Resolution 133-1973 I RESOLUTION NO. 133-1973 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, CHANGING THE BOUND- ARIES OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' DISTRICT NO. 1 IN MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA WHEREAS, it is considered necessary and expedient to change the present boundaries of County Commissionersl District No.1 in Monroe County, Florida, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that County Commissioners! District No.1 of Monroe County, Florida, shall comprise all of the territory in the City of Key West, Florida, and the County of Monroe within the following boundaries: Commencing on the center line of White Street projected to the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, and running thence along the center line of White Street to where it intersects the center line of Flagler Avenue; thence at right angles along the center line of Flagler Avenue to where it intersects the center line of 14th Street; thence at right angles along the center line of 14th Street to where it intersects the center line of Roosevelt Boulevard; thence in a Northerly direction along the center line of 14th Street projected to the waters of the Bay, including the islands known as Thompson Island and Key Haven; and all of the Florida Keys up to the West end of Bow Channel Bridge, U. S. Highway No. 1. BE IT FUR THER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that this Resolution be entered in the Minutes of the Board of County Commissioners, and a certified copy thereof be published once each week for four (4) consecutive weeks in the Key West Citizen, a newspaper published in Monroe County, Florida. DATED November 13, 1973. ~ttrttat1! of ~tatt STATE OF FLORIDA THE CAPITOL TALLAHASSEE 32304 (904) 488-3918 RICHARD (DICK) STOlli'E SECRETARY OF STATE November 16, 1973 Honorable Ralph W. White Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners Monroe County "iCey 'Nest, Florida 33040 Dear Mr. White: This will acknowledge receipt of a certified copy of Ivlonroe County Resolution No. 133 -1973, changing the boundaries of County Commissioner's District No. 1. Kind8 st regards. Cordially, RICHARD (DICK) STONE Secretary of State ,. ,~7 '.." / /'>/],1 ~~'1' / f_ .:.Zb::::t:.::::'.1ZC:L~~f By . -. '~ .. ;' v' (I\/Irs.) Nancy Kavanaugh Chief, Bureau of Laws / NK/mb