Resolution 144-1973....... ....... .............. I ........ ...... ' 'RESOLUTION N0:144'=1g73'' ........ ....... .............. ........ .... ... I ... ...... RRSGIT.TTTTGTN TPATT(ZV'PRRTI\TL`_ VT.TNT)Q . WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commissioners of Mon- roe County; .Florida, to m' ake. budgeted'. transfers previously set up in thee. Monroe Coiinty .Budget . for the year 1973 .74,'. and . to. create new'..items under said.Budget; now,:therefore, BE IT RESOLVED.BY.THE.BOARD.OF COUNTY.CO11,JMISSIONERS.OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA) that the'budgeted'.transfers previously set up in the Monroe County. Budget'.for the. year 1971•74,.in the.amounts hereinafter.set forth..be.trans- ferred.torand from the following accounts: ................................... : GENERAL'REVENUE . FUND . Transfer'from.Item # 2441.207, Tools and Sma11-Implements; the'. sum of.$2.7.35..to.newly created..Item.4 2441..204','Miscellaneous Supplies'. Transfer. from'.Item.4 9990.701, Contingency; the. sum of_ $500'.00. . to Item.#..3440.604.,.Refund.Current.Year. Transfer.from Item '# 9990..701" Reserve for Contingencies; the'. sum of .#3OOo00. to Item # 5222.102',. Salaries: Transfer.from.Item'# 9990..701', Reserve for Contingencies; the.'. sum of ' $29•.40'. 'to.. ItemJ 5222.105, Matching Costs: Transfer'.' from . Item-# 9990.. 701', Contingency; the' sum of ':$500'. 00. '. to.Item # 2101.331'; Rentals. Transfer from Item.# 9990'..701, Contingency;.the.sum.of $240.00. to -newly created'..Item # 2560.'201','Gasoline, Transfer from Item.-# 9990..701', Contingency, the sum.of'$888.53 to Item.#:2211'.330',.Insurance and Bonds. ................................ ........... FINE AND'FORFEITURE:.FUND: Transfer: from Item # 9990:. 701=; Reserve for Contir. encs; the'. slim of $171.0o to.Item'# 6211.332,:Subscriptions: L BE.IT.FURTHER.RESOLVED'.BY.SAID.BOARD.that the Clerkof said Board be;'and ..he.is hereby: authorized' to. take.iiecessary'action to. effect the transfer'.,of :funds hereinafter'. set' forth: DATED December.4,:1973�.'.