Resolution 125-1973 I( l~_: ~ J tJ 11 I () T\I 1-,; (-' .. 12: ..973 j\U'l'i!O,UZINC TR!\NSFER OF FUI\!DS FHO:-l J'1Ionroe COlJiTI'Y Secondary Trust Funds TO Monroe COUj\ITY Road and Bridge Bond Fund 030 }~ESOLVED that the Department o~ Transportation for the State OF Florida is hereby d irectec1 to trcwsfer as cClcDec1, mon:LCS from ScU.Cl County Secondary Trust Funds -to the Nonroe County Road and Bridge Bond Fund 030 for the purpose of: (Description of Project) S-t;lt2 ,Tal) "No. 90S?O-260l Si-: ~J, ~ai~ C:O~~l'~-~Y Ll~:e ()TI upper E2Y Largo Condemnation Suit in amount of $30,000 ADOPTED In regular seccion this 16th da y 0 f October 1 19 73 BOARD OF COUNTY COyWISSIONERS MONROE COUNTY 1 FLo-q,ID.Z\ BY: l\~e'l'"E S T : Deputy Clerk ..