.98 to Item # 2670.203, Materials.
Transfer from Item # 2670.330, Insurance and Bonds, the sum
of $8.37 to Item # 26:10. 341, Co~tractual Services.
Transfer from Item # 3321. 330, ,Insurance and Bonds, the sum
of $18.09 to Item # 3321.341, Contractual Services.
Transfer from Item # 2671.341, Contractual Services, the sum
of $450.00 to Item # 2671. 337, Maintenance of Buildings and
Improvement of Grounds.
Transfer from Item # 3440.102, Salaries, the sum of $180.00
to Item # 3440. 328, Travel~
Transfer from Item # 6102.106, Insurance, the sum of $40.00
to Item # 6102. 338" Maintenance .of Equipment.
Transfer from Item # 3440.205, Office Supplies, the sum of
$10.00 to Item # 3440-.201, Gasoline.
Transfer from Item # 2320.332, Subscription, the sum of $150.00
to Item # 2320.205, Office Supplies.,
Transfer from Item # 2321.402, Capital Outlay Equipment, the
sum of $200. Item # 2321.341, Contractual Services.,
Transfer from Item # 2440.402, Capital Outlay Equipment, the
sum of $25.50 to Newly Created Item # 2440.332, Subscriptions..
Transfer from Item # 2321. 402, Capital Outlay Equipment, the
sum of $200. Item # 2321. 205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 2323.402, Capital Outlay Equipment, the
sum of $20.00 to Item # 2323.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 2671.401, Capital Outlay Buildings, the
sum of $100.00 to Item # 2670.337, Maintenance of Buildings
and Improvement of GrQunds.
Transfer from Item # 5106.402, Capital Outlay Buildings, the
sum of $161.98 .to Ite;n # 5106.340, Utilities.
-12 -
Transfer from Item # 2320.332, Subscriptions, the sum of
$150.00 to Item.# 2320.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 2321. 402, Capital Outlay Equipment,
the sum of $200..00 to Item # 2321.341, Contractual Services.
Transfer from Item # 2440.402, Capital Outlay Equipment"
the sum of $25..50 to Newly Created Item # 2440.332, Subscrip-
Transfer from Item # 2321. 402, Capital Outlay Equipment, the
sum of $200. OOto Item # 2321.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 2323.402, Capital Outlay Equipment, the
sum of $20. pO to Item # 2323.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 2671.401, Capital Outlay Buildings, the
sum of $ Item # 2670.337, Maintenance of Buildings
and Improvement of Grcmnds.
Transfer from Item # 2670.401, Capital Outlay Buildings, the
sum of $500. Item # 2670.337, Maintenance of Buildings
and Improvement of Gro.unds.
Transfer from Item # 5106.402, Capital Outlay Buildings, the
sum of $161. 98 to Item # 5106.340, Utilities.
Transfer from Item # 7201. 205, Office Supplies, the sum of
$10.00 to Item # 7201..340, Utilities.
Transfer from Item # 2671.401, Capital Outlay Buildings, the
sum of $694. OOto Item # 3991. 402, Capital Outlay Equipment.
Transfer from Item # 5106.207, Tools, the sum of $30. 00 to
Item # 5106.201, Gas.oline.
Transfer from Item # 2671.401, Capital Outlay Buildings, the
sum of $100.00 .to Item # 6102.338, Maintenance of Equipment.
Transfer from Item # 2671. 401, Capital Outlay Buildings, the
sum of $50.00 to Item # 2101.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 2323.332, Subscriptions, the sum of
$20.00 to Item # 2323.334, Commissions and Fees.
Transfer from Item # 2991. 328, Travel Allowance, the sum
of $20.00 to Item # 2991.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 6302.402, Capital Outlay Equipment, the
sum cif $4.95 to Item..# 6302.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 5103.339, Transportation, the sum of
$225.00 to Item # 2322.102, Salaries.
Transfer from Item # 5103.339, Transportation, the sum of
$235.00 to Item.# 232-201.102, Salaries.
-13 -
Transfer from Item # 5341. 402, Capital Outlay, the
sum of $185.02 to Item # 5341.102, Salaries.
Transfer frOIr; Item # 2671. 401, Capital Outlay Build-
ings, the sum of $200.00 to Item # 2101. 205, Office
Transfer from Item # 2671. 401, Capital Outlay Build-
ings, the sum of $50.00 to Item # 2440.328, Travel.
Transfer from Item # 2671. 401, Capital Outlay Build-
ings, the sum of $1000.00 to Item # 5221. 30901, Physi-
cians Services.
Transfer from Item # 2671. 401, Capital Outlay Build-
ings, the sum of $100.00 to Item # 2321. 205, Office
Transfer fron; Item # 2671. 401, Capital Outlay Build-
ings, the sum of $10.00 to Item # 2441. 205, Office
Transfer frorY; Item # 2671. 401, Capital Outlay Build-
ings, the sum of $1. 88 to Item # 2441. 205, Office
Transfer from Item # 2671. 401, Capital Outlay Build-
ings, the sum of $10.00 to Item # 2991. 205, Office
Transfer from Item # 6302.212, Demonstration Materials",
the sum of $21. 99 to Item # 6302.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 2671. 401, Capital Outlay Build-
ings, the sum of $268.75 to Item # 3991.402, Capital
Outlay Equipment.
Transfer from Item # 2671. 401, Capital Outlay Build-
ings, the sum of $105.00 to Item # 5220.341, Contract-
ual Service s.
Transfer from Item # 2332.402, Capital Outlay Equip-
ment, the sum of $77.00 to Item # 2332.332, Subscriptions.
Transfer from Item # 2322.402, Capital Outlay Equip-
ment, / the sum of $68.55 to Item # 2322.332, Subs criptions.
Transfer from Item # 5102.309, Medical Services, the sum
of $1. 00 to Newly Created Item # 4200.01, Refuse Disposal.:
Transfer from Item # 232201. 328, Travel, the sum of $54.14
to Item # 232201. 205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 2440.402, Capital Outlay Equipment,
the sum of $10.00 to Item # 2440.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 2671. 401, Capital Outlay Buildings,
the sum of $1, 816.51 to Item # 2101. 335, Communications.
Transfer from Item # 5223.326, Food, the sum of $54.30
to Item # 5223.335, Communications.
Transfer from Item # 5348.328,\ Travel, the sum of $40.32
to Item # 5348.335, Communications.
Transfer from Item # 2671.401, Capital Outlay Buildings, the
sum of $1, ~83. 47 to Item # 2101.'402, Capital Outlay Equipment.
Transfer from Item # 3440.205, Office Supplies, the sum of
$33.80 to Item # 3440.331, Rental.
Transfer from Item # 7201.106, Insurance, the sum of $221.\56
to Item # 7201. 340, Utilities.
Transfer from Item # 2321. 330, Insurance and Bonds, the sum
of $10.00 to Item # 2321.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 2321. 330, Insurance and Bonds, the sum
of $10.00 to Item # 2321.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 2322.107, Workmens Compensation, the
sum of $20.00 to Item # 2322.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 232201. 328, Travel, the sum of $26.71
to Item # 232201.205" Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 2 321. 330, Insurance and Bonds, the sum
of $20.00 to Item # 2.321. 205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 2332.328, Travel, the sum of $89.00 to
Item # 2332.339, Transpottation.
Transfer from Item # 2440.328, Travel, the sum of $ .35 to
Item # 2440.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 2440.107, Workmens Compensation, the
sum of $8.03 to Item,,# 2440.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 2441. 330, Insurance and Bonds, the sum
of $194.12 to Item # 2.441.205, Office Supplies. '
Transfer from Item # 2670.330, Insurance and Bonds, the sum
of $125.00 to Item # 2670.337, Maintenance of Buildings and
Improvement of Grounds.
Transfer from Item # 2670.330, Insurance and Bonds, the sum
of $1,814.71 to Item # 2670.340, Utilities.
Transfer from Item # 2679.330, Insurance and Bonds, the sum
of $83.00 to Item # 2,670.340, Utilities.
Transfer from Item # 2671.401, Capital Outlay Buildings, the
sum of $475.00 to Item # 2671.337, Maintenance of Buildings
and Grounds.
Transfer from Item # 2670.330, Insurance and Bonds, the sum
of $500.00 to Item # 3440.328, Travel.
Transfer from Item # 3440.205, Office Supplies, the sum
of $100.00 to Item # 3440.328, Travel.
Transfer from Item # 3991. 328, Travel, the sum of $273.65
to Item # 3991..402, Capital Outlay Equipment.
Transfer from Item # 5103.339, Transportation, the sum of
$75.00 to Item # 5103.334, Commissions and Fees.
Transfer from Item # 2320.332, Subscriptions, the sum of
$50.00 to Item # 2320-.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 2101.330, Insurance and Bonds, the sum
of $179.)6 to Ite.rn # 2.320.402, Capital Outlay Equipment.
Transfer from Item # 232201.328, Travel, the sum of $382.50
to Item # 232201. 402,.. Capital Outlay Equipment.
Transfer from Item # 5220.107, Workmens Compensation,
the sum of $ .53 to Item # 5220.341, Contractual Services.
Transfer from Item # 2670.207, Tools, the sum of $ .50 to
Item # 2670.204, Miscellaneous Supplies and Expenses.
Transfer from Item # 2670.330, Insurance and Bonds, the sum
of $389.93, to Item # 2670.337, Maintenance of Buildings and
Improvement of GrQunds..
Transfer from Item # 5106.107, Workmens Compensation, the
sum of $30.41 to Item # 5106.201, Gasoline.
Transfer from Item if 2101.102, Salaries and Wages and Other
Expenses, the sum 01 $592.68 to Item # 2101.205, Office_Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 2101. 330, Insurance and Bonds, the sum of
$207.32 to Item. # 21Ul.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 2321.101, Salaries, the sum of $300.00 to
Item # 2320.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 2321.330, Insurance and Bonds, the sum of
$20.00 to Item # 232L.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item if 2441.107, Workmens Compensation, the sum
of $20.00 to Ite.rn if 2.441. 205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 3440.102, Salaries, the sum of $150.00 to
Item if 3440.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item if 2321.101, Salaries, the sum of $49.13 to Item
# 2321.341, ConJract1.+a1 Services.
Transfer from Item # 2671.401, Capital Outlay Building, the sum of
$13,4.09.00 to Item #2101. 402, Capital Outlay Equipment.
Transfer from Item # 2102.205, Office Supplies, the sum of $18.00
to Item # 2102. 3401,.contractual Services.
Transfer from Item # 2321.101, Salaries, the sum of
$138.28 to Item.# 232.1.402, Capital Outlay Equipment.
Transfer from Item # 2321. 101, Salaries, the sum of
$50.00 to Item if 2321.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 232201. 328, Travel, the sum of
$45.00 to Item if 232201.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 5220.102, Salaries, the sum of
$110.00 to Item .# 522..0.341, Contractual Services.
Transfer from Item # 232201.328, Travel, the sum of
$250.00 to Item. If 232201. 402, Capital Outlay Equipment.
Transfer from Item # 6102.106, Insurance, the sum of
$139.25 to Item.# 6102.201, Gasoline.
Transfer from Item # 6102.330, Insurance and Bonds,
the sum of $11.41 to Item # 6102.201, Gasoline.
Transfer from Item # 2670.102, Salaries, the sum of
$200.00 to Item. # 2670.337, Maintenance of Buildings.
Transfer from Item # 3440.102, Salaries, the sum of
$750.00 to Item. # 3440.341, Contractual Services.
Transfer from Item # 5223.102, Salaries, the sum of
$7.72 to Item #.5223..327, Personal Care Items.
Transfer from Item # 6102.330, Insurance and Bonds,
the sum of $220.73 to Item # 6102.337, Maintenance
of Building s..
Transfer from Item # 6102.330, Insurance and Bonds,
the sum of $36..61 to ltem # 6102..338, Maintenance of
Equipment. .
Transfer from Item # 2322.105, Matching Costs, the
sum of $20.00 to Item # 2322.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 2322.105, Matching Costs, the
sum of $19.60 to Itern # 2322.328, Automobile Allow-
ance and Travel..
Transfer from Item # 2671.102, Salaries, the sum of
$135.00 to Item.# 2611.337, Mainenance of Buildings.
Transfer from Item # 2671.102, Salaries, the sum of
$56.76 to Item # 2671:.337, Maintenance of Buildings.
Transfer from Item # 3440.102, Salaries, the sum of
$500.00 to newly created Item # 3440.334, Commis sions
and Fees.
-17 -
Transfer from Item # 3991.102, Salaries, the sum of
$750.00 to Item. # 3440.341, Contractual Services.
Transfer from Item # 2671.401, Capital Outlay Build-
ings, the sum of $3,659.05 to Item # 3440.604, Re-
funds, Current Year Expenses..
Transfer from Item # 5102.309, Medical Services, the
sum of $800. Item # 5102.402, Capital Outlay Equip-
Transfer from Item # 5220.102, Salaries, the sum of
$:500.00 to Item. # 5220.201, Gasoline.
Transfer from Item # 5342.341, Contractual Serivces,
the sum of $69..85 to....Item # 5342.01, DWI Counter Attack
Transfer from Item # 6102.330, Insurance and Bonds, the
sum of $52.10 to Item # 6102.338, Maintenance of Equipment.
Transfer from Item # 6302.102, Salaries, the sum of $11.17
to Item # 6302.201, Gasoline.
Transfer from Item #6302.102, Salaries, the sum of $3.50
to Item # 6302. 338, Maintenance of Equipment.
Transfer from Item # 7201.102, Salaries, the sum of $6.45
to Item # 7201. 337, Maintenance of Buildings.
Transfer from Item # 5223.330, Insurance and Bonds, the
sum of $3.58 to. Item~# 5223. 337,. Maintenance of Buildings.
Transfer from It em # 2671. 401, Capital Outlay Buildings, the
sum of $1,975.69 to Item # 2101. 335, Communications.
Transfer from Item # 5221. 30907, Inpatient Hospital Services,
the sum of $1,827. 70 to Item # 5221. 30901, Physician Services.
Transfer from Item # 5221. 30801, Food and Dietary, the sum
of $3, 142. 71 to Item H 5223. 317, Nursing Homes.
Transfer from Item # 5342.212, Demonstration Materials and
Supplies, the sum oL.$lO. 00 to Item # 5342.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 2101. 338, Maintenance of Equipment, the
sum of $47.00 to Item # 2101. 335, CommLmications.
. . ~
Transfer from Item #5342.341, Contractual Services, the amount of
$197.75 to Item #5342.212, Demonstration Materials & Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 7991.401, Capital Outlay Building,
the sum of $66.13 to Item # 7991.106, Group Insurance.
Transfer from Item # 7991. 328, Travel, the sum of
$106.12 to Item .# 7991.105, Matching Funds.
Transfer from Item # 7991. 102, Salaries, the sum of
$537.62 to Item. # 7991. 402, Capital Outlay Equipment.
Transfer from Item # 7991. 102, Salaries, the sum of
$13.83 to Item # 7991~ 340, Utilities.
Transfer from Item #6212.330, Insurance, the sum of $664.68
to Item #6212.332, Subscriptions.
Transfer from Item # 6212.102, Salaries, the sum of $ll. 94 to
Item # 6212.105, Matching Costs.
Transfer from Item # 6212.102, Salaries, the sum of $1,995.93
to Item # 6212.332, Subscriptions.
Transfer from Item # 6212.212, Demonstration Materials, the
sum of $501. 28 to Item # 6212.332, Subscriptions.
Transfer from Item # 6212.107, Workmens Compensation, the
sum of $147.73 to Item # 6212.332, Subscriptions.
Transfer from Item # 6212.330, Insurance, the sum of $200.00
to Item # 6212.332, Subscriptions.
Transfer from Item # 6212.204, Miscellaneous Supplies, the
sum of $16.11 to Item~# 6212.402, Capital Outlay Equipment.
Transfer from Item # 6212.201, Gasoline, the sum of $172.18
to Item # 6212.332, Subscriptions.
Transfer from Item # 6212.204, Miscellaneous Supplies, the
sum of $105.80 to Item # 6212.332, Subscriptions.
Transfer from Item # 6212.340, Utilities, the sum of $276.68
to Item # 6212.332, Subscxiptions.
Transfer from Item # 6212.331, Rental, the sum of $125.53 to
Item # 6212. 332., Suhscriptions.
Transfer from Item # 6212.331, Rental, the sum of $7.25 to
Item # 6212. 332., Suhscriptions.
Transfer from Item # 6212.205, Office Supplies, the sum of
$30.89 to Item # 6212,.340, Utilities.
Transfer from Item # 6212.328, Automobile Allowance and
Travel, the sum of $-43.68 to Item # 6212.340, Utilities.
Transfer from Item # 6212.329, Dues, the sum of $50.00 to Item
# 6212.340, Utilities ~
Transfer from Item # 6212.330, Insurance, the sum of $57.51 to
Item # 6212.340., Utilities.
Transfer from Item # 6212.331, Rental, the sum of $55.93 to
Item # 6212.340, UtHities.
Transfer from Item # 6212.338, Maintenance of Equipment, the
sum of $15.62 to Itertl # 6212.340, Utilities.
Transfe~ from ItegJ # 6212.338, Maintenance of Equipment, the
sum of $42. 84 to Item # 6212.337, Maintenance of Buildings.
Transfer from Item # 6212.341, Contractual Services, the
sum of $134.17 to Item # 6212.337, Maintenance of Buildings.
Transfer from Item # 6212.338, Maintenance of Equipment,
the sum of $32.42 to..1tem # 6212.337, Maintenance of Build-
Transfer from Item # 6212.339, Transportation Other, the
sum of $56.58 to Item # 6212.337, Maintenance of Buildings.
Transfer from Item # 6212.341, Contractual Services, the
sum of $19.13 to Item # 6212.335, Communications.
Transfer from Item # 6212.341, Contractual Services, the
sum of $ .18 to Item :# 6212.332, Subscriptions.
Transfer from Item # 6212.339, Transportation Other, the
sum of $12.30 to Item # 6212.335, Communications.
Transfer from Item # 7201. 402, Capital Outlay - Equipment,
the sum of $1, 500. OO~to Item # 7201. 340, Utilities.
Transfer from Item # 7201. 205, Office Supplies, the sum of
$48.00 to Item if 7201.341, Contracted Services.
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $1, 795 to~Item # 7201. 330, Insurance.
Transfer from Item # 7201. 337, Maintenance of Buildings. the
sum of $150.00 .to Item # 7201. 338, Maintenance .of Equipment.
Transfer from Item # 7201. 328, Automobile Allowance and
Travel, the sum of $250.00 to Item # 7201. 341-7, Contractual
Transfer from Item # 7201.107, Workmens Compensation, the
sum of $ Ite..m # 7201.102. Salaries.
Transfer from Item # 7201. 106, Group Insurance, the sum of
$303.24 to Item. # 7201.102, Salaries.
Transfer from Item # 7201. 337, Maintenance of Equipment, the
sum of $537. Ite..m # 7201.102, Salaries.
Transfer from Item # 7201. 337, Maintenance of Equipment. the
sum of $180.15 to Item # 7201.105, Matching Costs.
Transfer from Item # 7201. 334 Rental. the sum of $72.95 to
Item # 7201. 402., Capital Outlay Equipment.
Transfer from Item # 7201. 205, Office Supplies, the sum of
$30.00 to newly. created Item # 7201. 332, Subscriptions.
Transfer from Item # 7201. 402, Capital Outlay Equipment, the
sum of $143.00 .to Item # 7201. 330, Insurance.
Transfer from Item # 7201. 337, Maintenance of Buildings, the
sum of $303. Item # 7201. 402, Capital Outlay Equipment.
Transfer from Item # 7201. 201, Gasoline, the sum of $39.39 to
Item # 7201. 337., Maintenance of Buildings.
Transfer from Item # 7201. 402. Capital Outlay Equipment, the
sum of $1,500.00 to :[tem # 7201. 340, Utilities.
Transfer from Item # 7201. 205, Office Supplies, the sum of
$48.00 to Item # 720L. 341, Contracted Services.
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies, the
sum of $1,795. QO to Item # 7201. 330, Insurance.
-2 -
Transfer from Item # 7201. 34-1, Contractual Services, the sum
of $70.00 to Item # 7201. 337, Maini:enance of Buildings.
Transfer from Item # 7201. 340, Utilities, the sum of $56.72 to
Item # 7201. 337., Maintenance of Buildings.
Transfer from Item # 3101. 102, Salaries and Wages, the sum
of $498.16 to Item # 3101. 302,Expenses Other Than Salaries.
Transfer from Item # 3101. 402, Capital Outlay Equipment, the
sum of $336.51 to Item # 3101. 302, Expenses Other Than Salaries.
Transfer from Item # 3101. 102, Salaries and Wages, the sum
of $2,200.00 to Item # 3101. 302, Expenses Other Than Salaries.
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $4,026.105, to Item # 4102.105, Matching Costs.
Transfer from Item # 990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $11,663.45 to Item # 4102.402, Capital Outlay _
Equipment. '
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $100.00 to., Item # 4102.328, Travel.
Transfer from Item # 9990. 701, Re serve for Contingencies,
the sum of $400.00 to Item # 4102.402, Capital Outlay _
Traffic Lights and Other De~ices. '
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $200.00 to Item # 4102.338, Maintenance of Equip-
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $50.00 to,ltem # 3210.338, Maintenance of Equip-
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $300.00 to Item # 4102.337. Maintenance of Build- I
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies, I
the sum of $200.00 to Item # 4102. 201,pasoline.
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $115. 00 to~Item # 3210.402, Capital Outlay Equip-
) \
me~. '
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies.
the sum of $50.00 to ..Item # 4102. 2Q5, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 4102.326, Food and Dietary. the sum
of $25.00 to Item # 4102.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $150.00 to' Item # 3210.338, Maintenance of Equip-
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $15.00 to Item # 3210.338. Maintenance of Equip-
men t.
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $25.00 to~Item # 4102.205, Office Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies.
the sum of $10.00 to -Item # 4102.207. Tools.
Transfer from Item # 9990. 701, ~eserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $68.59 to-Item # 4102.328, Travel.
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $1, 600.00, to Item # 4102.338, Maintenance of
Transfer from Item # 9990.:701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $400..00 to Item # 4102.201, Gasoline.
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $17.00 to Item # 4102.402, Capital Outlay Equip-
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $34..77 to,Item # 4102. 335'l Communications.
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $60..00 to.ltem # 4102.207, Tools.
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $526..91 tQItem # 4102.201, Gasoline.
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $20..00 to.ltem # 3210.340, Utilities.
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $120.00 tQ Item # 4102.20301, Materials _ FRS.
Tra nsfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve fIDr Contingencies,
the sum of $630.00 tQ Item # 4102.20301, Materials _ FRS.
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $13.65 to Item # 4102.335, Communications.
Transfer from Item # 3210.207, Tools, the sum of $61.00
to Item # 3210.338, Maintenance of Equipment.
Transfer from Item # 3210.204, Miscellaneous Supplies, the
sum of $15.00 to Item # 3210.340, Utilities.
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $ 339.81 to Item # 4102.201, Gasoline.
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $104.45 tQ Item # 4102.338, Maintenance of Equip-
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $79..23 to~Item # 3210.338, Maintenance of Equip-
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $ 1,420.21 to Item # 4102.203, Materials.
Transfer from Item # 4102.203-1, Materials, the sum of
$750.00 to Item. # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies.
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $560..76 to Item # 4102.201, Gasoline.
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $100.00 to. Item # 4102.335, Communications.
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $400..00 to Item # 4102.338, Maintenance of Equip-
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $300..00 to Item # 4102.201, Gasoline.
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the usm of $300....00 to Item # 4102.341, Contractual Services.
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Concingencies,
the sum of $100.00 to. Item # 4102.204, Miscellaneous Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $48..93 to-ltem # 4102.204, Miscellaneous Supplies.,
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $500..00 to Item # 4102. 338, Maintenance of Equip-
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $100.00 to. Item # 4102.204, Miscellaneous Supplies.
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $100.00 to. Item # 4102.328, Automobile Allowance
and Travel..
Transfer from Item if 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $300.00 to Item # 4102.337, Maintenance of Buildings.
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $100. 00 to. Item if 3210.338, Maintenance of Equipment.
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $1,115.00 to Item # 4102.341, Contractual Servillres.
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $2,243.00. to Item # 4102.405, Capital Outlay Traffic
Lights Serv.ices.
Transfer from Item # 9990.701, Reserve for Contingencies,
the sum of $150.00 to. Item if 4102.338, Maintenance of Equipment.
said Board be, and he is hereby authorized to take neces sary action to effect
the transfer of funds hereinabove set forth.
DATED September 11,.1973.
Transfer from Item # 4102.332, Subscriptions, the sum of
$39.54 to Item if 4102-. 341, Contracted Services.
Transfer from Item # 3210.207, Tools, the sum of $85.81
to Item # 4102.338, Maintenance .of Equipment.
said Board be, and he is hereby authorized to take necessary action to
effect the transfer of funds hereinabove set forth.
DATED September 11, 1973.