Resolution 049-1972
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wife, POLLY BASSETT, by DARR YL F . SHELEY, their attorney-in-fact,
desires to convey certain lands to the COUNTY OF MONROE, STATE OF
FLORIDA, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, for road purposes,
COUNTY, FLORIDA desires to accept such conveyance, now, therefore
OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the following described lands in
Monroe County, Florida, to-wit:
A portion of Tract E, Port Largo, a subdivision in Section
33, Township 61 South, Range 39 East on Key Largo,
Monroe County, Florida, according to a map or plat
thereof recorded in Plat Book 5 at Page 3 of the Public
Records of Monroe County, Florida being more particu-
larly described as follows: From the intersection of the
Northeasterly prolongation of the Northwesterly side of
Homestead Avenue with the Northeasterly side of Atlantic
Boulevard as shown on the said Port Largo plat, run
Northeasterly along the said prolongation for 318.27 feet;
thence deflect 90000'00" to the right and run Southeasterly
for 50.00 feet; thence deflect 90000'00" to the right and
run Southwesterly for 293.27 feet to a point of curvature;
thence run Southwesterly, Southerly and Southeasterly along
the arc of a curve to the left of radius 25.00 feet for
39.27 feet to a point of tangency; thence run Northwesterly
along the Northeasterly side of the said Atlantic Boulevard
for 75.00 feet to the place of beginning.
A portion of Tract E of Port Largo, a subdivision in Section
33, Township 61 South, Range 39 East on Key Largo,
Monroe County, Florida, according to the plat thereof,
recorded in Plat Book 5 at Page 3 of the Public Records of
Monroe County, Florida, more particularly described as
follows: From the point of intersection of the centerline
of Atlantic Boulevard with the centerline of Caribbean Drive,
as shown on said plat, run N 1035'50" E 710.00 feet; thence
run N 88024' 10" W for 30.00 feet to the point of curvature
of a circular curve concave to the Southwest and the Point
of Beginning of the parcel hereinafter described; thence run
along the arc of said curve, having for its elements a radius
of 25.00 feet and a central angle of 90000'00" for 39.27 feet
to the point of reverse curvature with a circular curve con-
cave to the Northeast; thence run along the arc of said curve
having for its elements a radius of 253. 72 feet and a central
angle of 4501411011 for 200.32 feet to the point of tangency;
thence run N 43010'0011 W for 802.53 feet to the point of
intersection with the Southeasterly Right of Way line of
Old State Road No.4-A; thence run N 46050tOO" E along
said Southeasterly Right of Way line for 50.00 feet;
thence run S 430 10-t0011 E for 802.53 feet to the point
of curvature of a circular curve concave to the Northeast;
thence run along the arc of said curve, having for its
elements a radius of 203. 72 feet and a central angle of 450 14t
10", for 160.84 feet to the point of a compound curvature
with a circular curve concave to the Northwest, thence run
along the arc of said curve having for its elements a
radius of 25.00 feet and a central angle of 90000' 00" for
39.27 feet to the point of tangency; thence run S 10 35t50" W
for 100.00 feet to the Point of Beginning.
A portion of Tract E, Port Largo, a subdivision in Section
33, Township 61 South, Range 39 East on Key Largo,
Monroe County, Florida, according to a plat thereof,
recorded in Plat Book 5 at Page 3 of the Public Records of
Monroe County, Florida, more particularly described as
follows: From the intersection of the Northeasterly pro-
longation of the Northwesterly side of Homestead Avenue
with the Northeasterly side of Atlantic Boulevard, as
shown on the said Port Largo plat, run S 43010'00" E along
the said Northeasterly side of Atlantic Boulevard for 225.00
feet to a point of curvature and the Point of Beginning of the
herein described parcel of land; from the said Point of
Beginning, run Southeasterly, Easterly and Northeasterly
along the arc of a curve to the left, of radius 25.00 feet for
39.27 feet to a point of tangency; thence run N 46050'00"
E for 893.27 feet; thence run S 430 10tOO" E for 75.00 feet
to a point of curvature; thence run Northwesterly, Westerly
and Southwesterly along the arc of a curve to the left, of
radius 25.00 feet for 39.27 feet to a point of tangency; thence
run S 46050'00" W for 868.27 feet to a point of curvature;
thence run Southwesterly, Southerly and Southeasterly along
the arc of a curve to the left, of radius 25.00 feet for 39.27
feet to a point of tangency on the said Northeasterly side of
Atlantic Boulevard; thence run N 43010100" W along the
said Northeasterly side of Atlantic Boulevard for 100.00
feet to the Point of Beginning.
A portion of Tract E of Port Largo, a subdivision in Section
33, Township 61 South, Range 39 East on Key Largo,
Monroe County, Florida, according to the plat thereof,
recorded in Plat Book 5 at Page 3 of the Public Records of
Monroe County, Florida, and being an extension of Caribbean
Drive, as shown and described on the plat of Port Largo,
Third Addition, as recorded in Plat Book 6, at Page 58 of
the said Public Records, and being more particularly
described as follows: From the Northwest corner of
Lot 311, according to said Plat Book 6, Page 58 run
N 1035t50" E along a Northerly prolongation of the
Easterly Right of Way line of the said Caribbean Drive
for 240.00 feet; thence run N 880 24t 1011 W for 60.00 feet;
thence run S 1035'50" W for 240.00 feet; thence run S
880 24t 10" E for 60.00 feet to the Point of Beginning.
being deeded by KENNETH B. BASSETT, TRUSTEE, joined by his wife,
POLLY BASSETT, by DARR YL F. SHELEY, their attorney-in-fact, to
MONROE COUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA, a political subdivision of the
State of Florida, for road purposes, be, and the said conveyance is hereby
accepted and approved, and the Chairman and Clerk of said Board be, and
they are hereby authorized to execute the necessary acceptance on said
deed of conveyance, and cause same to be recorded in the Public Records
of Monroe County, Florida.
DATED May 16, 1972.