Resolution 023-1972
WHEREAS, the Zoning Board of Monroe County, Florida~ at a public
hearing on October 22~ 1971, duly called and held in accordance with the
zoning regulations of Mcnroe County, Florida, and the laws of the State of
Florida, considered the request of WESTERN CORRAL CORPORATION for
change of zoning on Lot 5, Section of North Sugarloaf Acres and Unrecorded
Plat of Survey located in Section 25, Township 66 South, Range 27 East
(Sugarloaf Key) from Clas sification GU to Variance as defined in the Monroe
County Zoning Regulations for a one year period renewable annually thereafter
at the discretion of the Monroe County Zoning Director, and
WHEREAS, after taking testimony and hearing all persons desiring'
to be heard, said Board granted said request, and
WHEREAS, DIXIE FORREST AL filed an appeal with the Board of
County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, in accordance with the
laws applicable thereto, asking said Board to reverse the decision of the
Zoning Board, and
WHEREAS, on the 22nd day of February, 1972, the Board of County
Commissioners held such appeal and the said DIXIE FORRESTAL appeared
on her behalf, and after hearing all interested persons and after reviewing
the record and proceedings and action taken at said public hearing on
October 22, 1971, voted to uphold the decision of said Zoning Board, and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to pass a Resolution upholding the
decision of said Zoning Board, now, therefore,
OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the decision of the Zoning Board~
made at its public hearing on October 22, 1971, granting the request of
WESTERN CORRAL CORPORATION for change of zoning on Lot 5, Section
of North Sugarloaf Acres and Unrecorded Plat of Survey located in Section 25,
Township 66 South, Range 27 East (Sugarloaf Key) from Classification GU
to Variance as defined in the Monroe County Zoning Regulations for a one
year period renewable annually thereafter at the discretion of the Monroe
County Zoning Director, be, and the same is hereby upheld, and the appeal
filed by1he said DIXIE FORRESTAL, requesting the Board of County Commis-
sioners to reverse the decision of said Zoning Board, be, and the same is
hereby denied.
Dated March 14, 1972.