Resolution 141-1973 RESOLUTION ~';O. 1411973 \'mEREAS, it is necessary to increase itess uTlder tne General R2venU2 Fund of the Monroe County Budget for t~e year 1973 - 74, to account far unanticipated funds received from other Govet":'-,--aentdl :\ge.::,:::ies> QO-..1, there.- fore., BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD 0:2 COlJ?iTY CO~'L:,rrSSImi;::RS OF ='IO::~R.OZ COL?il '['. FLORIDA, as follows: 1. Diat the General Revenue Fund of the iJonroe COClilty .sudget for the year 1973 - 74;be, a.'1d tnesame is hereby increased b~c :::he sum o.E $56,149.36 as follows: (1) There is hereb)T created, under' "Income"- in thee-General Revenue Fund of the Monroe County Budget for the year 1973- -74, an item to beknmm as Item ti1422 Other Gov- eriunenta1Agency, which said item shall cO:ltain the sum of $56,149.36 (2) The follmying increase is hereby authorized under "Ex- penditureslf in the General Revenue FUi:ld of th2 ~'Ionroe County Budget for the year 1973 ~ 74. Item #5221.309.04 Item tt5221.309.07 Outpatient Services Inpatient Hospital Services $ 28,074.00 $ 28,075.36 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BO.~RD that the Clerk of said 30ard b~, and that upon receipt of the above unanticipated funds, he is ner20y eut:hor- ized and directed to place said funds in said iteBs, a3 set forth above. DATED November 27, 1973.' ~) I~